Episode 22

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~Thalia's POV~

"You want to handcuff me?,"the nogitsune asked as the sheriff walked in with handcuffs. "If my son is still here, if there's still apart of him standing in front of me then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him. From himself and from others,"the sheriff softly spoke but still sternly.

The nogitsune held up his hands for the sheriff to cuff him. The sheriff locked the cuffs. A few moments passed before the sheriff said:"You're not my son." And the handcuffs broke.

My dad and I walked in behind the Argents. Allison shot at it with her tazer but he caught it and ripped it out of her hands.

My dad then ran forward and the nogitsune pushed him into the table and threw him into a wall.

I growled my eyes glowing and was about to attack but the sound of Chris' gun got all our atension as he aimed it at void-Stiles.

"Argent listen to me, don't do this,"the sheriff held a hand up to stop him.

"Why not? I've done it before: Werewolves, Beserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list,"The sheriff pulled his gun at Argent and I felt really uncomfortable, because I was between them. I moved out of the way and towards my dad. Grabbing his arm and helping him up.

"You're not gonna shoot my son,"the sheriff growled.

"You said it yourself sheriff: That's not your son,"while the whole thing continued void-Stiles was smirking between the two when his eyes met mine and he winked. I glared at him but he only smirked before turning back to the men. As the sheriff ordered Chris to put the gun down the nogitsune acted and said:"Dad...Dad he's going to shoot me. He's gonna kill me dad." "Don't listen to him,"Argent said. "Put it down,"sheriff ordered and started screaming at him. "Pull the trigger,"the nogitsune continued to command Argent to pull the trigger. Allison called to her dad but was ignored. "Strife,"she whispered and everything clicked as the sun went down. "Stop! Stop this is what he wants! It's exactly what he wants!,"Allison stated and Stiles or void-Stiles took a glance at her smirking. "Not exactly. I was kinda hoping Scott would be here, because you' re not here to kill me. You are here to protect me,"he said just as the oni apeared.

I stepped forward ready to fight but was grabbed by void-Stiles as he injected me with a strong wolfsbane and I was out like a light.

~No one's POV~

As Derek, the Argents and the Sheriff were fighting with the oni they didn't notice Stiles disapearing taking a poisoned Thalia Paige Hale with him.

Scott McCall and Kira hopped off Scott's dirtbike and ran up the stairs of the loft and entered only for Chris and the Sheriff pulling guns on them and Derek looking defeated as he sat on the ground.

"What happened?,"asked Scott as they lowered their weapons. "They disapeared. They literally just vanished,"Allison explained. "And so did Stiles,"the Sheriff added. "He took her,"Derek whispered but everyone heard him. "Who?,"Scott asked. "Lia. He took my daughter and I couldn't- I didn't see it and I- I should've paid more attention!,"he blamed himself. Everyone fell into silence not knowing what to say.

~Derek Hale's POV~

I was in the loft placing and arranging the pieces of a chessboard when my uncle walked in. "What are you doing?,"he asked. "More importantly why aren't you healing?,"he added. "It's from one of their swords it'll heal,"I brushed off his question. "By playing chess?,"asked Peter as he stood across from me. "Back in his room Stiles had a board with Lia and I's names on two of the pieces. If this is a game to him then I need to figure out the plays,"I answered. "Not so easy to do when it's a game without any rules,"he replied glancing up at me. "What's that mean?,"I asked back. "You're dealing with a kind of spirit that's lived too long to play by any rules. Its a fox spirit. It chose to become human and supposedly that's something they can do only after about a hundred years. If a kitsune is an anoying pain in the ass then a nogitsune, which is a dark kitsune, is a freaking disaster. Besides chess is Stiles' game it's not the game of a Japanese fox,"Peter explained as I thought about what he said as he shrugged on his jacket about to walk away. "Do yourself a favor put something on that before it gets affected or get your amazingly powerfull witch daughter to heal it,"he stated. "He took her,"I whispered as he was about to exit the loft. "What?,"he asked as he spun around. "The nogitsune took Lia,"I told him as I spun around. "Oh that makes sense,"he stated as he stood in thought for a moment. "What do you mean?,"I asked. "Your daughter is the only one in Beacon Hills that can controll nature, work with spirits and she's not some low class witch. No. She has the witch power of  all her mother's witch ancestors, because she's the last one of their line not to mention she's a werewolf aswell. She can put a real damper on his plans,"he stated. "So you're saying she's dead?,"I asked scared for my daughter's life. "Dead?No. Hurt? Probably. Poisoned? Definitely,"he replied before turning and leaving.

~Lia's POV~

I groaned opening my eyes. My brain felt foggy amd I groaned as I opened my eyes and saw I'm in some kind of dark damp tunnel. I tried to move my head to look around but I was completely helpless. I couldn't move! I was freaking out completely. I couldn't even extract my claws to quicken the healing process. I was stuck and while I'm down here he could be slautering my dad and the rest of the pack and I wouldn't know. I'm completely and utterly useless and I hate that feeling. Are they looking for me? I hope they aren't. They should be focusing on Stiles or the nogitsune. They should try and get the Stilinski boy back.

I just hope my dad doesn't do something rash or stupid.

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