Bonus chapter!

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~Thalia's POV~

This has been the best summer ever! Note sarcasm. I start highschool in less than a week and I'm not stressing about it or having fun and making plans with friends, well except for Mason whom I had been spending quite some time with catching up this summer, no! I am searching with my dad, Peter and Isaac for Erica and Boyd who have been taken by the Alpha pack.

Isaac and I haven't really done anything for us except the secret kisses, hand holding and maybe a few nights when my dad isn't there snuggling. I don't really know what we are but I don't really mind, because we have bigger fish to fry than small relationship quarrles but sometimes the smallest fish are the tastiest. ;).

My dad has been even more protective. I am not allowed to go out and help him or the others, I have to stay here and do research from inside the loft, that my dad bought which is a huge upgrade from the trainstation. I can't go anywhere without Isaac, my dad or Peter. When I go to Mason's my dad stays until I am in the house and then another few minutes just to be sure I am okey. I know he's only doing this, because he loves me but I love and want to protect him aswell but I can't do that if I am stuck in the loft with him out there.

"Lia I'm leaving again. Do you want to go to Mason's for the day?,"my dad questions. "Yeah sure let me just text him,"I replied and whipped out my phone.

To M: hey what ya doin' today?

From M: Nothin'. Just playing video games. Wanna come over?

To M: yes please. Sleepover?

From M: 'Course. ;)

To M: see ya in a few

I looked up at my dad and told him:"Yup he's home." "You're sleeping over?,"he asked me. "Always,"I smirked and he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. I grabbed my dufflebag and zoomed around my room using my speed as I threw my clothes in my bag and everything I'll need. I was done in a minute. My dad was glaring at me. "What I won't be the reason he finds out about us,"I reasured. "Yeah I hope you keep by that. Have you practised today?,"my dad asked as we walked to the car. I didn't answer and swiftly raised my right hand and moved left once and once right making the front doors of the car swing open and Isaac, who was sitting in the backseat to jump up surprised and eyes glowing. Me and my dad laughed at him and he fake glared at me but soon joined in. "It looks like someone's getting better with her witchy business,"Isaac stated the obvious as we calmed down and I grinned at him:"Yup."

The drive to Mason's house was filled with my dad telling us what his plan is for tonight. "So I think I found them. Isaac I need you to scout one side of the town while I search the other. Peter's I don't what his excuse is but he can't help tonight so it's just you and me,"my dad explained as we stopped at house. "Be safe. Both of you. Howl, call, scream whatever if you are in trouble I'll come find you,"I insisted. "We'll be fine," my dad gave me a side hug and kissed my forehead. I gave Isaac a weird hug as well and kiss on the cheeck that lingered a little longer than neccassary but my dad didn't need to know that. I got out of the car and was aware of Isaac's eyes on my butt and made sure to sway my hips a little more than normal just to teaze him. I could hear my dad growl protectively at him and I chuckled a little before ringing the doorbell. It didn't take long for Mason's mom to answer the door:"Ooh Lia! How are you?" She grabbed me in to a hug and squeezed the life out of me:"I'm good thank you and you?" "I'm great. You sleeping over?,"she asked as she glanced at my bag. "If it's fine with you,"I replied. "Of course darling! Mason's upstairs with one of his old friends,"she dragged me in. "Oh then I don't want to disturb them,"I smiled innocently. "I'll just help you with dinner." "Oh that's so nice of you,"she smiled and I put my bag down and helped her make stirfry by cutting up the chicken. We started talking about everything. She asked me about school and all the places me, aunt Laura and my dad have travled too, leaving out the wolfiness. It was nice. A few minutes later we heard two pairs of feet running down the stairs and to the kitchen. "Bye Liam!,"Mason's mom called as I walked up the stairs to the bathroom to wash my hands. I heard a guys voice calling back to her and Mason and him greeted each other before the door shut. I walked back downstairs after I dried my hands. I sneaked up behind Mason, where he was standing talking to his mom and signalled her to be quiet, I was standing right behind him and shouted:"Boo!" He jumped and screamed before turning around flailing his arms around in a weird type of karate move. He was gasping for breath eyes wide:"How (breath) did you (breath) do that (breath?!" Me and his mom were laughing at him and he only rolled his eyes and mumbled something about girls and that we should just eat already. Mason called his dad and we all sat at the table and enjoyed a great dinner. As much as it feels good to be apart of a normal family I wouldn't trade my pack for anything.

After dinner me and Mason went up to his room and I jumped on his bed and he layed down beside me:"So anything happen with you and your secret boyfriend?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I blushed and rolled my eyes. "He's not my boyfriend... or atleast I don't think he is. I mean he never asked me,"I trailed off. "He will it's only a matter of time. I promise you now that in the first week of school that he would ask you to be his,"Mason proclaimed with certainty. "Yeah? You don't even know who it is! How could you say that?,"I asked him disbelieving. "I don't have to know from the way you talk about him I already know that whoever he is loves you and you love him,"he smirked. "Whatever love expirt. Now give me a controller so that I can whoop your ass in GTA5,"I smirked. "You're on."

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