Chapter 11

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"Home sweet home."

Juliyah smiled at me."Did you two make up."

The way She smiled made me feel light.It was nice to be with her again."Yeah.We did.Kinda."

"Good!"She hurried me to my room and sat me down."The semester is almost over rose.How are your grades doing?"

I shrugged."Avereage."

"Really only avereage.Well for you that's amazing."

I would've been annoyed by the fact that I'm a known scatter brain but something else grabbed my attention."You will not believe how much Cami naggs me about my work.Everytime.Everytime Jay."

"Is that so."

"Yeah.Oh and he eats like he's from the jungle.Its. scary.I never want to see him in his natural habitat again."I shivered.

She was seperating my dirty cloths.She laughed."His natural habitat."

"Yup.After he eats the while frige he excecises like a maniac.Takes a shower.Sit for five minutes eat again and go excercise.Its a never ending cycle.He also told me this really lame ghost story yesterday."

She headed down stairs I followed her still talking.

"It was about this old lady and her grand son who lived together.Aloooooone"I mimcked his weird ghost howl." The old lady fell and bumped her head.The gradson called the doctor and the doctor said nothing at all because they were both dead.That's it!"

"That's it?"

"Yeah.That.I could've done better."

"You didn't cry?"


A thought drifted through my head.I did cry.But not because of that.I cried out of anger and sadness.We were folding her laundry when She commented on my eagerness.

"I'm just happy to be home."

"Awwww."She tightly hugged me."By the way Cami took a picture of your and sent it to me.I love your hair like this."

I looked at her phone.When did he take this?"Oh.Angel did it.Its his cousin."

Her eyes opened up completely."You let a stranger touch you.Let alone your hair."

It was kind of surprising."Yeah.He's just so different .I felt really comfortable with him .I actually wanted to ask you that ."

She stopped folding and watched me ." You want to know why you like him ."

I nodded.

She paused for a minute." What do you feel when you're around him."

I shrugged"I feel comfortable."

"Well do you like him lik.. like him."

I shook my head quickly." Oh no!I only want the D "How could she even question that.

Her eyes almost popped out of its socket ." You wants what ?"

"The D.It's me and Cami's code name for Dewon."

She was silent for a while .Then she laughed uncontrollably ." Really?Wait you told him about Dewon?"

I shook my head fast." Of course not he figured it out."

."Your good friends.Im glad.I'm so proud of you."

"He calls me bestie."

"That's cute.So is he trying to get you and angel together?"

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