Chapter 11 - CROWNED

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*kijia pov*

I woke up to see the bright sun hitting my face. I groaned still dazed by sleep , I stood up and I took a nice cool relaxing shower afterwards I got changed into the usual clothes of : an off shoulder top with bandages around my neck , wrists and fists and with black shorts with mesh leggings.
I packed mostly Ichiro's stuff like his nappies , bottles ,loads of toys and story books.

I had about 2 huge suitcases of stuff for Ichiro...... I have to admit....Ichiro is one spoilt baby. I walked over silently to the small crib with stood near my bed with the little sleeping baby snoring within it.

"Wake up Ichiro.....we're going to mommy's home today....." I whispered to Ichiro , my lips near his ear .I poked his nose playfully and smiled at his reaction, he sneezed and covered his nose with his little hands, which was adorable.

I picked him up from under the arms and sniffed his nappy and scrunched my nose in disgust.
"Phoooo! you are one stinky baby!" I commented as he pouted and blew a bubble. "Mu Mu!" oh that's so cute he knows how to say ma ma....... WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?

I looked at him whilst he giggled and played with my cheeks. "Ichiro....who am I ?" I asked him not really expecting him to answer.

He pointed at me "Mu mu!!!" he replied as he clapped in excitement.
"That's my boy!" I praised him as I kissed his forehead.

I laid him down on his back on the soft king sized bed. As I was trying to change his nappy he kept on turning away as I get distracted.

He giggled and drooled slightly as he turned over , stopping me from changing his nappy.....this kid gets on my nerves.....
"Oh no ya don't !" I scolded him as I turned him back over and quickly changed him.

"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" I cheered as I fist pumped at my success at changing Ichiro's nappy.
I changed him into casual clothes and went downstairs to smell the aroma of breakfast filling my nose.

Akari was cooking at the hob with Plated set on the table with Ichiro's mushy breakfast in my baby seat.
Akari smiled when she saw a rather exhausted Ichiro.

"Hai Onee-san! hewwo lil babeh Ichi !" Akari waved as she smiled at Ichiro.
"Huh?" Ichiro asked as he pointed at Akari.
"Oh, that's your Auntie Akari" I told him, he smiled and waved at Akari , she waved in response.

"Ani Atari!" He giggled happily as he clapped. We quickly ate breakfast and cleaned the house inside and out.
ok.... I confess now.... I only cleaned about 20% of the house whilst Akari cleaned 80%. She's a tidy freak so I couldn't really stop her -_-

I summoned Nightfall then I hooked up a baby carrier on her.
"So this is my purpose now....? to carry a baby.....?" She asked me in a disappointed tone.

"No Nightfall. On your back you re carrying the future of the kingdom. And you will be the saviour with when we get ambushed I trust you to run to the kingdom and to keep Ichiro safe if I can no longer be should play your role with honour Nightfall..... my decisions are never meaningless....remember that" I retaliated seriously.

Nightfall's eyes widened "y-yes milady.....I'm sorry for underestimating your actions......" She apologised with her head lowered. "It's fine" I told her as I opened the portal outside in our porch. I slipped a asleep Ichiro onto Nightfall's furry back within the Baby carrier.

"death style: Portal of the afterlife!" I declared as I did multiple unknown hand signs which didn't originate in this world.
A swirl of purple , black and blue electricity circled and twisted and created a portal.

I took a step , but then.
"KIJAI-SAN!!!!!! WAIT!!!!!" a voice called, Naruto? what's he doing here?

I turned around with the two heavy suitcases at my feet, I saw Naruto, Gaara, Kakashi , Lee , Kiba ,Akamaru,Neji, Choji, Tenten ,Shikamaru ,Hinata and Sakura running towards us.

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