Episode 6

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~Thalia's  POV~

The bus pulled up to a creepy looking motel and all of us got off. Scott and Stiles stould next to us and Scott said:"I've seen worse." "Where have you seen worse?,"Stiles asked. Coach blew his whistle and said:"Listen up! The meet's been pushed back to tomorrow and this is the closest hotel with the most amount of vacansies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of  degenereds like yourselves. You'll be pairing up! Choose wisely,"Coach stated and everyone went to grab a key. I was about to go with Boyd and Isaac when I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around to see Mason smiling at me:"Wanna have a sleep over?" I laughed and nodded. I needed my bestfriend now even if he doesn't know what's going on. "And I'll have no sexual pervertions perpetrated by you little deviants, got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves,"Coach yeld. Isaac came up to me and said:"You sure you don't want to room with me and Boyd?" He pointed at Boyd, who came and stould next to him. "I'm fine guys. I have been neglecting my bestie and I need some bestfriend time,"I told them. They nodded and Boyd kissed my forehead as he gave me a hug. Then Isaac came and said:"If it gets too much come and find me." He then kissed me and walked off with Boyd.

"What are they talking about?,"Mason questioned. "My dad he ingured himself. I just don't know if he's okay,"I told him with a small sad smile. "Oh well your dad's strong I'm sure he's fine,"he told me. I smiled in thanks and said:"I'm gonna go take a shower." He nodded and I smiled at him.

I walked off to the shower and stripped down and turned on the water. I stepped in and let the warm water flow over my body and relaxed for the first time in three days. All of a sudden the water turned cold and I tried to turn on the warm water but nothing so I closed the taps and dried myself pulling on yoga pants and one of my dad's shirts along with a thin long sleeved shirt under it and my Converse.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw that Mason wasn't in the room. I shrugged it off and breathed out a sigh noticing how my breath was visible and only now noticing how cold it really is. I walked over to my bed and climbed under the bed and layed there as tears fell down my eyes as I realised that I'm alone and that I'm an orphan now. "Lia,"I heard a voice. I looked up and saw my mom. "Mom?,"I whispered. "My darling baby girl,"she stated as she came up to me and stroked my cheeck with her cold dead hand. "You are so beautifull, too bad a beautifull face like yours is so broken and battered on the inside,"her voice turned into a growl. "Wha-what?,"I asked. "You heard me! It's your fault your father's dead! It's your fault  your friends got hurt! You were stupid enough to get yourself trapped in a mountainash barrier! It is your fault!,"she screamed at me. Tears were streaming down my face:"I'm sorry!!!"  "It's your fault my sister is dead,"came a new voice and I looked up to see my dad. "Dad?,"I whispered broken. "You could feel that it was a bad idea to come to Beacon Hills but yet you didn't try your hardest to stop me ,now did you?,"my aunt Laura came and stould infront of me. "You could have done more! You could have kept me from going on that suicide mission!,"my dad shouted. "I'm sorry! What should I do? Tell me what to do?!,"I shouted. "There is a way,"my dad told me. "Reunite with your family,"I looked up to see my nanna Thalia standing there with the rest of the Hale family behind her. I looked at all of them and nodded. My dad and my mom held out their hands for me to take and I slowly got up and grabbed their hands as they lead me out of the room and up the stairs to the roof with the rest of my family following me.

I stould on the edge of the roof shivering. "I'm scared,"I whispered to them. "We know baby girl but if you do this we'll be a family again. We can be together and you'll be forgiven for all of your mistakes,"my mom told me stroking my cheeck. "Wha-what about Isaac?,"I asked them. "He'll be better off without you. He has his pack you are just a pawn in his great game that is his life. Let him have a life without being tied down,"my dad told me kissing my forehead. "Okay..."

~Isaac's POV~

After Stiles saved me and Boyd we went looking for Lia but couldn't find her so we ran to the gang. "We can't find Lia,"I told them. "What?,"Scott asked. "Ugh guys? Look,"Lydia pointed to the roof and we all turned to see Lia on the edge of the roof about to jump. We ran shouting at her to stop but she didn't listen it was like she couldn't even hear us. I ran faster than I've ever ran before passing all of them and when Lia fell I jumped and landed with her in my arms on my knees.

It was like she woke up from a daze:"What am I doing out here?" She asked and all of us just looked at her astounded. "Seriously what's going on?,"I hugged her closer to me and crashed my lips on hers savouring the feeling since I almost lost her. "I love you,"I whispered. "I love you too Iz but what's happening?,"all of us gave a breathless chuckle and walked back to the bus where we explained everything to her.

~Thalia's POV~
Next morning

"I don't wanna know. I really don't wanna know,"Coach said as he woke us up where we were on the bus. I looked up to see Lydia and Allison in the seat behind me, Boyd and Isaac and Scott and Stiles next to them. "So incase you missed the anouncement the meet's cancelled so we're heading home. Pack it in. Pack it in!,"Coach told us. Mason came over and gave me my bag and said:"So this is where you were all night?" "Mase I'm sorry I'll spend more time with you soon I just have a lot on my plate at the moment,"I apologised as I grabbed my hand. "Don't worry I understand and if you need someone to talk to I'm always here,"he smiled at me and walked off. "Too bad I can't tell you,"I whispered to myself as he walked away. Isaac just pulled me into a hug.

Ethen then went and sat next to Scott:"I don't know what happened last night but I'm pretty sure you saved my life." "Actually I'm the one that saved your life,"Stiles stated from the seat behind them:"But not that it matters that much. Just a minor detail." "So I'm gonna give you something in return,"he told Scott:"We're pretty sure Derek's still alive but he killed one of ours that means one of two things need to happen: either he joins us-,"Scott interupted him:"He needs to kill one of us." Ethen nodded and continued:"Or Kali goes after him and we kill him that's how it works." "You know your little code of efficts there is a little barbaric just FYI,"Stiles voiced. He then got in the seat next to Scott.

Coach was walking through the bus when Lydia got up and said:"Hey Coach can I see this for a second?" She grabbed his whistle off of his neck while he was talking to Ethen. He turned to her and said:"I'm gonna need that back." Lydia blew in the whistle as she kept her hand over the whistle and held it up showing a dust I immediately recognise:"Wolfsbane." They turned to me. "So everytime Coach blew the whistle Scott, Lia, Isaac, Boyd-,"Stiles got cut off by Lydia:"And Ethen." "We all inhaled it,"Scott stated. "You were all poisened by it,"Allison said. "So that's how the Darach got into your heads? That's how he did it,"Stiles said. Stiles grabbed the whistle opened the window and threw it out. "Ay! Stilinski!,"Coach shounted as the bus drove away.

Beacon Hills

I got home and used my speed to ran up the stairs so fast I opened the door closed it behind me and rested my head and back against the wall and closed my eyes and released a breath glad to be home. I know I looked like a mess with my hair still standing up in every direction and I have bags under my eyes and teartracks on my cheecks. I opened my eyes and saw my dad in sweats standing by the window and out of the corner of my eye I saw ms. Blake but didn't really care about her. "Dad?,"I whispered. He smiled at me and tears streamed down ny face as I ran and jumped in his arms hugging him. "I-I thought you wer-were g-gone,"I cried. "You're not losing me that easy, pup,"he told me and pulled back kissing my forehead and that's when he noticed my apearance. "Lia what happened to you?,"he narrowed his eyes at me. I wiped my tears away and let out a little chuckle saying:"Oh you know the normal: getting poisoned with wolfsbane by the Darach, also known as a dark oak the one doing the sacrifises, and all the werewolves who were on the bus, basically Ethen, Scott, Boyd, Isaac and I, almost comitted suicide." "What?!,"he shouted as I squirmed out of his grip and ran up the stairs:"Love you. Really happy that you're alive and all but I'm tired and I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight dad! You too ms. Blake!" I was in my room when I heard my dad shout:"Thalia Paige Hale! This wasn't the last time we're talking about this!" I laughed a little.

I have my dad back!

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