Episode 11:

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~Thalia's POV~

"You don't seem all that betrayed,"my dad speculated as he finished telling me that Scott tricked us and is on Gerard's side but I also remember what Deaton told me about their plan. "Maybe Scott has a plan. I trust him and believe he gas a plan,"I responded. "I'm the Alpha if he had a plan he would have told me!,"my dad argued. "Dad since when did Scott ever treat you as his Alpha?,"I asked. He stopped and thought about what I said for a moment before sighing in agrivation and going back to his stapel of books. We then sensed Erica and Boyd and my dad spoke up:"You decided." "When?,"I whispered. "Tonight,"Erica answered. "Everyone's gonna be at the game. We figured it be the best time,"Boyd explained and I nodded. "It's not like we want too,"said Erica and I knew this statement led to my dad going off as he stepped forward:"What do you want?" "Since I just turned sixteen a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my liseance. I can't do that if I'm dead, you know,"Erica explained. "I told you there was a prise,"Dad stated. "Yeah but you didn't say it be like this,"Boyd stated. "I told you how to survive,"my dad snapped back. "You do it as a pack and you're not a pack without an Alpha." "We know,"Boyd replied. "You wanna look for another pack,"I whispered keeping my gaze on the burnt wall. "How are you even going to find one?,"my dad asked. "Think we already did,"Boyd answered and I sighed hoping and praying that it isn't the Alpha pack they heard. They probably sensed my dad's confusion:"All of a sudden we heard all these howling. It was unbelievable." "It must've been a dosyn of them,"Boyd explained and Erica added:"Maybe even more." "Yeah or maybe even two,"my dad stated. "The boechester fact: if they modulate their howls with a rapid shift in tone, two wolfs can sound like twenty,"I robotically explained. "Look that doesn't matter okay. There's another pack out there, there's gotta be,"Erica reasoned. "We made up our minds." "We lost Derek,it's over,"Boyd continued and I clenched my fists. "We're leaving." "No,"I disagreed as my dad corrected:"No you're running and once you start you'll always be running." Erica grabbed Boyds hand and they left. I let two tears escape one for each of them. Then I noticed that Peter's in here as well and I guess my dad did too as he sent a shard of glass flying at his neck but sadly he caught it. "I expected a slightly warmer welcome,"he sassed. "That's the warmest welcome you deserve to resieve,"I growled. "Well point taken,"he held up the shard of glass. "Quite a situation you have gotten yourself into, Derek. I mean I've been out of camision for a few weeks and suddenly there's lizardpeople, jerryatriac phsycopaths and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem deprived adolescent in town." "What do you want?,"I cut his rant short. "Wha-I wanna help. You're my nephew and his daughter, the only relatives I have left. Can we just talk?,"Peter continued and I smirked at the glimpse I got of my dad's face knowing what's about to happen. "Sure let's talk,"I saw Peter fly into my line of vision and hit the staircase railing and turned to watch the fight.

"You seriously think that I wanna be the alpha again?,"Peter questioned as he spat out blood while laying at my dad's feet. "That wasn't my finest moment considering it ended with my death. I mean I usually-,"my dad interupted him by grabbing him but Peter shouted:"Okay, okay c'mon hit me! Hit me! I can see that it's cathordic for you. You're letting go of all the anger, self-loathing and hatred that comes with total and complete failure. I may be the one taking the beating Derek but you've already been beaton. So go ahead hit me if it'll make you feel better. After all I did say I wanted to help,"my dad shoved him to the ground and stood there breathing heavily before saying:"You can't help me." My dad came and sat by me.

"See fine example right here, I'm not healing as fast,"Peter explained. "Coming back from the dead isn't easy, you know. I'm not as strong as I used to be, I need a pank, an Alpha. Like you." I couldn't resist:"Next!" My dad shot me an amused look while Peter glared. "I need you as much as you need me,"Peter completely ignored me. "Why would I want help from a total phsyco?,"my dad asked with a scoff. "First of all I'm not a total phsyco-,"I shot him a really look-" By the why your the one that tortured me with your witch powers and your dad's the one that slashed my throat open but we're all works in progress, right? So... we need each other. Sometimes when you need help you turn to the people you least expect."

I sighed already knowing my dad's gonna say yes to him no matter what even though I strictly told him he shouldn't.

"You tried to build your pack, you tried to prepare for the worst, you weren't ready, because of it Gerard is winning. He's taking his time, he's playing with Scott, he's taking your wolves. One by one he is relashing in his victory-,"my dad interupted him:"How 'bout you tell me something I don't know?" "Oh I'm going to and it's gonna prove why you should trust me. Why you need to trust me. 'Cause I'm gonna tell you how to stop Jackson,"Peter explained. "What do you mean?,"my dad and I asked at the same time. "How to kill him?,"I inquired. "Actually how to save him,"Peter replied smartly. "There's a myth: That you can cure a werewolf simply by calling out it's christian name,"Peter explained. "It's just a myth,"my dad snapped. "Sometimes myths and legends bury the truth,"I whispered. Peter nodded:"Yes. Our name is a symbol of who we are. The kanima has no identity that's why it doesn't seek a pack." "It seeks a master,"my dad stated."And who else grows up with no pack? No identity?,"Peter asked. "An orphan. Like Jackson,"I replied. "And right now his identity is disapearing beneath a reptallionskin and you need to bring him back,"Peter replied. "How?!,"my dad snapped. "Through his heart,"I whispered. "How else?,"Peter snapped sarcastically. "Incase you haven't noticed Jackson doesn't really have too much of a heart to begin with,"my dad explained. "No that's not true. He'd never admit it but there is one person. One young lady with whom Jackson shared a real bond. One person who can reach him. Who can save him,"Peter corrected. "Lydia,"I told my dad. "Your best allie has always been anger Derek but what you lack most is heart. That's why you've always known that you need Scott and Lia more than anyone. Even someone as burnt and dead as me knows better than to underestimate the simple yet undeniable power of human love."

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