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It was already late when Josh left. I watched him laughing and talking with mum from a corner. They looked so happy with each other, I thought. Just like he guessed, mum fixed him a great meal.
When I was tired of looking at them secretly, I walked in and sat down and was about to join in the gist when my phone rang.
"Hello, Rachel" I said, then listened. When I heard the voice over the phone I swore, but when I listened further my eyes popped open and I yelled "don't you dare!" But it was already late. Nobody was at the other end anymore.
"What's wrong?" Mum asked puzzled.
Josh held me and looked into my face "what's wrong babe?" He asked.
"Its Anna, she is on her way here" I said

Anna's POV

Immediately I left that cursed station, I rushed into my car with tears almost running down me eyes. I was sad and broken, but at the same time I didn't want Ken to realise the truth, from the look in his eyes he would most certainly strangle me. I dabbed at my eyes and wore more powder, I wasn't going to let him out today. He was just a big asshole, he had told me things like I was beautiful and thinking of it now, he never said anything about us having a future together. Looking at it now, it was like our future ended yesterday. I hit my wheels as I wept some more.
I took out my phone and the first person that came into my mind to call was that crazy bitch, my sister. She sure deserved what I was about bringing to her. So I picked up my phone dialled her number and when I heard her voice, the voice that had always pissed me off I said angrily "I am on my way to your nice little house, I have some news for you" I said dryly, I heard her begin to say something but I wasn't in the mood to listen to her whining, so I dropped and smiled warmly to myself. "Let's go make some people's life miserable, shall we?" I said and hit the road.

Rachel's POV

I stared at mum who sensed the danger. Josh looked from one person to another.
"Josh uhmm, I think you should..." My voice trailed off. I could see the pity and sadness in Mum's eyes.
Josh nodded "I should probably get going" he said rising up. He bent over to me and kissed me on the lip "keep your phone close, call me in case of anything I will be here in two" he said
I smiled sadly "I'm sorry our evening ended this way" I said
"Which means you'll make it up to me tomorrow evening, get ready" he winked at me then headed for the door. I hugged him and before he left, he mouthed "I love you just the way you are Sunshine, peaceful" he said, landed me another kiss on my lips. In as much as I loved his little lovey dovey, I wanted him to leave as fast as possible. So I told him I loved him too and pushed him away, before he could think of another love line to recite, I banged the door shouting "I'm sorry love" over the door.

Twenty minutes later, Anna banged on the door. I preferred to let her in, then let her do whatever she wanted to do so fast before I walked her out. It wasn't always as easy as it sounded.
"Why the hell are you banging on my door like that!" I yelled rushing to open the door.
She walked in smiling mischievously. "Shut it sis" she said proudly. Recently she had taken such great pride in being a piece of shit.
I flared up "you're in my house and you'll give me some respect Annabel or I will walk your dirty, all used ass out of my house!" I yelled.
I saw shock flash momentarily on her face, it was so fast but I had seen it.
Mum walked out, her face red.
"Rachel" she said tapping my shoulder. I calmed down, but she took over.
"What do you want Anna?" She asked dryly
She laughed "oh here comes our holy mother" she clapped her hands "coming over to visit the good seed, oh my bad. I must so bad nobody even calls me on phone"
"If they had called, you would probably be in bed moaning under some dirty local boy" I spat in disdain.
Rachel's face lit up in anger "but I am the one who is pregnant"
I laughed in mockery "hello baby mama" I waved at her.
Mama shot a glance at me to stop, I ignored her.
"Yet you've had like a dozen boyfriends in less than five years" she said "you've achieved nothing!"
"Well getting pregnant for a man who doesn't think you deserve him is a curse" I snapped "don't feel you're blessed.
She turned red and came closer "what if I proved you wrong, what if I let you know he tells me about how much he loves me each passing day?" She mocked
"Then you can do with a little bit of truth" I said, my smile broader "That man you think you're carrying his child doesn't give a damn about you. He only loves you when you have no clothes on, get ready to do all the parenting alone. You've always been an asshole, that's why every one is abandoning you" I spat, she drew back.
"Rachel?" She asked shakily. Mum held me urging me to stop now, I still ignored her. "I bet when that poor child grows, he will leave you like everyone else!"
She lifted up her hands to slap me, I held her wrist "the next time you try this I will make sure you'll have no hands to hold your child" the look in my eyes told her I wasn't bluffing. I let her go

"now turn around and walk out. The next time you walk into my house, I will call the cops and charge you for trespassing" I yelled. Mum stood watching us in horror.
She shrugged "you might want to learn where your ex boyfriend is, but unfortunately you won't get it from me, not anymore"
"What you do with him is your fucking business, now out!" I didn't anymore orders for her before she turned and started swinging her hips in a smooth and sexy smile, before she exited the door, she turned and stared at me then clicked her tongue and left.
I banged the door with a loud and frustrated "Ah!"
"Rachel I think..." Mum began
I smiled at her weakly cutting what she was saying off "I think its good now, I need to sleep. Good night" I said and hurried up. I knew she would be staring after me with her jaw dropped but right now, I didn't care about anyone else but myself.

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