Episode 10

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Thalia's POV:

I woke up from a thirty minute sleep with my phone ringing. "Scott McCall there better be a fantastic reason for waking me up otherwise I will rip you to shreads and feed your limbs to hyena's,"I threatened as I sat up in my bed. "There is. Kira found Satomi's pack. We are ending this deadpool today. Are you in?,"he asked. "Kicking some assasin butts? Obviously,"I replied. "Good, because we're gonna need back up. Meet me at Argent's warehouse,"he stated as he hung up. "Dad!,"I called out,"Scott called get ready for a fight!"

I grabbed my phone and called Braeden for back up.


I could hear Argent's footsteps as he walked into the warehouse. "Did you tell him we were bringing them here?,"I asked Scott as I pointed at the pack. "Nope,"he replied. "You are aware he'll kick your ass, right?,"I asked. "Yup,"he replied.

Before we could do anything Brent ran forward and attacked Argent. "Wait! Wait! Brent! This is his place, it's his,"Scott shouted as we ran after the teen wolf. Brent calmed down and walked back towards us. "You have to work on your stealth. Straight up running to an armed and trained guy will get you killed,"I told him only to get a look from everyone. "Okay not the time. I get it,"I held my hands up in defence. "Scott, Lia if you are bringing guests you could have called,"Argent stated as he glanced around at all the injured wolves. "We didn't have anywhere else to take them,"Scott explained.

"I know this man,"Satomi stepped forward,"he may not remember but we have met before." "You can trust him, we trust him,"Scott gestured to me and him. "How do we know he's not like the others?,"Satomi asked. "What others?,"Argent asked confused. "Last night there was a whole team after them and they used crossbow's,"Kira explained as she handed him one of the arrows. "They're hunters, aren't they?,"Scott asked. "Not if they're killing for profit. Not anymore,"Chris explained. "Can they find us?,"Brent asked a hint of fear in his tone. "They might already know you're hear. They may be waiting for dark,"Chris answered. "So we're not safe here,"Kira stated. "We're not safe anywhere. We've been trying to get out for days, every way we turn we find someone new trying to kill us, "Satomi added. "They're coming Scott and they're coming for you too. You and Lia are still worth the most on the deadpool,"Argent stated. "I know. I know Lydia can get the answer from Merideth she just needs more time,"Scott urged. "Well then that's what she'll get,"Argent nodded. "You,"he pointed at me,"Are coming with me to set up traps." "Okay,"I nodded and followed the big bad retired hunter.

"What's bothering you?,"he asked. "What? Nothing,"I replied as I positioned one of his arrow shooting things. "Don't lie to me Lia. I know something's wrong. You have this look in your eyes, the same look I had when I found out I was going to lose my wife,"he retorted,"You can't hide it from me so start talking." "It's my dad,"I told him as I placed an alarm where he directed me to," his name broke the third of the list. His name was picked with Allison's and Aiden's. Names picked by a Banshee,"I informed him. "I don't want to lose him and I already told him this. He said he would fight with everything in him. He said that he wouldn't go down easy but what if- what if he can't stop it,"he shook his head at me and said:"You're not worried that he won't be able to stop it." I closed my eyes and released a breath as I said what I have been keeping in since I found out about his powers dissapearing:"What if I can't stop it?" He crouched down and pulled me into a hug. "I know losing someone you love deeply is scary and it hurts. I know how you feel. I felt the same way with Victoria and Allison. Helpless. You are not though. You are a werewolf and a witch. If you fight with everything in you, you can do anything. The most you can do at this moment however is spend as much time with him as you can so that if it does happen that you won't regret not spending enough time with him. You are just a kid Lia, even though you are really powerful, you don't need to fight these battles alone. You have your pack, your friends. Call on them for help,"I knew he was right. I hugged him tighter and whispered:"Thank you." "Go to your dad Lia,"he told me as he slightly pushed me in the direction of the pack. I wiped the tears from under my eyes and smiled at the hunter as I started jogging towards the pack.

I ran towards my dad and hugged him. "Wow what is this for?,"he asked with a laugh. "Nothing I just love you,"I told him. "And I love you too pup,"he told me as he kept his arms around me and pulled me into another hug.

Scott then walked over to us. "They'll be okay,"Scott assured us as we glanced at Satomi's pack. "They got claws and fangs but they're not fighters,"my dad explained. "That's why I called Lia to get you two here,"Scott informed as my dad and I started walking towards Braeden, that was busy checking all her weapons. "Well try to remember that I don't have claws and fangs anymore either,"my dad reminded him. "And that's why I called her,"I smirked as Braeden said:"Exactly."

"Am I the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm?,"Kira asked scared,"I meant it's possible we can wait here all night and nothing happens, right?" "It's possible but very highly unlikely and yes you are the only one,"I answered Kira when it seemed that no one else would.

"Scott you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?,"Braeden asked. "Lydia's still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are going to the lakehouse, they're trying to stop it,"Scott explained. "What if there is no stopping it?,"Brent called from the otherside of the room,"What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?" My fist clenched around my dad's jacket. "Then let's send a message,"my dad spoke up. "Yeah great let's all get one giant card and each of us write to the assasins trying to kill us, why they shouldn't and plead for our lives,"I sarcastically stated. "You've been spending way too much time with Stiles,"my dad gave me a dissaproving glare and I shrugged innocently in reply.

My dad then went on to explain his plan:"Let's make tonight perfectly clear for anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're hunters, assasins or an amateur, who just picked up a gun,"my dad held up his gun as a visual example,"Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money can be put on another list. Our list. They get to be a name on our deadpool." I smiled at him with pride in my eyes and a slight laugh escaped my lips as Braeden cocked her gun for  dramatic effect.


I was sitting on a table with my head resting against my dad's shoulder when one of Argent's motion sensor's went off. "They're coming,"Argent called out. Smoke bombs landed on the ground as Braeden shouted:"Get back!" All hell broke loose as the hunters started rapid fire on anyone they can see. I ran and dodged the bullets and attacked one of the hunters. I kicked him in the chin and punched him in the head, knocking him out. I continued attacking as many as I could but more and more kept coming. A bullet pierced my shoulder and I groaned in pain as my eyes flashed purple and the winds started picking up. I glared at the man who shot me and he flew up in the air hitting the ceiling and falling back on the ground. Two hunters started towards me but I held my hands out and clapped them together. The men were raised up and smashed into each other. Another one came up behind me and I roundhouse kicked him to the ground. I could faintly hear the others shouting at each other but I was filled with so much rage and power that I could barely control it. The more people came after me, the angrier I got and the more powerful I felt. I didn't even realise everyone had stopped fighting and that Scott told the hunters it was over. "Lia!,"I heard a faint voice shout as I had a hunter trapped with my powers. I was literally taking the life out of him and it felt exhilirating. "Lia!,"a hand clasped my shoulder and I looked up to see my dad. "Lia say it!,"he shouted. "Alpha, Beta, Omega,"I growled. "Again,"he ordered. "Alpha, Beta, Omega,"I said again. The more I repeated it, the calmer I got. I released the hunter and my eyes returned to their normal colour.

I groaned as I fell onto the floor. "Let's get you home,"my dad whispered as he picked me up,"It's all over now." I knew that my dad was right. The deadpool was done but even so I couldn't shake the horrible feeling in my stomach, with this feeling I fell asleep in my dad's arms. Completely and utterly exhausted.

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