Segment 29

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Tris's POV
My eyelashes fluttered as I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and my head was spinning. All I could see was the bright light above my head. As my vision began to clear I noticed it was a lightbulb hanging from a roof made of rock. I look around, my head aching, not really understanding where I was.
I faintly remember calling Tobias and him not answering but I don't exactly know why. The room is made of rock and below me are tracks. Rail tracks. Am I in a mine?
I notice I am tied to a chair and I can't move. Where the hell am I and why does my head hurt so bad?
I look down to my torn jeans where purple bruises and cuts can be seen. My legs look horrible so I look away. What the hell happened? I begin to rock in my chair, trying to get free but the tape won't budge. Tape. I remember the blood on my teeth and lick them. That had happened when I bit that man's hand. He had tape in his hand. He was trying to cover my mouth with it and then he slapped me. Once I was tied up they threw me to the ground and beat me and I got a concussion. That's what happened. Now I remember. That was the scariest thing I have ever been through and it hurt like hell. My whole body aches and I can't think clearly. I called Tobias to save me but he didn't answer. Why didn't he answer? Damn him! Now I'm stuck here and goodness knows what they want to do to me. I wonder if they took my phone.
I feel warm tears begin to slide down my cheeks and the salt stings my face. My face must be covered in cuts too. I am covered in dry blood and dirt and I really feel like a shower. How come I am thinking of a shower right now? I should be thinking of a way out or I might never shower again.
I look around the mine but there only seems to be two ways out, back or forward. None of them seem to have light coming from the end. I must be deep inside.
I hear footsteps behind me and I turn my head to face the man who attacked me last night. Only now do I recognise him.
"Peter?" I almost scream. How could Peter do this to me? What did I do to him that resulted in my beating? But I realize Peter is not alone. Behind him stand two more familiar faces. Bill and Red. They were Jake and Cooper's friends.
"Bill, Red?" My eyes widen. I suddenly know exactly why they are here. They're here because I ruined them for life with grief. And now they want me dead.
"Can we kill her now? Her voice is still annoying as always. I can't wait till I no longer have to hear it."
"How long have I been out?" I ask, my voice shaking.
"A few days." Peter replies emotionlessly. Why hasn't Tobias found me yet?
"Don't speak to her!" Bill snaps. I didn't know Peter knew Bill and Red. Bill and Red are much stronger and they are older than Peter so they could break him easily. I wonder if they are just using him or made him join them. No, Peter joined them willingly.
"I don't want to kill her just yet. Beatrice should suffer like she did." Bill's voice nearly cracks. I knew this was coming but the mention of her name... Not even her name sends me back to square one. Square one means pain and regret. Pain like one has never felt before and it is all my fault. Sometimes the regret hurts more.
"Hey guys, think about it. Tris has had the best life for ages. She is a spoilt brat and her family needs to learn a lesson to keep people like her away from normal people." Peter speaks up. I hate Peter. I hate him for bringing my family into this. For god's sake don't bring my family into this.
"What are you getting at kid?" Bill spits.
"Her family has money man. Lots and lots of money. Think what we could do with that money. It would leave them with nothing." Peter smiles now and I want to punch him over and over until he hurts.
"A trade? But we were going to kill her." Red points out.
"We lie. Get the money, kill her and then run. We will have the money anyway." Peter shrugs. This is horrible and I burst into sobs in front of them. They can't do this. This is beyond too far. They are comitting a crime here and they are too cruel. If I had a gun I would shoot them.
"I like it. Grab the camera." Bill orders Peter. He passes Red a video camera and Bill begins to play with his laptop typing in all sorts of codes. Peter puts tape over my mouth and I continue to cry helplessly like a little girl.
Red clicks a button on a maschine and when he speaks his voice is darker. They will never know who he is now.
"We're live in 5..." Bill directs and Red holds the camera, pointing it at me. "4, 3, 2, 1..."

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