The Twist of Fate

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The Real Deal

Chapter 29:



I am lost in a sea of shock, faces blurred as I was gently assisted by the nurse. I laid on a bed, it was soft, keeping the nervous people who donate blood - like me, at ease. The nurse asked me some questions about my blood and my health.

"Sir, you are fully qualified for a blood transfusion." the nurse told me smiling sweetly.

I curtly returned the smile; trying to mask my anxiety and nervousness at what may happen

to me.

But what made me more nervous was whether this right? After all that happened? Is it righteous for me to save Ashton? I knew if Ashton survived this, maybe he and Kacey would get back together. 

 "Sir, are you ready?' the nurse asked me while handing me a yellow rubber ball.

I closed my eyes, "Yes I'm ready."

She injected the needle; it was painful. I watched as my blood flowed along the tube and into the blood bag. The blood bag was very large. It felt like an ant was on my arm biting me, drawing my blood. Once there was enough, she cleansed my arm with alcohol.

"It's all done, sir. You can relax now" the nurse informed me with a light friendly smile.

I left the room shakily, seeing Mrs. Springer sitting on a chair in the corner. I went directly to her because she had many questions to answer. Soon Kacey, Nate, Harvey and Shelly were gathered around me as I sauntered over to her.

"Thank you for saving my son's life, James." Mrs. Springer thanked me.

"Well, yes. Why didn't you? Why couldn't you donate your blood to save your son?" I asked her directly, staring deeply into her watering eyes.

She shook her head, looking pityful.

 "Mrs. Springer, I'm asking you. Why? Why couldn't you donate your blood?" 

"Because... I...well.. I" she seemed lost, dazed almost, unable to string a sentence together.



"Don't ask her - ask me. I am the one who knows all the answers." a man suddenly responded, from behind us all.



I turned - it was Mr. Scott!

"What are you doing here?" I blurted, saying what everyone one else was thinking; we were all completely confused. Harvey and Nate recognized him too.

"Who is he?" Shelly whispered to them, not taking her eyes off him as she spoke.

"He is a barber, he has a shop in the city. You know, that place where James changed his look." Nate responded.

"It was me.. I called him. I told him to come here." Mrs. Springer broke-in, raising her voice a little.

"But why?" I asked, utterly bemused.

"Because.. He is the only one who can save Ashton. He's already donated his blood... I just found out before" Mrs. Springer said.



"No, you saved Ashton, you saved your brother, he's your brother James" Mr. Scott revealed.



"I? I what? He... what?" I blurted.

"And... I'm your father" Mr. Scott continued, looking down nervously.

Tears started rushing down my eyes, I was overwhelmed.

" No... No. What the..? Are you crazy? I yelled while crying.

"Scott, just tell them...It's the right time to" Mrs. Springer intimated.

"James, when you were born I was so very happy. You were so sweet, and caring even as a little kid. 2 years later, your brother, Ashton was born. I had no job, no money, it was a problem I couldn't raise you like you deserved. I don't even think now, I have enough money to support you properly. Ashton was a sickly child, something always ailed him. One time her got really sick, we had to take him to the hospital and with a heavy heart I decided to give Ashton away, and Mrs. Springer adopted him.  Even with Ashton gone our life was still poverty stricken. You were only 3, I made the biggest mistake of my life giving you to Mrs. Dyllan - a good friend of mine. As much as it pained me, it was the right thing to do knew both of them could give my two sons the love and care that you deserved and needed. That's why you never knew me, I had to give you up, I cried everyday but I couldn't support you, I had to do what was right however much it ruined my own life. I'm so sorry James"  Mr. Scott explained.

I wept almost collapsing to sit on the floor.

"That's why I can't donate my blood to Ashton, he's not my biological son" Mrs. Springer started to weep too. 

I was shocked, a crying mess - hugging my legs. Mr. Scott... My father; knealt down and hugged me, keeping me safe in his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" I asked him hugging him back.

"Do you remember the day you came to my barbershop? I heard you and your friends talked about Ashton. There's something i don't know. I may not be in your sight but I never left you both. I always guide you and watch for you. James, you are hurting your younger brother. You did not only made him feel sorry for all he did to Kacey but you also questioned his identity. You did not accepted him even if you know in yourself, that you must forgive him. I know that you already felt that, the leap of blood. I decided to tell you this now because we don't know when will your brother live. I regret that I didn't tell you this because you and Ashton are always in war! You always fight! Now, you've got enough time to apologize to Ashton. We got enough time. We have it. And let's not waste it." Mr. Scott told me.

I kept hugging him, continuing to cry.

"Thank you... Mr. Scott. I will never waste this chance. I promise." I wailed to him.



"Call me... Dad." he replied.

"I love you Dad"


hey! Haha. If you don't really remember Mr. Scott, re-read the chapter: THE SECRET CIRCLE. That is where he first appeared. :)) So, the revelation was now revealed. More and more twists are coming! 



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