Episode 24: Season 3 finale

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~Lia's POV~

I sat between Scott and Lydia in the sheriff station, Isaac next to Scott. Our faces sullen as Lydia and I tried to contain our tears. My mind flashes back to my dad holding me in his arms my legs wrapped around his waist and my head in the crook of his neck as Scott held onto Allison:

"Scott, Lia look at me. Look at me. Scott, Lia look at me,"Argent grabbed Scott and forced the young alpha to look at him. "You have to remember, you called me first. Say it. You called me first. "I called you,"Scott breathed out. "Not you. Say mr. Argent, her dad,"the older man demanded. "He called mr. Argent, her dad, first. He was with my dad and he came with him,"I sniffed as I looked at the hunter and he nodded in approval at me . "What happened?,"he asked Scott. "There were two of them,"Scott wheezed out:"they tried to steal our car a-and they-they wore masks. One of them had a knife,"Scott repeated the lie we formed for the law. "You think. Don't be specific, Scott. You saw something sharp and metallic, you think it was a knife what'd you say next? If you get confused what do you say?,"he questioned. "It happened so fast,"I muttered as I hugged my dad closer. "That's right. Say it Scott,"Argent forced:"Scott! Say it." "How are you doing this?,"Scott asked him and he looked down sharply. "Its what we do. It's what we do,"he replied his voice thick with emotion as he turned and walked away.

Parrish called me into the sheriff's office and shakily I stood up and walked in. "What happened?,"he asked. I explained everything that I was told to say.
"Can you remember anything else? Anything?,"Parrish asked as he sat at the edge of the desk and the sheriff next to me with his arm around me. "N-no I-I can't- I don't. It happened so fast,"I whispered up at the deputy a tear streaming down my face. He smiled at me sympathetically. "It's okay Lia. We'll find them,"he replied as he walked up and rested his hand on my shoulder. I was holding my head in my hands when a feeling rushed through me and I felt my eyes glow. I saw images of him surrounded with fire and one word that I had no idea what it meant popped in my head Đavo. "Lia? Lia are you alright?,"I heard two voices asked. I looked up my eyes now normal at the sheriff and deputy. "Y-yeah I'm just tired. Can I go home now?,"I asked as I looked up at the two. "Yeah your dad's waiting outside,"the sheriff agreed as he stood up and led me out of the office. "Was what happened in there something to do with your witchy poweres?,"he asked. "Yeah but I think my powers are a little haywire with everything that happened. I should just go home and rest,"I replied. "Are you sure?,"he asked. "Yes I am. Don't worry sheriff it was nothing,"I smiled tiredly at him before turning and walking away as I questioned myself and decided that it'd be best if I keep this to myself since it could very well just be my powers acting crazy. "You ready?,"My dad asked as I reached him. "Yup,"I breathed out as he led me outside the building and to the car.

The loft

My dad finished burning the wolfsbane out of Ethen as I already finished Aiden and was now laying on the bed trying to gather some of my energy. "You should be fine in a couple of hours,"my dad stated. "Unless whoever shot you finds you again,"I remarked making my dad smile at me and the twins glared. "Lydia's with Scott we should go,"Aiden muttered as he started walking and Ethen put his shirt back on. "You're gonna try to convince her to go with you?,"Dad asked him. "I'm gonna convince her to run and hide ,"he retorted as he turned to look at my dad his brother by his side,"like any sane person would do." "And Danny?,"I asked Ethen. "Allison's dead,"he responded,"Stiles is dying. What do you think?" "I think Danny won't believe you and Lydia would never run and hide?,"my dad explained to the idiots. "Because of Stiles,"Aiden finished. "Because of Scott,"my dad's voice boomed with authority as he corrected the straight twin. "You've been trying to find a way into his pack, to win his trust. Trying to fight for him. But you've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader, you fight for a leader's cause,"my dad informed them. "What cause?,"Aiden asked. "Scott's always been about one thing: Saving his friends. He will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about. When there's no chance of winning, he keeps fighting. When all hope is lost, he finds another way. When he's beaten down, he stands up again. You wanna earn a place in his pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight,"my dad growled. "Dumbasses,"I remarked as I walked out of the room and up the stairs to take a relaxing shower before the final battle starts.

I walked out of the bathroom dressed and ready for whatever is about to happen when my phone rings. "Perfect timing,"I mutter. "Scott?,"I asked as I checked the caller ID. "Lia listen Kira's mom burried the nogitsune in the nemeton and since what we did opened it we need something made of the nemeton to keep the nogitsune in,"he rushed. "The triskellion box,"I muttered. "Yes can you and Derek bring it to the school?,"he asked. "Yeah sure we'll meet you there,"I agreed as I rushed out of my room after hanging up the call.

"Dad we have to go bring nanna's claws!,"I shout as I ran down the stairs. "What?" "Huh?" "Why?,"my dad and the twins asked confused. "I'll explain in the car let's move,"I ordered.

When we reached the school dad and I walked towards void Stiles and the oni. Fully shifted. "Did you bring us a present?,"the Nogitsune asked refering towards the box in my dad's hand. My dad set it down at our feat as Ethen and Aiden flanked us. "We brought two,"my dad replied. "I've heard of an Alpha pack, Derek but not a pack of former Alpha's and a hybrid. It's a little sad isn't it?,"he sassily remarked. "I might not be an Alpha anymore but I can still fight like one,"my dad replied growling at the end. The oni started swinging their swords as they charged at us. We growled in sync and started to fight.

"Where the hell are they?!,"Ethen shouted as we fought the demonic ninja's. "If he's here they have to be here somewhere!,"Aiden shouted back. "In the school!,"dad shouted. "We have to get the box! Get the box to them!,"I shouted at Aiden, who was near the wooden object but two oni apeared at its sides. "I hate ninja's,"he muttered as he growled and stalked towards them getting ready for a fight.

We all were holding our own against the oni but we were starting to tire out and it could be easily seen. "Aaagh,"I shouted as one of their swords sliced my arm. "We can't do this! We can't beat them!,"Aiden shouted. "Lia! Take the box we'll hold them off!,"Ethen called out. My dad threw one of the oni down that was about to attack Ethen it got up ready for a fight when an arrow shot through the air and into it's chest. A bright light followed and it died. Just like before. We looked up to see Argent with a bow. Isaac jumped down to join the fight. "What was that?,"Ethen asked out of breath. "Silver," Argent responded and out of the corner of my eye I saw the nogitsune run into the school. "Lia the box! Get the triskellion box to Scott!,"my dad shouted and I nodded as I ran over and grabbed it before running to the school. Isaac following me after my dad shouted at him to come with me.

When we reached the school Scott and Kira were on the ground and the nogitsune was stalking Stiles and Lydia as he said:"You can kill the oni but me? I'm a thousand years old! You can't kill me!" "But we can change you!,"Lydia rushed out. "What?,"he asked as he stopped dead in his tracks. "You forgot about the scroll,"Stiles explained. As Lydia gave the name of the scroll the nogitsune freezed as he realised what's about to happen. I hand Isaac the box and help Scott to his feet. "You can't be a fox and a wolf,"Stiles stated. I glowed my eyes and extended my arms making the nogitsune fly into the lockers unable to move as I keep him there. Scott then comes up sinks his claws into him and bits him. The nogitsune shouted in outrage until he was impaled by Kira's sword. He fell to the ground as a fly ecaped his mouth and Isaac caught it with the box. The body started to crumble and disolved into dust. "Payback's a bitch my friend,"I spat at the dust. Everyone looked at me not noticing Stiles falling to the ground until a thump was heard. We all crouched over him as I held his head in my lap and Lydia his hand. Isaac stood at Kira's side. He opened his eyes and the first words he said was:"I fainted didn't I?" "Stiles you ass you had us all worried,"I growled and flashed my eyes at him making him jump towards Scott. "We're alive. We are all alive,"he muttered in disbelief. "Yeah we're all okay,"Scott stated. Lydia suddenly stood up and looked towards the exit. I started fearing my dad was hurt or worse.

Lydia ran out the rest of us following. She stopped dead in her tracks me next to her as we saw Aiden with a wound much like Allison's and he's not healing. I ran down the stairs towards them. "No no no no,"I continued to mumble as I held onto my dad. He hugged me back as Aiden smiled up at me. "Bye Lia,"he whispered. He closed his eyes and I heard his heart beat it's last beat. Tears streamed down my face as I hugged my dad tighter.

"It's going to be okay,Lia. It'll all be okay,"he whispered.

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