Episode 21:

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~Thalia's POV~

I was visiting my dad and Chris when I walked right into someone, I looked up to see Parrish. "Hey it's a good thing you are here I'm about to release your father and Chris Argent,"he informed me. "Great now I can kick his ass, because he can't hide behind bars,"I grinned. He laughed and gestured for me to walk to the cells.

 "Alright douche bags someone out there actually cares about you and now it's up to me to release your pathetic asses!,"I called as I walked in. The three men raised there eyebrows at me. "What? I always wanted to do that,"I shrugged. Parrish laughed and shook his head and said:"Well it isn't up to you it's up to me." He then walked to the cells and said:"You're free to go. You just have to get your stuff." I gave my dad a hug then I hit both him and Chris upside their heads:"Hey! What was that for?" They whined together before looking at each other. "For getting arrested in the first place,"I answered while smirking at them and then skipped after Parrish who was grinning at me. 

As Parrish was giving them back their stuff he held one of Argents hunting equiptment and said:"Sorry but I can't let you walk out with this. It's way above the legal voltage level." "I only use it for hunting,"he replied and snuck a glance at me and dad. We glared at him. "Well I'm pretty sure you can use it to jump start a 7 47,"Parrish replied. "This property belongs to me, the charges have been dropped. Although I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that,"Chris replied and I saw the Sheriff walk in behind him. "I am,"he replied. "Sheriff!,"I grinned and walked over hugging him. "I'll take care of this Parrish,"he reassured as he returned the hug. "Sheriff I'm not kidding.This thing is a few watts short from a lightsaber," I snorted as the Sheriff took it and my dad gave Chris a look. "I said I'll take care of it,"Sheriff answered as he closed it. "Bye Jordan!,"I called to Parrish as he exited. "Bye Lia,"he replied as he walked out. The men turned to me with raised eyebrows...again. "What? I felt bad for him,because he had to watch you two so I brought him Chineese once. He's fun!,"I laughed remembering the joke he told me. My dad and Chris rolled their eyes as Sheriff S snorted. "Let's go to my office,"the Sheriff changed the subject. 

"The specialist in LA told me the exact same thing every doctor says when they are trying to avoid lawsuits. We can't say for sure," Que Argent's eyeroll," Then I spoke with Melissa. These are brain scans,"he said as he pulled out two of them,"My wife's and Stiles',"he gave them to Argent with one on top of the other. "I knew they were similar but those are the same. Exactly the same,"he stated. "That's not possible. Not even remotely. The trickster is still playing tricks,"I told them. "Why this trick?,"my dad asked. "When I was in the army an officer told me if you wanted to defeat an enemy you don't take away their courage, you take away their hope,"Sheriff explained. "You don't look like a man who gives up hope easily,"Argent replied. "But Stiles might. If this thing inside of him is using his mother's disease as some sort of physcological trick then this isn't just a fight for his body, it's also a fight for his mind, right?,"I nodded to his question.  "You know he's left people severely injured-,"he was cut off by my dad:"And others severely dead." I elbowed my dad in the stomach making him grunt in pain. "That's why I need the three of you. I need people with experience in this kind of thing.I need you to help me stop him,"he explained. "And by stop him you mean trap him?,"Argent asked. Papa Stilinski nodded. He then handed Argent his lightsaber. Argent took it and nodded. 

We all walked into the Argent's abode where Allison already got everything non-lethal she could find. She led us into her dad's office."Take all of it,"Argent replied as Allison started bagging things up. "What's the plan here?,"Sheriff questioned. "Our best shot is for Derek to catch Stiles' sent at Eichen house especially if he went through something stressfull there,"Argent explained. "Should all five of us be going to the same place?,"Stilinski asked. "Where else has Stiles been showing up?,"Argent asked. "School, the hospital,"Allison answered. "Wait hold up. We did this already,"my dad stated. "He disapeared. We started looking for him and walked right into a trap at the hospital,"I finished. "He's getting us to repeat the same moves,"Argent realized. "So what do we do?Wait for him to come to us?,"Female Argent asked. "We can't,"I quickly dismissed her idea. "Not if the oni find him when the sun goes down,"my dad explained further. "Scott's trying to stop them right now with Kira,"Sheriff explained. "That's the problem!,"I snapped and everyone turned to me. "We are trying to out fox the fox. A creature who's nature is to disieve, manipulate and a creature who feeds off of pain,"I explained. They all look down in realisation. "Listen I'll understand if anyone wants to back out,"the Sheriff stated. "I'm not going to be the first wolf to run from a fox,"my dad shrugged. "Aparently I'm carrying a lightsaber,"Argent agreed. "Dad you and Derek head to Eichen house. Sheriff you, me and if Lia is wants to come are going to the hospital. We all meet in the school,"Everyone then turned to me. I sighed and smirked as I said:"I haven't been practising with Deaton for nothing." I opened my hand and a fireball appeared. They all looked impressed as I then clenched my fist and it disapeared. 

We all turned and left to our destinations. The elevator doors closed and I stood inbetween Allison and the sheriff none of us knowing what to say. Allison sighed and the Sheriff shook his head. "I don't know how you guys do it,"he stated. "You're all so strong,"he stated and I snorted and shook my head as Allison sighed and moved her hair out of her face. "Fearless. Hell you even manage to keep your grades up,"he continued to praise us. "We're not strong,"I stated. "We're used to it. There's a difference,"I replied. "I am failling Econ,"Allison added. "Is that coaches class?,"the Sheriff asked. "Well I'll have a talk with him,"Sheriff stated and Allison sniffed. Oh no she's gonna cry. I'm not good at moments like this. I stepped back and leaned against the elevator wall. The Sheriff stopped the elevator and walked closer to her. "I'm not fearless. I'm terrified.I'm always terrified. I act like I know what I'm doing but I don't. I don't know if Isaac is dying right now, if I made a mistake with Scott. I don't know what my dad is thinking, I don't know if we can trust Derek-,"I cut her off:"You can," but was ignored,"-I don't know. I don't know anything!,"she sobbed and the sheriff hugged her."You know what's funny? You sound just like a cop,"I chuckled and so did Allison at that. "You are gonna be okay, both of you are,"he smiled at us before starting the elevator up again. The Sheriff's phone started buzzing and I asked:"What is that?" Now standing by their side. "Someone's breaking into my house,"he replied. "After Stiles started sleepwalking I had some security precautions put in: motion ditectors, camera's,"he explained. "Is that his room?,"Allison asked as we stared at the video. Stiles was sitting on the bed staring directly at the camera and slowly wiggled his fingers at us.

We called my dad and Chris and went to the Stilinski household. "What is all this?,"Argent asked refering to the chessboard with sticky notes and supernatural names on the pieces. "What are these sticky notes for?,"he elaborated. "This is what Stiles used to explain to me about all of...you,"the sheriff replied. "Well mayby it's a message from Stiles. The real Stiles,"Allison explained. The piece with Isaac on was off of the board. "Is there any reason that my name is on the King and my daughter on the Queen?,"Dad asked. "Well you are heavily guarded but the bad news is that you are one move away from being in checkmate and Lia to be taken,"Sheriff replied and my dad and I shared a glance as he pulled me closer. "It's not a message from Stiles, it is a threat from the nogitsune,"Argent stated. "He's at the loft that's what he wants to tell us,"Allison spoke. "And he wants us to go there,"Argent agreed. "Night's falling,"my dad reminded. "This could't sound more like a trap,"Argent said. "It's not,"I said the same time the sheriff said:"I don't think it is." "I think your opinion might be slightly biased Sheriff,"Argent stated. "Hear him out. He knows what he's talking about,"I replied. "Thanks. What we're dealing with here is someone who lacks motive. No rime, no reason, right?,"The Sheriff asked. "Meaning what?,"Argent asked. "He's not a killer. He's a trickster,"I stated. "The killing is just a by-product,"the Sheriff agreed. "If you are trying to say it won't kill us I'm not feeling too confident about that,"my dad said and I rolled my eyes at him this time. "It won't,"I reasured. "It wants irony. It wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punchline,"the Sheriff continued his explanation. "The sun is setting. What do you two have in mind?,"Chris asked. 

We were hiding as the Sheriff walked into the loft. Stiles turned around slowly.

"Hi dad." 

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