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Grayson's pov:

"Who do you have invited so far?" I ask Ella.

"My parents, my sisters Aneta and Lana, your parents, Ethan, Cameron, Your cousins, your grandmas, my grandpa, my cousins, and a few family friends of both of ours."

"Sounds good," I say. I'm a little hesitant about her parents coming because I know that they are very strict. She told me they didn't handle her being pregnant well at all, so the fact that she's getting married at 19 will probably not please them.

"Are your parents ya know...mad about this?" I ask nervously.

"About what?" She hums. "The wedding."

Her face instantly turns from happy to worried. "I haven't told them yet. I guess they'll find out when they get the invitation."

"It'll be ok," I reassure her, placing my hand over hers. She nods and smiles, and begins emailing the invitations to our guests.


Ella's pov:

It's been about three days since the invitations were sent, and I'm so nervous about how my parents are going to react.

When I told them I was pregnant they kicked me out and didn't talk to me for 4 months. They refused to meet Ava until 6 months after I gave birth to her, and they hate her. They say she 'ruined our family'

Aneta, who's a year older than me, isn't treated much better than me, but they still like her more than me. Aneta and I have been best friend since I can remember. She'll always be my favorite sister. And then there's Lana. My 16 year old bitch of a sister, the 'star of our family'.

I hear 3 harsh knocks on the door, breaking me out of my trance. I open the door revealing none other than my parents and Twat. Did I say Twat? I meant Lana.

Ava runs away and hides behind the couch, as she's scared of my parents and Lana.

"What do you want?" I groan.

"What the hell is this!?" My mom shouts, shoving a printed copy of Gray and I's wedding invitations.

"Wedding invitations." I say.

"You are not getting married at 19 years old! First, you open your legs to some man when you're in high school, he knocks you up and you get bloody pregnant! You're a whore who doesn't know when enough is enough! You are a disgrace to this family!" My dad shouts.

I hear Ava begin to cry, and Gray picks her up, and runs out of the room.

"Oh yeah!? Says the one who raised me to be like this! Maybe I wouldn't be such a 'whore' if you were actually there for me, instead of spoiling this hoe!" I point to Lana and she scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Your sisters are the most darling girls, and you? You are garbage! I should've dropped you on some family's doorstep the moment you were born!" My mom shouts.

"Well you should've! Any family would be better than this!" I scream.

"Now get the hell out of my house before I call the cops," I say, shoving the door in their face.

I begin to cry hysterically, and Gray comes rushing in the room to comfort me.

"Shhhhh," he coos. "They just wish they were as strong as you," he says. His words are comforting, and I feel myself begin to relax.

"I don't want them to come to the wedding anymore." I say, wiping my teary eyes.

"I don't want them to come either!" Grayson yells and throws his hands up, making me giggle.

"By the way, my parents really want to meet you and Ava. I've told them so much about you and my whole family is so excited to have you as apart of our family. My mom screamed when she found out I was getting married," Grayson chuckles.

I nod my head, and stand up and shakily walk into my room.

I curl up in my bed, and hug my pillow. I can feel tears begin to line my eyes, and I can't help but let it all out. My sobs get louder and louder. So loud that I can't breathe anymore.

My sobs turn into screams, and Grayson rushes into the room.

All I can hear is ringing and my vision gets blurred. I can faintly hear myself screaming and crying as Grayson shouts into the phone.

Suddenly, everything goes black.


Grayson's pov:

My heart races as the sound of sirens blare down our street. Paramedics rush into the apartment, and begin to check Ella's  pulse.

They lift her onto a stretcher, and board her into the back of an ambulance.

Ava hasn't spoke a single word, probably out of shock. I wipe her tear stained cheeks and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Who are you guys to Ella?" A paramedic asks.

"I'm Ella's fiancé, and this is our daughter." Our daughter. Boy does it feel good to say that.

He tells us to climb into the ambulance with her, and we follow the paramedic to the back of the ambulance.

People begin to step out of their houses to see what's going on. I place my warm sweaty hand into Ella's, and chills go through my whole body at the touch of Ava's snow cold skin.

Her face is as white as the moon, and I can't tell if she's breathing or not. I place my head on her chest, and I hear her heart beating slowly.

Relief wipes my body clean.

"Mommy's gonna be ok," I whisper. Ava nods her head and grips Ella's hand tightly. She grabs my hand with her other hand, and I place a kiss on her head.

We're going to be ok.


Long chapter wooooot!

My best friend came up with the idea for this chapter, so prompts her! Follow her alice-cat

Don't forget to hit that star! ⬇️


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