Chapter 38: Part 3.

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Nialls point of view.

Chapter 38.


We had to cancel yesterdays interiew since Harry and I hadn't come to a decision. We couldn't come to an agreement. It was weird because everybody was involved- Managment, Sony Music, the press, the media and the fans. The fans. That's what stung most. That they were behind it all. Harry and I just wanted to know that if it was okay for us being together. Why was it so hard to get that? Managment weren't giving us a chance. Yet, like Harry said, they gave Liam and Louis a chance. Only because they rushed into things.

To me, that wasn't fair. And I know that sounds wrong and harsh since life isn't fair, but this isn't life. This isn't an every-day thing. Nobody ever has to confirm with their bosses that they were dating their best friends and I certainly shouldn't have to do that. But what if we took the deal? What would happen then? Would our lives just go back to the way they were? I guess so. But that's the thing. That's what we didn't want. We didn't want to hide anymore. And Harrys effort to confess would be a waste. It would've all been for nothing.

I sat with my head rested against Liams shoulder as we watched a random basktetball game on the sofa. Except I wasn't really watching. For once, sport didn't interest me. I kept thinking about Harry, which was a bit cliche but I didn't care. A whole load of pressure and weight was put on Harrys shoulders because of what he said yesterday. And I felt really powerless because nothing had happened to me. It was all on Harry. I wondered how he was taking this. I had a hunch he was taking it the wrong way because Harry always kept in touch with his emotions.

Take Red 'n' Black for example. He got so much hate, saying that he was shit. And know what he did? He spent hours on end on Twitter, reading these comments down at the basement backstage of Red 'n' Black. It took me ages to find him, but I found him in the end. I just don't understand why it bothers him so much. Harry has a terrific voice and he defentily knows how to use it. "Dont think about him to much, Ni." Liam said suddenly, interupting my thoughts. "How did you know?" I frowned and he chuckled. "You are staring way to hard at that screen for my liking." he replied and I sighed. I hated being so predictable.

"Where's Lou?" I asked randomly. It was strangely quiet without him around. "At his mums." he said simply. I nodded. "Why aren't you eating?" Liam asked, concerened. "I have been." I frowned again. I eat all the time. Everybody knows that. "Yeah, and that's why there's a full pizza sitting right in front of us." Liam snorted sarcastcally. I stared at the untouched food on the plate and gulped. Okay maybe I haven't been eating ad much as I used too...just like I haven't slept as much. I haven't slept properly since New Years but that was only because I never had the time and energy to do so.

"Stop worrying, Li. I'm fine." I assured him and I was. Liam was just overacting. Being a big fusspot as always. Besides, the last thing I need is Liam worrying about my health. "You're so skinny." Liam said, ignoring me as he lifted up my wrist. I snatched it away from him. "Liam, stop it. I'm fine." I snapped impatiently and got up. I needed Harry. But Liam caught my wrist. "Don't, Ni. Harry will come down when he wants to." Liam said. But what if he doesn't?

As if on cue, Harry came down the stairs, his phone clutched in his hand. "I've arranged an interview for us after Managment speak to us today." Harry said. So that's what he was doing? I sighed with relief. At least he sounded happy about it. I nodded. "Let's go then." Harry smiled, holding out his hand for me. I blinked. "Now?" I asked, baffled. Harry chuckled. "Yeah, Managment are on a tight schedual." Harry sighed. Shrugging, I took his hand and Harry drove us to Managment HQ. It was the same guy from Managment that we had last time. Steve. But this time, Nick was here too. I guess he needed back up. Heheh.

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