Season 4: Episode 1

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~Scott's POV~

I stood in the back of the Mexican club keeping an eye on Malia and Kira, who are on the dance floor trying to blend in, and Lia sitting at the bar talking to guys but I could sense the anger and nervousness radiating off of her even over the stench of alcohol. I can't blame her I would feel the same if it were my dad that was missing and taken but what I can't figure out is if it was the Calavaras why would they take just Derek and not Lia, who was a hybrid. A creature stronger, faster and even more dangerous than a normal werewolf.

I followed a hunter into an abandoned hallway and knocked him out, making sure not to kill him. A voice came from the walkie-talkie talking in Spanish. I grabbed it and said:"Stiles, Take ten off of the table." I was refering to the money Stiles and Lydia were barganing with to get Derek back. I then made my way back into the club.

I grabbed a hunter, that was making his way towards Lia, and grabbed him slamming him against a pillar then picked him up and threw him across the club into a wall,succesfully knocking him out. I turned to look at Lia only to see her eyes glowing and a hunter on his knees on the ground holding his head in his hands. Another was coming up behind her and I was about to run over but stopped once I saw her grab his arm and flipped him over into the guy on the ground. Knocking the first one out. She grabbed the second one's gun and slammed it into his head knocking him out aswell.

I walked over to her and asked if she was okay. "Fine. We have to go find Stiles and Lydia,"she stated as Kira and Malia joined us. I nodded and looked around. "C'mon,"I nodded my head in the direction of an empty hallway I spotted.

We walked down the red hallway when a smoke substance started floating in up ahead. I held an arm out for them to stand back as I stepped forward to investigate. The same substance was sprayed from the ceiling. I inhaled the smoke and immediately knew what the familiar substance was:"Wolfsbane. It's wolfsbane! Kira get out of here!" I saw a hunter make his way over towards her and shouted at her to look out but although she put up a fight, she was bested and knocked out.

Malia, Lia and I were coughing on the ground trying to breath and stay awake but I could already tell Lia was about to pass out.

An old women, the leader of the Calavaras, made her way over to me. "Someone,who has only been an alpha a few months should be more carefull when facing a hunter of fourty years,"she smiled menacingly at me. "All we want is Derek,"I tried to negotiate as I looked up at her. "Ai lobito you're a long way from home,"she smirked. I heard two thuds behind me to see Lia and Malia knocked out. When I looked back up I realised something as I looked in her eyes:"You don't know where he is either." She frowned at me and stepped forward with her electrical batton and shocked me. I roared but it did nothing and soon fell unconcious and into another memory.


"So how long has it been?,"Stiles asked me. "Weeks neither of them have gotten back to any of my texts,"I explained as I opened a cupboard in the vet's operating room. "Has Derek ever returned any of your texts?,"Stiles asked really confused. "Once. Definitely once. Besides Lia almost always returns our texts. But this time it felt different so I went to the Loft. The alarm was on. Everything looked okay but I caught a sent. Lia's blood so I followed it and found her in the corner with a wolfsbane bullet in her shoulder and unconcious. Her heart barely beating,"Lydia gasped and asked:"Is she okay?!" "Deaton said the poison is spread all through her body and she should be dead. He has no idea how she's still alive and thinks it has something to do with her being a hybrid but he's there and helping her. I also found these,"I informed the two as I lifted the lid from the metal silinder I placed on the table.

Stiles stuck his hand in and pulled a bullet out. "See that picture. Deaton said it is the mark of a family of hunters up in Mexico,"I explained pointing at the skull carved into the bullet,"The Calavaras." "What would they want with Derek?,"Lydia asked. "Wait you think they killed him?,"Stiles asked as he rested an arm on the table. "I don't know,"I shook my head," that's why you're here." I nodded at Lydia. I then slid the silinder containing the bullets over to her.

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