The Escalating Tensions

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The Real Deal

Chapter 28:



We were sitting on creaky, uncomfortable hospital chairs. Kacey sat beside me; trying to hide her tears - she doesn't know I saw her crying a while ago. So we sat - in silence, as a nurse checked Ashton inside his room.

I listened, we both did, as a strange noise came from Ashton's room.

Suddenly, a nurse burst out, startled, her face contorted with worry as she screamed, " DOCTOR! ICU ICU! NURSE! NURSE!"

The other nurses started to panic as well, a growing hysteria filling the air. They ran inside the room; making us panic also, beginning to worry about what's happening inside.

The original nurse stood- flustered, a worried expression on her face as Nate asked, " What's happened to him?"

"The doctors believe that the he may have had a bleed on his chest, he's convulsing. If it persists it could lead to death" she answered us.

" WHAT?" Mrs. Springer exclaimed.

Kacey was equally shockled.

" We ar doing our best. Excuse me, Maam. I NEED TO ASSIST THE DOCTOR." she told us, as another strange noise came from Ashton's room.

Mrs. Springer started crying again. Nate, Shelly and Harvey were trying to make her calm with sympathetic expressions and kind caresses.

Kacey quickly tried to wipe away her tears as I walked over to her. Once again she seemed to try and hide her emotions from me. Yet she can't deny the fact, that I saw her - loving Ashton again.

I handed her my hankerchief.

"You know, I don't know why this is happening. I don't know why are you like this. But I promise you, I'll find the answers for myself. I'm here for you as always." I told her.

She ignored me; I walked away. My heart keeps on telling me to release all my feelings - to cry; my mind advises me otherwise, to keep it in because in moments like this, I need to be strong.

The doctor emerged in the doorway of Ashton's room.

"What happened to him?" Kacey asked the doctor, or moreover shouted.

We all moved in closer.

"We need a blood donor as soon as possible. Ashton is in a critical condition, he's losing blood rapidly and due to the rareity of his blood type we have no matching blood stocked, we need a family member to donate their blood, if not the state of his lungs will worsen. Mrs. Springer can you donate?" the doctor explained quickly, his face concerned.

" WHAT?! " Mrs. Springer exclaimed. I watched, she began to seem uncomfortable, edgy - I don't know why, before she had been quite calm.

"What's wrong Mrs. Springer?" Nate asked her.

" I'm fine." She answered him quickly.

" So, are you ready for a blood transfusion?" the doctor asked Mrs. Springer.

" Well, what's his blood type, Doc?" Mrs. Springer asked.

" Type O. The patient's blood type is O, and as we checked, we don't have any stocks of blood of this type." the doctor revealed.

Mrs. Springer stared at the floor anxiously, thinking deeply. Beads of sweat began to accumulate on her forehead, she seemed anxious.

" I can't doc. I CAN'T GIVE MY SON THE BLOOD HE NEEDS." Mrs. Springer revealed.

The doctor stared a little confused.

Everyone stared at me. Kacey was shocked. Mrs. Springer looked distraught as she breathed raggedly. She looked around and began to run. She ran away down the ward away from the room, away from her son.

We watched, confusion etched on our faces.



"I'M TYPE O, I can do it. I'll donate the blood he needs." I said raising my hand.

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