The Third Wheel

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The Real Deal

Chapter 4: The Third Wheel

"Everyday is awkward day."

That's how I define each day here in school. Kacey is always sad. Im trying to be the best bestfriend I can be to her situation. She had been played and replaced. If I were on her position, I don't think I can handle it.

One day,

"Class, I'll group you into 3 groups, 5 members each group. Our next experiment will require teamwork and serious mindset." announced Mr. Galileo, our Science teacher.

"I hope we'll be on the same group." I whispered to Kacey,

"Yeah." she shrugged.

She's been lonely these past few days. Tears of pain want to get out of her eyes

"Okay, class. First group: Kacey, Harvey, Nate, Shelly and..."


Kacey's eyes grew bigger. I can't believe we're not groupmates.


I quickly went to Mr. Galileo to explain the situation to him.

"Mr, you can't let Ashton and Kacey be together in the same group. I know you know that they just broke-up." I explained it to him.

"Oh. Yeah. The most popular loveteam here in the school were not together anymore," he sighed, "I DON'T CARE! THIS IS SCIENCE CLASS! THIS IS NOT ABOUT LOVE AND OTHER PERSONAL ISSUES! SO GO BACK TO YOUR PLACE MR. DYLLAN BEFORE I LET YOU BE ON DETENTION!" yelled Mr. Galileo.

The whole class looked at me. Some were laughing and some were shocked. I went back to my place not showing my face thats is now full of embarassment.

"Okay. Second group: Rita, Gaustus, James, Ella and Martin." he announced.

"WATDA?" Kacey shouted in surprise.

Oh yeah. My bestfriend was surprised that I will be in the same group with the girl who is the new girlfriend of his ex-boyfriend.


Mr. Galileo has a habit of shouting and yelling to his class. He is lucky no one had been reporting him to the principal. Because that's illegal. For me, at least.

Our table was beside the table of Kacey's. So, Ashton and Ella were one sit apart. But that seat didn't stop them from flirting and cuddling with each other.

I was sitting beside Ella and Kacey was sitting beside Ashton.

"I love you babe." whispered Ashton, holding her hand.

Ella giggled.

"I know."

I looked at Kacey and she looks very sad and awkward at the same time.

"Help me here, Ashton." Kacey ordered without looking on Ashton's eyes.

"I know you can do it. Besides, our relationship worked for 2 years with just you loving me without me loving you." Ashton said.

Ella stared at them. Kacey looks so sad. Ashton smirked.

Kacey erupted out of anger.

"You know, loving you is the biggest mistake I had ever done in my life!" Kacey said as she stood.

"You are the mistake. You trusted me. I just courted you because you're pretty. But you're not hot, just the way Ella is." Ashton explained, partially showing the devilishly smile he got.

"Stop it! This is too much, Ashton!" I stopped them.

Kacey started crying,

"You will pay for this, Ashton. YOU WILL!" Kacey shouted angrily.

She walked away. The whole class looking at her. Of course I wouldnt let my bestfriend go alone. I followed her.

Again, she went on the abandoned room.

She sat on the floor.

"Bestfriend, this hurts too much!" Kacey wept, hugging her knees upon her chest.

I hugged her tightly.

Every tears that drops through her eyes is a feeling of sadness and anger.

"Bestfriend, he will have his time! He will!" I assured her.

"Why does this have to happen? Im a good girl. I pray everyday but why does my luck continues to fall down?"

Someone knocked on the door,

It was Harvey, Nate and Shelly.

"Hi guys. " Harvey said.

"I know you don't know us yet. We're new students, but we know what you're feeling." Shelly added.

"How do you know?" asked Kacey who is stll crying.

"Okay, guys you won't believe this but.. I was Shelly's ex boyfriend." Harvey confessed.

"And I am her new boyfriend." explained Nate.

"And we are all bestfriends! See, there is no position needed. A bestfriend is a bestfriend." said Shelly while tapping Kacey's shoulders.

"You guys rock!" I told them. Smiling while glancing to Kacey.

"Yeah, we know that!" Harvey joked.

"Kacey and James, we'd like to be your besfriends. I know that you are in a tough situation right now, Kacey, but all your tears will turn into smiles someday. I know that feeling. Im also a victim of playing." said Shelly rolling her eyes at Harvey.

"Hey! I was confused back then we I courted you! I thought that you are the only one!" Harvey joked.

Kacey laughed. It was very nice to see her laughing again. Those smiles that I've never seen a long time ago has brightened my whole entire day.

"Okay. Guys. Welcome to the "Unpopulars"." I told them, tapping their backs.

"Yayyy! But that name sucks. Let's think again for another name next time." Nate suggested.

"Youre very clever, Nate. Mwahh." Shelly kissed her boyfriend Nate on his cheeks.

I smiled. These three people were the definition of real friendship.

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