Episode 6

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~Thalia's POv~

Me and my dad were chasing after the Kanima or Jackson. I was already over the fence and continuing after the thing when my dad jumped over the fence probably only seeing it's tail and my jacket disapear around the corner. I could sense that my dad was fully shifted but I wasn't going to give in to the urge unless absolutely neccassary. The thing lead to some kind of building and we were both on top of the bars when I heard my dad's voice:" Lia?!" That caught the things attention and I was cursing my dad in my head as the thing jumped down behind him and I jumped on the thing tackling it to the ground. The thing pushed me off and I landed on my feet behind my dad as he was shifted and attacked the thing throwing punch after punch. My dad dodged it's attacks and it my dad's. I did a flip and kicked the thing in to the wall and as my dad tried to punsh it he dodged and my dad's fist went through the concrete. Someone's gonna have explaining to do in the morning. It pushed my dad and I off of him and we crashed to the floor but quickly got up as it advanced on us. My dad picked a car door up using it as a shield. The thing trapped us to a concrete wall but we pushed it off as it stumbled and fell before getting up and running to the oppisite wall. My dad was watching it when I heard the sound of tires and then an arrow whizzing past both me and my dad before exploding near Jackson. The thing jumped down grabbed my dad and threw him to the ground. I jumped out of the way as Chris Argent emptied an entire clip in to the thing but it didn't affect him at all. Chris thought it was dead seeing as it was laying on the ground blood seeping from the bullet wounds as he was looking for me and my dad who are now in hiding. Chris turned around as the thing stood up and tried to shoot it again but he was out of bullets and the Kanima kicked him sending him flying throught the air and in to a wall. He groaned but we all watched as the thing stood in front of Gerard none of them looking like it's going to hurt the other but before my suspision could be proved Scott ran in and tackled it away then turned back to look at Gerard. Scott then continued after us as we were running after the Kanima.

Jungle (the gay club)

"Ugh dad I'm gonna head back to home. You can take this one,"he looked at me confused but I pointed to the building we were about to enter and he nodded:"Yeah go check if Erica and Isaac are okey." "Call me if he leaves here,"I stated and he nodded before running in to the building and I the other way.


"Hey you guys good?,"I asked as I entered. "We're good!,"I heard them call. "Did you find it?,"Boyd asked. "Yeah but it went in to a gay club,"I shrugged. They looked at me with big eyes before laughing and I joined in as I fell on to the couch next to Isaac. "I'm gonna go my parents are waiting for me,"Boyd sighed as he stood up and Erica got up aswell:" Yeah my dad has already texted me a billion times." "Bye guys,"I waved at them as well as Isaac.
I was sitting here on the couch not really knowing what to talk about. Isaac "yawned" and placed his arm around my shoulders. "That was the most clichest move ever,"I spoke as I snuggled closer to him. "But it worked,"he shrugged. "Only because you're so damn comfortable,"I stated. He laughed and I did too. "I'm taking that as a compliment,"he stated and I laughed before saying:" You better."

Isaac was so comfortable and it has been such a long day that it didn't take long for me to fell a sleep not even noticing Isaac did as well or the dark figure looming over us. Most commenly known by his birth name Derek Hale. My father...

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