Episode 4

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~Thalia's POV~

Me and my dad got a lead on the alpha and were chasing him around town. We were jumping across rooftops me in front of my dad, because I am faster. When I was shot and landed on the ground in pain. My dad jumped down and helped me sit up, we looked at the wound and immediately noticed that it was laced with wolfsbane. "Dad?,"I whispered and looked up at him with worry in my eyes. "Shh let's go find Scott tomorrow,"he reassured and carried me home.

The next day: Beacon Hills High

My dad was helping me walk as we were in the school's hallway when we caught a familiar scent and my dad lead me over to Jackson.

He made me lean against a locker as he asked:"Where is Scott McCall?" Jackson turned to look at us before answering:"Why should I tell you?" I scoffed at his attitude but got ignored as my dad answered:"Because I asked you politely and I only do that once." "Hmm okay tough guy. How about I help you find him if you tell me what it is you're selling him. What is it huh? Dianabol? Hm? HGH?,"he questioned and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Steroids?,"my dad asked. "No girl-scout cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about?,"Jackson asked. "Oh and by the way whatever it is you are selling I'd stop letting your sister sample on the merchandise. You look wrecked,"I flipped him the bird as he talked to me. My dad noticed the blood dripping down my arm and he grabbed my hand in his. My dad let out a breathless chuckle as he said:"We'll find him ourselves." "No we're not done here,"Jackson stated as he grabbed on to my dad but I turned around and pinned him against his locker and accidently sunked my claws in his neck, I pulled back my hand and let my dad drag me away.

I leaned against a wall and let my dad listen. The bell rang and he covered his ears in pain and I laughed a little. He glared at me and pulled me towards the parking lot. We didn't see Scott but did see Stilinski. My dad let go of me for a second as he stopped Stiles but when the Jeep came to stop I fell to the ground and my dad was at my side in seconds.

Scott and Stiles came over to us and Scott asked:"What are you doing here?." "She was shot,"my dad answered as I was starting to shift. "She's not looking so good dude," Stiles stated being the captain of obviousness. "Why isn't she healing?,"Scott asked. "She can't it was a different kind of bullet,"my dad answered as I started breathing heavily. "What? A silver bullet?,"Stiles questioned. "No yo-you id-idiot,"I seethed through the pain. "Wait wait that's what she meant when she said you had fourty eight hours,"Scott stated. "Who-who-,"I tried but shut my eyes and clutched my arm in pain as I bit my bottomlip. "Who said fourty eight hours?,"My dad asked. "The one who shot you,"I opened my eyes only for them to be glowing blue. I hissed in pain as they flickered between normal blue and glowing blue. "What are you doing stop that,"Scott ordered. "I can't,"I groaned. "Help me get her in your car,"Scott and my dad picked me up and placed me in the front seat of the busted Jeep. "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used,"my dad ordered. "What? How am I supposed to do that?,"Scott asked. "She's an Argent she's with them,"my dad breathed. "Why should I help you?,"Scott asked. "Because you need us,"my dad answered. "Fine I'll try,"Scott nodded as Stiles got in. "Get them outta here,"Scott walked away as Stiles said:"I hate you so much for this."

On the road

My dad helped me take off my jacket as we were on the road. "Hey try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there,"Stiles stated. "Almost where?,"my dad asked. "Your house,"Stiles stated. "What? No we can't take her there,"my dad disagreed. "I can't take her to your own house?,"Stiles asked confused. "Not when she can't protect herself,"my dad countered. Stiles flipped and parked the car. I flinched and hissed in pain as he did so and my dad grabbed my hand and started taking my pain away. I sighed in relief until I realized he was taking way too much. "Stop. Dad stop,"I whispered but he didn't listen. "Dad!,"I tried shouting but it came out as a whisper and he let go breathing heavily. "Don't take anymore. But thank you,"I whispered.

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