Chapter 22 - The Wild dog pack - Emperor Tattoos

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A wet substance was licking my palm, a warm breeze hit my face ....... I hear soft rustling of leaves with the blades of grass tickling my skin......

Where did I sleep again????

I slowly opened my eyes, for my red pupils to meet bright grey and yellow eyes???.....wait.....Nightfall?!?!!

"Good morning Milady" Nightfall greeted with a smile on her face.
"Where am I ???? and how did I get here????" I bursted , I couldn't hold it , I had to ask questions.

"In the territory of the Wild Dog pride of course!" Nightfall laughed , I haven't seen her this happy for so long , she must've really missed her home....

Behind her a lake and a waterfall stood with big rocks accompanying it , wolves , hyenas and wild dogs played/ate/relaxed near the source of water , whilst pups wrestled in the grass.

"Wahhh......" I gasped in awe and the refreshing sight.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Nighfall sighed .
I nodded and stood up , dusting the grass from my clothes.

"we need you to get training as soon as possible so that you can become stronger in a short period of time, are you ready to start now , or do you need more time to rest?" Nightfall asked seriously, she was my guardian , a summoning and a friend who swore to protect me.

"Bring it on !" I grinned as I cracked my stiff knuckles.
"You never change" she chuckled at my liveliness.

"Your new clothes are at the rocks , since your clothes are covered in blood and are really torn" Nightfall informed me.

Now that I think about it... my clothes are pretty gross right now.....

I looked down at the dirt covered clothes , which was badly torn with patches of dry blood.

"Hehehe cheers Nightfall" I thanked her as I walked with my new clothes in my hands towards some bushes so that I could change in peace.

I changed into my new clothes which was :
- fishnet leggings
- denim fretted shorts with black studs
- white vest crop top
- black zip up hoodie
- blue high tops - shoes
- black leather studded fingerless gloves

I also tied up my hair to avoid it flying to my mouth , the stomach revealing top showed all of my tattoos I had so far.... I look like a total tattoo freak 😂.

I stepped out of the bushes , but Nightfall wasn't there......well shiz.
Using my sharingan which now I realised that I haven't used it in ages!
Probably cuz it reminds me too much of HIM. that's right . Obito bastard's nickname is HIM.

I followed small traces of Nightfall's dark energy, I jumped on branches precisely as I followedNightfall's tracks, why did she ditch me??????

Hmm..... must be a trial or somethin...

As I followed , the forest's atmosphere became humid and the trees looked tall and ancient.

Where am I ?????? I wondered as I observed my surroundings.

Up ahead I saw a black creature , NIGHTFALL FINALLY!

"YAH!!! NIGHTFALL!!!" I called as I waved. The creature turned around, shit , that ain't nightfall.
It's eyes had been torn out , its face looks like it's been mutated between a bore , a baboon and a snake.

Shivers ran up my spine, but due to my good reflexes , I turned quickly onto my heel and legged it.
"GRRRRUUUAHHHAAAA!!!" the beats roared as it ran to me with no hesitation.

"KURIA NOROI!!!" I summoned as blood dripped from my thumb and onto the ground.
The beast froze in confusion , clueless on what was going on, I leaped out of the smoke and charged at the beast , the beast charged as well ready for a powerful attack.

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