The Closing of the Real Deal

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First of all, I would like to thank my avid readers who supported "The Real Deal"! Thank you very much. I also wanna thank my friends, "THE NICE REPUBLIC" WOOH! Thanks to Aj, Louis and Irene for correcting my grammatical errors. Muwehehe. I hope you like the finale of the most-talked about deal here on Wattpad. #TRDTheClosingOfTheRealDeal

Btw, this chapter is dedicated to my editor. Thanks Will :) I hope we can work again. Hihi.

Stop the talking! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the last chapter of THE REAL DEAL. :D Enjoy!






I smiled from ear to ear the moment I saw Ashton's eyes open. My broken heart seemed to heal the moment I saw my brother's eyes. I never realized that we have the same eye color. A dark hazel brown.

I approached him and kneeled beside him, the doctor, Kacey, Ella and the trio were already behind me smiling with tears threatening to spill from the edges of their eyes.

"Welcome back, bro." I whispered to him while a tear dropped down my already damp cheeks.

"WHAT?" Ashton exclaimed while trying to sit down.

"I know, it's a little confusing, but you'll understand it later on." I explain.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHERE I AM?" Ashton astounded all of us.

I stared at him in absolute horror, I turned my head to face the doctor. Giving him a questioning look as I furrowed my brows together.

"Ashton may be experiencing Transient Global Amnesia. Ashton's recall of recent events simply vanishes, so he can't remember where he is or how he got there. In addition, Ashton may not remember anything about what's happening at the moment. Consequently, he may keep repeating the same questions because he doesn't remember the answers you've just given. He may also draw a blank when asked to remember things that happened, a month or even a year ago. One of the reasons why this happened is because of the impact on his head when he was shot and he fell down hitting his head on the hard cement. Ashton will not remember any memories from the past and he will retain his memory back, with the help of his family and friends. There is no medicinal cure for that, only love and support from you." the doctor explained slowly, looking at us apologetically.

I stared back to Ashton. With tears streaming down my cheeks, making my eye sight blurry. Kacey sat down crying in shock. Ella was comforting her by rubbing her back in small circles. Ashton's mom has just broken down, crying. Dad takes a few steps towards me and hugs me. I want to scream. I want to run. I just don't want to be here. But I ignore the feeling and accept my dads comfort.

"Why is this happening? Why isn't fate giving us another chance? Am I that evil to suffer all this pain? This doubt? What have I done to deserve this?!" I ask my dad pleadingly.

"Shhh. Everything will be fine. Now that I'm here,I will make sure that Ashton will remember us. You can help me. Everyone can help. He needs us now, we cant mope around all day son. We need to take action and get over the past and look forward to our new future." he replied sadly.

"Don't worry, James. We are here to help Ashton remember everything." Nate tapped me on my back. I looked up at him, smiling. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people.


I sit on a chair where Ashton is still visible, but he cannot see me as I cry my eyes dry.

As I wipe my tears away, Mr. Scott, James' and Ashton's dad sits beside me.

"You know, love is really powerful." Mr. Scott says it more as a statement.

"Yes, you're right. It really is. It can change everything in just a blink of an eye. In just a beat of a heart." I added.

"You know, Ashton loves you very much." Mr. Scott said, smiling warmly at me.

"How do you know?"

"Because I am his father. I can feel every beat of his heart. And I know that it's at it's maximum level when you're beside him." Mr. Scott laughed under his breath.

"What do you like most about him?"

"Everything." I didn't hesitate to answer. "From his wavy hair down to his feet. He is perfect, perfect to me." I replied.

"Aha! You're truly in love with my son!" Mr. Scott said, a mischievous smile pulling at his lips.

"Huh? Why sir?"

"Because when you're in love, everything becomes perfect, you find all the imperfect things perfect."

I smiled.

"You know, there is this saying that says that you only have one love in your life, but it takes an extraordinary person to have two loves in their life. And you, Kacey are extraordinary."

"I'm afraid sir, I'm afraid to make a choice between the two of them. I love them both. They both mean the world to me. I can't imagine a day without either of them."

"Kacey, you aren't afraid. You are just considerate. You don't want to break one of their hearts, and you also don't want them to destroy their relationship with the other, just because of 'some girl' but the fact is that you are not just 'some girl', you are important to them. All they want is for you to be happy, even if it means one of them being hurt in place of you."

I listened intently, looking and searching for answers in my mind.

"I love James as a friend. Only as a best friend." I said while looking at James who is making Ashton laugh on the other side of the room. "I just don't want to hurt him, I don't want to see him dawn over the fact that I never chose him. I want him to keep on smiling."

Mr. Scott smiled warmly.

"And I love Ashton. I love him. I love him so much. Everytime I'm with him, my heart feels as if it will explode any second." I smile as every word continues  on my lips.

"I love his boyish smile, his voice, his stupid jokes. I love everything about him. And when I found out he lost his memory-" I sniffled, wiping a tear that escaped from my eyes away. "I felt as if my world had stopped and I could barely breathe. All I could think about was 'Will he not remember any of the memories we shared? Will he forget me completely? Im so scared of losing him." I continued.

"Kacey dear, it's clear. If you feel that way, it obvious you feel lost without Ashton, you just need to calm down. Look forward, and look for the better things in life  now. You should tell them both how you feel, they deserve it."

"But what if he never remembers me?" I asked sadly.

"Kacey, amnesia only affects the brain. All the memories inside the heart will never fade away."

I smiled as he hugs me tightly. Making me feel secure.

(4 weeks later),


"WELCOME HOME ASHTON!" Everyone shouts, surprising me.

Harvey and Nate are holding a banner, Ella and Kacey and my brother are cheering for me, my adoptive mother and my father is yelling happily, and my very awesome older brother, James who is holding a chocolate cake for me.

"What's this, James?" I asked, a smile taking over the features of my face.

"You deserve this." he smiled warmly.

I step towards him and give him a quick brotherly hug.

"I love you, bro." I whispered to him.

James hugged me tighter.

"I like the 'bro' part." James smirked, obviously happy.

"Then, so on and so forth, I'll call Mr. James Haliwell, 'bro'!" I exclaimed.

We laughed joyfully.

I don't have enough memories with my brother but I have felt all the love and care a brother can give in just a couple of weeks. All the strangers that I met the moment I woke-up, James is the one I trust the most. I can say that he is the best brother in the entire world.

While staring at my friends and family, one girl captured my sight. Her looks intrigued me. A light pink skirt flowed out and ended just above her knees showing off her toned legs. She is beautiful. Her hair was the color of raspberries and was tied in plaits. It was decorated with little silver beads. Her bracelets matched her ivory skin perfectly.

I remembered one thing, she is my girlfriend.

"Kacey!" I called out to her.

"Is there a problem, Ashton?"

"Call me 'babe' please?" I smiled while staring directly into her gorgeous pure eyes.

She giggled a little.

"Silly you."

"No, I'm serious, babe." I responded while holding her hands. Interlacing her fingers with mine.

"You're crazy, Ashton..err.. I mean babe." she blushed a cute rosy color.

"Im very crazy...Im crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand-new, you'll feel it in my kiss
Im crazy for you, crazy for you."

She smiled while some tears glistened in her eyes.

I gave her a soft warm hug.

"I love you so much, babe." she whispered to me.

"I love you too." I whispered back while stealing a quick kiss on her cheek.

She smiled.


I went to the balcony of Mr. Scott's house. I just want some fresh air.

"James.." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Oh! Hey. Kacey."

"You know, the first time my heart broke into pieces, I still remember how you stayed by my side and never left me. I remembered how you comforted me, joined me and stopped me when I thought the world in front of me began to start crumbling."

"It was nothing. I just became a best friend that you needed." I answered.

"I also recall how we sealed the deal. How we made the real deal that changed everything. I remember how we became sweet to each other. I remembered how we tried to make Ashton and Ella jealous. I remembered how we confronted them and how our emotions exploded on every conversations we had with them." She spoke softly.

"Why are you saying all this? Is there anything that you want to say? Kacey, get to the point. Im getting the chills." I joked, while looking at her seriously and curiously.

"James, I just want to say that I love you...but only as a best friend." Kacey admitted.

I nodded.

She touched my face, smiling warmly and looking into the depths of my eyes.

"After all that happened, I realized I couldn't solve all these problems without a best friend like you. Friendships are the most important kind of relationship. And I wouldn't want to lose a true one. I don't want to lose you as a best friend." She smiled sadly.

I tried to smile happily so that she could stop frowning.

"Kacey, I also learned that these past few days. This kind of love we have is unique. We can kiss each other,hug tightly, without taking anything too seriously. I would love you to be my best friend til the day the world decides to poof and die."

We hugged each other.

"Now, I, James Haliwell, officially close this deal. I promise to be the best friend of Kacey Georgia, til the end of time. Til she grows grey hair, till she get arthritis and til she closes her eyes for the last time." I pledged in front of her.

"I, Kacey Georgia, officially opens a new deal..."

"WHAT?!" I asked surprisingly.

"A deal indicating that James Haliwell and I, Kacey Georgia, will never leave each other's side. We'll never forget the friendship we built and the friendship that we will build. This friendship is infinity. This friendship will never stop. This friendship will never break. This friendship will never have a pause button. This friendship will never get tired. This friendship will never expire. THIS FRIENDSHIP WILL LAST FOREVER." Kacey pledged.

We hugged tightly. Ashton came to us. I hugged him. And I handed Kacey to him.

"Kacey, take care of my little brother!" I told her.

"Ashton, take care of my best friend!" I told him.

"WE WILL!" they both answered.

As I watched them walk away, holding each others hands, I felt happy and at the same time sad.

I could see Nate and Shelly being all sweet and all to each other, as always.

I could see Harvey and Ella, feeding each other cake.

I could see Ashton and Kacey, hugging while both of their greatest smiles were plastered to their faces.


"HEY! IM HERE!" Emily shouted from the door downstairs.

A smile appeared on my face..


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