Chapter 8- The little blessing

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*kijai POV*

I was walking towards the Konoha hospital every month or so to check on the baby who was growing healthily.

I managed to.....well I mean Akari managed to keep me away from bacon and unhealthy foods for the baby's sake, she was gonna make a Great parent if she has kids.

I was in the waiting room, expecting to be called into a room to check on the baby.

"Kijai Zubiqan room 10 please" the receptionist calls through the microphone.

My stomach was pretty big now.... But I hid it from everyone using a transformation jutsu, but I showed it infront of Akari and the doctors and nurses.

I opened the door to room 10 and I see Lady Tsunade , Sakura , Naruto , Kiba, Kakashi and Akari.

"Uhhhh.... hey guys? what are you doing here????" I ask curiously standing at the open door.

"I'm your doctor Kijai-chan" Lady Tsunade replies smiling, I smile back at my doctor for the day.

"You can release your jutsu now Kijai-chan" Kakashi suggests bluntly.

I nod releasing the jutsu, causing everyone in the room to go wide eyes at my big stomach.

I lay down on the hospital bed. They all watch carefully as Tsunade presses her hand gently on my stomach, the baby kicks in my womb.

"It's kicking! eeeeeeee how exciting!!!" Sakura and Ino screams looking at my stomach.

The boy back away slightly weirded out, I guess they've never seen someone pregnant before......

Tsunade's eyes widen as she presses on my stomach again. I felt it....Oh my FUCKING KAMI THAT HURT!

"Ahhhhh!!!" I scream gripping the blankets with a trickle of sweat rolling down my face.

"What's happening Granny Tsunade!?" Naruto panics.

"SHE'S IN LABOUR!" Tsunade screams calling for doctors and nurses.

Everyone's eyes widen as I scream at the intense pain. "Akari you may come to the surgery room because you are family" the doctor invites Akari , she nods putting on the mask and body suit.

I hear the rattling of the hospital bed as they race down the hallway to the surgery room.

"AHHHHH!!! FUCK!!!!!!" I swear as I feel my water break. Akari holds my hand with support, "Push Onee-chan! PUSH!" she screams.

*third person POV* Naruto calls everyone , except Gaara because he has returned to the sand village.

"AHHHHH!!!!! FUCK!!!!"

All our heads turn to the surgery room,

"It sounds intense in there....." Kiba gulps nervously.

"Of course Kiba baka! how about you try squeezing a watermelon out an apple size hole?!" Ino argues hitting Kiba on the head.

" I have respect for woman all of sudden....." Kakashi states.

"Why?" Lee and Gai ask.

"Well they do have to carry 2 pounds of weight on their stomach for 9 months or so......." Sakura adds.

*kijai POV*

"Push Onee-chan! PUSH!" Akari screams.

I glare at her "ITS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS!" I scream pushing as hard as I can.

"Miss keep pushing! the baby is almost out!" the surgeon suggests.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IM DOING HUH!? TAKING A SWIM!?!?!?!?!?!" I complain stubbornly at the doctor.

"ONE MORE PUSH! A BIG ONE THIS TIME!" Tsunade screams , who was leading the labour.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I scream squeezing Akari's hand.

"Wahhh! wahhhh! wahhh!" a wailing voice cried. I panted deeply my body covered in sweat, they set the baby down next to me.

"It's a boy Miss Zubiqan ! and he is 100% healthy!" the nurse smiles , I smile faintly back thanking her.

I look down at the baby , he had dark onyx hair like.....Madara Uchiha.

I smile at the baby , "hi there my your mommy....okay??" I whisper in pain holding the tiny body closely to mine.

"What are you going to name the baby Kijai-chan?" Tsunade asks smiling at the successful surgery.

"I'm going to name him Ichiro....Ichiro Zubiqan" I answer fiddling with my baby's hair.

*third person POV*

"Miss keep pushing! the baby is almost out!" The ninja hear the Surgeon say

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IM DOING HUH!? TAKING A SWIM!?!?!?!?!?!" They hear Kijai argue back. They all anime fall at her strength even when in labour.

"ONE MORE PUSH! A BIG ONE THIS TIME!" Tsunade screams.

Everyone's attention focuses on the labour, listening carefully for a cry of a baby.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Thy heard Kijai scream.

"Wahhh! wahhhh! wahhh!" They heard a cry.

"Whoooo!!!!! she did it!!!!" the girls screamed excitedly jumping around.

The boys smiled at the success of the labour.

"I wonder if it's a boy or a girl?!" they squeal making the boys sweat drop.

Lady Tsunade comes out the room throwing the plastic gloves in the bin.

"Lady Tsunade can we see the baby???" Naruto jumped excitedly.

"I'm afraid not Naruto, she is very tired she needs to rest.... you can visit her in three days" Tsunade informs them strictly.

"Yes Hokage-sama" they all bow.

"But can you tell us the name of the baby and the sex?" Sakuro and Ino ask with puppy eyes.

"Well the baby is a boy and Kijai has named him 'Ichiro Zubiqan'" he answered smiling.

"wow!!!! I can't wait to meet him!!!" they scream exiting the building with the others following.

_____that night_______

Kijai was sleeping on the white hospital bed with the baby in a cradle beside her.

The wind blew a warm breeze and the leaves skid across the streets.

The window to Kijai's room suddenly opens. A dark shadow looks down on Kijai and the baby.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Kijai muttered still in bed.

"I can't believe you don't recognise your own fiancé my love" the intruder answered, Kijai's eyes go wide.

Before you knew it she tackled Madara in a huh trying to use all her strength to make herself stand.

"Madara.....i missed much" she cried happily into his chest.She couldn't stand any longer , her legs gave up , but Madara carried her bridal style to her bed.

"I missed you more my should rest , you look really tired" Madara suggested kissing her forehead.

Madara walked over to the baby and held him in his arms." what did you name our baby love?" Madara asked hugging the baby.

"I named him Ichiro Uchiha, but I registered him as Ichiro Zubiqan" Kijai smiled looking at her son.

"I knew you were the right woman for're strong, You're beautiful , you're loyal,You love people.....and you make Beautiful children" Madara chuckled , Kijai turned pink at the over whelming compliments.

"I have to go now my love....I'll be back to get you I promise, I love you" Madara swore with a hand on his chest.

Madara bent down and kissed me deeply, I reacted quickly and kissed back.

"Bye hun...I love you more..."I muttered in his ear. In an instant he was gone leaving no trace that he was in the room.

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