Chapter 17 -Madara and Kabuto

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Chapter 17

*Kijai POV*

It's been a week .... It was extremely boring 😫. I asked if the hell army could help with the ninja war , but the hard headed Tsuchikage said that they'll be fine....

Meh, it's not my war anyway.....

It was super quiet in the mansion , Akari went to heaven for a bit because she has tons of paper work that he hasn't done in two months,Itachi was apparently reanimated by Kabuto so he's gonna be gone a while.....

Now that I think about it I haven't seen Kabuto in ages , I might pay him a visit actually , since I have nothing to do....

I called a maid and told her to get Ichiro ready . I was already changed into some casual black clothes : black shorts , a white belt , a black crop top and some knee high black boots.

"Kijai-sama , Ichiro-kun is bathed , fed , nappy changed and dressed!" The young maid informed me.

"Arigato ! I appreciate your help! Take a break , you look knackered!" I suggested , it was a pain to get Ichiro ready , he was always fidgeting.....

She flushed red and rubbed the back of her neck , "hehe anything for Kijai-sama! And arigato! I'll make the most of my break!" The maid thanked excitedly as she went to her break.

Ichiro was wearing a black baby suit of course , he looked adorable !!!!

I attached the Baby carrier onto my body and strapped Ichiro in.

I left a not for Akari , telling her where we are.

I opened a portal , "Mama's gonna visit an old friend , okay?" I explained to the baby.

He just simply nodded , I just assumed that he understood. I wrapped my body with a cloak with a loose hood , which also covered Ichiro , who was on my back.

I entered the ninja world , it was really gloomy .... How depressing.

I was good friends with Kabuto , I met him through Sasori , before he died , when Kabuto was his spy.

I could instantly sense his chakra , no matter how much he tried to hide it. It was coming from deep within a forest , where I assumed the war was.

I followed his chakra , which eventually led to a dark mysterious cave. I entered the dark tunnel , my footsteps echoed throughout the cave , my shoes tapping the damp ground.

I chuckled slowly at myself , the cave reminded me of the cave near Konoha which I stayed in....

The chakra was strong when I reached a dome shaped wall, using my earth control I took door shaped piece of the wall out , making a perfect sized entrance.

Instantly , there was a kunai held to my throat.

"How did you find me???? and who are you ???" Kabuto hissed ,he changed ALOT but I could still see the Kabuto I knew inside of him.

I took off my hood and pouted.

"Awww mama's old friend doesn't remember her..... that's so disappointing , right Ichiro-kun?" I turned my head to see Ichiro's face peeking from the cloak.

"Gehhhh~~~~~" Ichiro agreed.

"Kijai?" Kabuto asked as he lowers the kunai that was at my throat.

"Yes?" I answered , my head turning back to him , I put make the stone that fitted into the hole in the wall and sat down on the ground.

"What are you doing here anyway ?" he asked as he sat down as well.

"I'm just paying a visit , and for you to meet my baby Ichiro , Ichiro this is Kabuto" I introduced Ichiro to Kabuto , I took him out of the baby carrier and held him infront of Kabuto's face.

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