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  • Dedicated to Harry

Lydia’s POV

I was four years old when my mother told me.

She was nervous that day and seemed a bit on edge.

She took me to the pond in the woods near our house.

“Mom where are we going?” I asked her holding her hand and my stuffed teddy I called Theodore; Theo for short.

“Today is the day Dear.” She kept saying to me.

“What is today though Mom?” I held on tighter when she walked faster towards the pond.

“Today is the day.” Would always be the response.

A clearing approached us and I couldn’t help but wonder what we were doing here. It was mid march and it was barely warm enough to go swimming.

The pond appeared with little rock boulders darting the water and shore. Tall trees lined the water as if it were a fence keeping all of the water in the same place.

The water was a murky green blue and I didn’t want to go near it yet.

Wild life surrounded the pond; frogs hopping, birds chirping, squirrels making the most annoying noises they could.

My mother walked me to the edge slowly and I could hear the gravel of rocks and sand crinkle under our feet.

I walked one last step forward when my mother stopped because the water looked strange at the moment. I just wanted to touch it.

“Don’t touch the water yet Lydia.” She tells me.

I give her a confused look but listen. I usually listen when she’s around.

I never know what scolding she would give me if I even stepped a foot out of line with her.

I stand up and walk down the shore to the rocks. I find a solid one and sit down on it.

I see my mother staring at the water with a stern look like she’s contemplating something.

Her wavy dark brown hair is in a loose ponytail and her clothes are baggy on her petite figure. Her eyes look tired and worn like she’s been fighting a battle all her life; or maybe my life?

She turns in my direction and starts walking over. She doesn’t look at me but she keeps on staring at the water as if something creepy is going to come out of it.

She climbs up on the rock and sits behind me.

I don’t feel her presence but I know she’s there.

Not a sound is made when I fall.

As I fall I see my mother’s unchanging face with her outstretched hand.

She pushed me in? She knows I have trouble swimming so why would she do that?

I fall deep into the water.

I grasp out for something, anything; seaweed, rocks, grass, or fish!

Nothing prepares me for what happens next.

I feel a sensation running through my veins.

My bones and muscles feel warm as if I’m lying in the sun.

My legs burn though.

They start to hurt!

“Mom!” I yell out in the open water. I’m ten feet under and starting to fall faster.

I kick my legs out trying to remember how they work.

Only thing is that I can’t move the same way as before.

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