Chapter 29.

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Please don't get teary! :'(

Nialls point of view.

Chapter 29.


I woke up, only to find myself drooling on Harrys shoulders, my mouth wide open. Well, that was attractive. Hence the sarcasm. I wiped my jaw with the back of my hand and slowly stepped off the sofa. Harry stirred a little, bringing his arms around his chest as if realising the sudden emptyiness. I covered his body with the blanket and strode into the kitchen. I made myself some toast and nibbled at it, resting against the kitchen worktop. Suddenly, Harrys snores became quiet and I saw his body rise slowly from the sofa.

He greeted me with a miserable morning grunt and I smirked, nibbling on my toast some more. After he fetched himself a glass of water he pressed his body against mine. "Did you throw that blanket over us?" Harry asked quietly. I frowned, shaking my head. "Louis." we said in unision with a sigh. Harry started to nuzzle his face in the crook of my neck as I finished eating my toast. I pushed him away with my hands on his hips and he gave me a confused look. "I'm letting you do that until these are gone." I protested, indicating to the red marks on my neck. He smirked and started kissing them instead.

I rolled my eyes when I heard someone clear their throats at the foot of the stairs. We jumped and our heads snapped up. "Cozy, are you?" he smirked. Harry and I shrugged and started to get breakfast when a sleepy Liam came down the stairs, brushing past Louis. Harrys phone started to vibrate on the kitchen counter and he disappeared to answer it. I sat lazely on the kitchen counter and waited for Harry to come back. He came back minutes later, looking slightly worried. "What's that?" I asked quietly and the lads turned to stare at us. "It's the press. They wanted to talk to us....about us." He added, gulping nervuously. Shit. This was bad.

Both Liam and Lou's eyes darted back and forth from us with such confusion. They didn't understand. They didn't understand why we were so worried. It was okay for them. "We've to meet them in half an hour." Harry explained and I nodded. Gulping, I went off stairs to get changed. Half an hour later, I found myself entering Management Headquarters, waiting with Harry to get called. I ran a hand through my hair nervously, breathing out a shaky sigh. "Hey." Harry said softly, and I turned to face him. He leaned in, tilting his head slightly and pressed his lips to mine. I was in a trance. I was too scared to kiss him.

It was like there was a roped pulled tightly around us, keeping us securily together. Harry realised what was wrong, he realised I was literally frozen so he started to nudge his lips against mine, causing me to title my head back a bit. Slowly, my mouth started to move softly and heavingly with his. I pulled away quickly. We shouldn't get carried away. I shouldn't loose control. He sighed, resting his back against the seat. "Harry and Niall?" A voice called and we stood up, heading into a spare room. We were told to sit on plump seats in front of a table while we waited for someone from the press to talk to us.

Someone came in, it was another guy. A different guy from the one we had before, like always. "Right, guys. We're just here to clarrify a few things...there have been...cerain rumours about you two." The guy asked, pointing between Harry and I. I glanced at Harry, but he was staring straight at the guy, not breaking eye contact at all. "Fans have been saying that two have been dating. Is that true?" He asked gently. I didn't speak. I couldn't. But thankfully, Harry answered. "No, sir. It's not true." He said firmly, but under the table I could see his hands bawl into fists. "Sign on it, then." The guy said testingly.

"W-what?" I croaked. "Sign a contract. Just so we know." He said reassuringly and handed us a piece of paper. This was ridiculous. They were being so bloody paranoid! Harry grabbed the pen that was on the paper and swiftly signed his name. What?! No! He couldn't have done that. No, no, no. He just lied to the press! He was risking his careerer! I wasn't worth that risk, even if he thought so. Biting my lip, I signed the paper next to Harrys name. Deliberatly making it more messier than normal.

"Good! Now that's sorted. Off you go." The guy said delightfully, waving a hand impatiently at us and we walked hurriedly out the door. It was a silent ride home in Harrys car. Harry and I never talked at all. It was weird. I entered the flat and Liam and Louis sprung to their feet. "What was that about?" Liam asked curiously as we sat down on the sofa. We ignored him, staring into space. "Why did you do it?" I finally whispered to Harry. "Because I had too." He replied simply. I shook my head. No, he didn't! He didn't have too!

"No, Harry. You could have told him!" I exclaimed, standing up. He stared at me, wide eyed. "What, and ruin everything? Are you mad?" He exclaimed. He was the one that was mad, I thought bitterly. "Harry, we should have told him!" I protested impatiently. He stood up. "Niall, if we told him, we would have nothing left! There would be no us!" He finally shouted. "You lied, Harry! That's my point!" I shot back. Harry groaned impatiently. "I was protecting you! I thought that was what you wanted! For us to continue dating! Or do you not want that anymore?" He shot coldly. I winced.

"You what?" Louis interuppted. Shit, he knew. "Not now, Louis." Harry snapped at Louis, turning back to him and then turning back to me. "You guys were secretly dating?" Louis asked, ignoring Harry and sounding a little hurt. "Stop it, Louis! Just stop it! Your life is so perfect, you get to date Liam all the time, in public! It's perfect for you guys so just butt out of it!!" Harry yelled. Louis put his hand on the back of his neck, mouthing awkwardly to himself as Liam moved closer to him, comforting him.

Harry turned back to me, sighing deeply. "I didn't wanna loose you." Harry said softly. I shooky my head, digging my nails in my hair frustratingly. He lied to EVERYBODY! Even the fans! Well, we were both lying. But the point was, I wasn't worth that. "I don't think we should lie anymore." I said miserablly. "Then why are you still here? Why are we still argueing about it?" He snapped at me. Shaking my head in disbelief, I left, slamming the door in the process, making the house rattle.


:'( Cry. 15 detailed comments and 15 votes again? Please make it detailed! No 'upload soon' or 'love it' thank so much! Love you all! :) xx

P.S not edited :\ x

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