Chapter 6- Engaged and......????

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I heard birds chirping from the window.

I go up from the covers in only my bra and knickers.

I look over to the body next to me..... Madara had no shirt on ,but thank god he had boxers on.

My body ached for some reason..... i couldn't remember what happened last night. So I just ignored the thought.

My face went closer to Madara's until our noses touched, I smiled at his peaceful sleep and kissed his forehead.

I took a long shower of thinking .... I washed my hair twice to feel extra clean. I walk out of the shower to see Madara awake still in his boxers.

"I think you look better without the towel" he commented with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and changed in the bathroom.

I finished changing into casual clothes . I got out of the bathroom to only smell the aroma of.....burning...?

Then it clicked in my head......

Oh no please tell me that Akari didn't tell them....


I ran down the stairs to the kitchen.


I sighed and glared at Akari. she shrugged innocently.

It was about 6 hours before we were going to Konoha anyway so I didn't need to worry.

" didn't need to do this...." I mumbled.

"Hn....we had's Akari and your birthday after all....." Itachi grumbled lowly.

"We even got you two gifts!!!!" Konan exclaimed happily.

"Thank you Konan-chan!" Akari thanked her glomping her , I grinned at her happy mood.

Hidan gave me and Akari huge scythes bigger than his which were black and Yin and Yang.

'THANK YOU SO MUCH HIDAN-KUN YOU HAVE NOOOOO IDEA HOW OBSESSED I AM WITH WEAPONS. ERHMEHGERD I CAN'T..... I CAN'T EXPRESS WUT I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!!!!" I screamed extremely happy, Hidan was now in my 'fav peeps' book. Cuz seriously though....who wouldn't want an awesome scythe ?!

I hugged Hidan I felt him tense under my grip , but eventually hugged me back.

"For da gift you are now officially me and Akari's.......OLDER BRO!!!!!!" I announced squeezing Hidan tighter.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!" Akari gleamed hugging Hidan tightly.

"Bitch.....i.....can't......fucking.............breathe........." I heard him manage to breathe.

"Oops.....sorry" we apologised letting go of Hidan.

From Zetsu we received an everlasting black and white rose. "you Zetsu are our Uncle Zetsu,kay?" Akari suggested. Zetsu simply nodded.

From Konan we received a bunch of different colour paper roses.

"thank you Konan-chan!" Akari and I praised hugging her.

"You will be.....our Nanny Konan!"

"Hey....I'm not THAT old !" she laughed , we joined her.

Then there was Kisame who gave us a great white shark baby for a pet.


"See I told you they wouldn't like it..." Itachi commented making Kisame frown.

"WE.FUCKING.LOVE.IT!!!!!!!" we screamed tackling Kisame.

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