Welocome to Beacon Hills...

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~Thalia Hale's POV~

We're really going back?

To the place our family was destroyed?

The place that caused me and my remaining family so much pain?

The only reminder other than the burnmark on my stomach of the fire?

What would Aunt Laura need our help with?

Why in that town?

Why do we need to meet at that house?

As all these thoughts were floating around in my brain I rested my head against the window of my dad's black chevrolet camaro. I could feel the green eyes of my dad ,that are so similar to my own, give me glances.

"Are you okay, Lia?,"his voice rang through the silence that previously consumed us.

"Yeah just thinking,"I sighed giving him a faint smile.

"I don't think we'll be there long maybe just a few months , at the most,"he gave me a reassuring smile but I'm sure he's trying to reassure himself.

"I hope so,"I grinned before grabbing my phone and placing my earphones in my ears and started listening to music as more thoughts filled my brain.

If it's this hard for me to go back there ,how hard is it going to be for my dad? He has more memories there than I do. I was only five when the house burnt down and only one year old when my mom died.

Dad told me about how mom died,because we made a promise NO SECRETS.

I closed my eyes and realised how tired I actually was ,we've been on the road for ten hours already. I drifted in to another nightmare filled sleep.

~Derek Hale's POV~

I could tell going back to Beacon Hills is bothering Lia she's been quieter than ever these past ten hours and I am worried. Of course going back is affecting me as well but my worry for Lia over shadows all of that.

I glanced over at Lia and saw her falling a sleep. I sighed in relief. She hasn't been sleeping all that well since Laura told us she was going back to Beacon Hills. I've not questioned her about her nightmares so that she tells me herself but I'm not sure that's going to happen.

I heard whimpers from next to me and heard her heartbeat rising. I glanced at her and noticed her clutching her side where her burnmark is. I sighed and reached over to her shaking her slightly. "Lia? Wake up,"I muttered.

She jumped up with a gasp. "What were you dreaming about? I'm starting to worry about you Thalia,"I stared her down.

~Thalia Hale's POV~


"Uncle Peter! What's happening?!,"a five year old version of me shouted. He didn't answer as he picked me up and started running up the stairs.

I could hear the screams of all the people in my family. I held on to uncle Peter for dear life as he tried to make a run for an exit. It was so warm in here it felt like we were surounded by a fire. When I opened my eyes and only saw orange flames tauntingly dance around us I knew that the house was actually on fire.

I felt an excruciating pain in my side as tears started rolling down my cheecks. I looked down and saw that my shirt caught on fire. Uncle Petet noticed that too and ripped off my shirt letting it fall to the floor as he continued to run and dodge flames.

When Uncle Peter stopped in front of the exit I noticed a firewall is the only thing standing between us and freedom. He tightened his grip on me before charging at the wall and jumping through it. He screamed in pain as we landed on the ground, he looked really hurt. He didn't move and his eyes were closed. "Uncle Peter?,"I whispered through tears. "Are you dead?,"I questioned as I poked his cheeck that didn't look hurt. I put my fingers under his nose to check if he's breathing. I sighed in relief when I felt small breaths on my fingers. I looked back at our house and saw it burning in flames, the screams of the people in the house are no longer heard.

I heard people running and shouting, cars roaring as they got closer to the house and I moved closer to uncle Peter, lifting up his good arm and crawling closer to him still clutching my side that has the same markings as uncle Peter's whole body on one side. I watched with big eyes as police officers, ambulances and firetrucks crash through the trees and stopped infront of my house. No one noticed me and uncle Peter at first but then the sheriff turned and saw us and he screamed for the medics. When they got closer I whimpered and tried to back away. All of them stopped in their tracks.

The sheriff took small steps forward and bent down to my level. "Hello there. My name's Sheriff Stilinski. What's yours?,"he questioned. "Lia,"I whispered. "Lia we are here to help you,"he took another step forward. "Really?,"I questioned as I moved out from under uncle Peter's arm. "Of course,"the Sheriff nodded. "Can you help uncle Peter? I think he fell a sleep. His sister, Nanna Thalia, always said that if you're hurt you should sleep it's the best medicine and he's hurt,"I pointed to his burnt side. "Not me. But they can,"he pointed towards the medics and I nodded. He pulled of his jacket and put it on me. I giggeled as I saw how big it was on me. He took my hand and led me to his policecar.

I sat on the roof of the car as the Sheriff was talking with some people. "Lia were your mommy and daddy in there?,"he questioned and I shook my head no. He sighed in relief and gave me a smile. "Where is your mommy?,"he questioned. "Daddy says when I was a baby mommy was the greatest mommy in the whole world and the mommy angels saw how great she is so they took mommy to teach them how to be as good as she is,"I smiled at him. His smile dropped a little. "Where's your daddy?,"he questioned. "Daddy, Aunty Laura and Aunty Cora have school but Aunty Cora was sick, because the fullmoon is tomorrow so only daddy and Aunty Laura went to school,"I gave him another toothy grin. "Is your daddy's name Derek Hale?,"he questioned. "You know my daddy?,"I asked him. "Yes. How about we go visit your daddy?,"he questioned. "Yay!,"I shouted and everyone turned to look at me. "Alright sweety get in the car,"he placed me in the back seat.

He stopped at Daddy's school and helped me out of the car. It was lunchtime and everyone was in the cafeteria. The Sheriff was carrying me and I saw Daddy and Aunty Laura sitting at the big table with a lot of other people around them in the middle of the room talking and laughing. "Daddy!,"I shouted and everyone went quiet in the big room. I squirmed out of the sheriff's grip and ran towards my dad who was sitting there confused. I jumped on his lap and hugged him. "Daddy! Uncle Peter's hurt! There was a fire and all these people showed up and they-,"I got distracted when my atention moved to aunt Laura. "Aunty Laura!,"I shouted and hugged her. "Laura, Derek will you please come with me?,"they got up and Daddy picked me up as they followed the Sheriff. "Lia,"daddy spoke but it sounded like his voice, he's older.


"What were you dreaming about? I'm starting to worry about you Thalia,"he questioned. "I'd tell you if it was a new nightmare Dad,"I gave him a smile. "So it's the fire?,"he questioned. "Yeah nothing to worry about,"I gave him a reassuring smile. He hesitantly nodded.

"We're here,"he pointed to the sign that says 'Welcome to Beacon Hills'. I took in a sharp breath.

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