chapter sixteen

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As I closed my eyes tightly wishing it was all just a nightmare, the man was ripped off of me. Thinking it was all just a dream I let my eyes open, to see Niall with a bloody knuckle as he bent over the wreck that was just the man trying to sexually assault me. I gasped, jumping from the space on the floor, running over to the two men.

“Niall!” I yelped pulling him back as he looked at me and back to the cowering man in front of him. The man put his hands up in defence pushing his body back to the wall, getting as far away from Niall as possible whilst blood poured heavily from his nose and a cut below his eye.

“You think it’s funny raping her?” Niall said getting close to his face, spitting on the man, he shook his head quickly staring at the floor. “And you aren’t going to fucking try it again. Are you?” Niall asked again grabbing the collar of the man’s ripped shirt. Once again the man shook his head trying to cower away further. “Good because if you fucking do, I’ll do a lot more than break your fucking nose.” Niall threatened before standing up and walking over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the corridor, staying silent.

He pulled me in to a door that I hadn’t previously tried to open, much to my luck, it was empty and smoke free, in fact unusually tidy given the state of the rest of the house.

“Zayn’s room.” Niall mumbled, as he closed and locked the door behind him, he pulled me over on to the bed gesturing for me to sit down, as he sat in front of me, looking me in the eye.

“Are you alright?” he asked taking in my image, I wasn’t sure what I looked like right now, but I was sure there was eyeliner streaming along with my tears down my face, and my nose had gone red, that’s what usually happens, I knew makeup was a bad idea. I shivered as I cried, my teeth chattering as I tried to answer Niall. “What happened?” he asked placing a hand on my forearm, caressing it with his thumb as he leant closer to me, we were both sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed, me a little more hunched over than he was.

“The guy t-tried to dance with me and when I g-got away he threw a drink” I began, breaking down again as Niall hushed me gently, attempting to calm me down. “H-he threw his drink over me and then i ran away. I tried to find the bathroom, b-but I kept running in to other rooms, and then when I did find the bathroom yo-“I began again blubbering my way through an explanation.

“Me and Chloe were in there.” Niall finished for me staring down at the crumpled bed covers beneath us as I nodded.

“Then the guy tried to- oh my god Niall I just want to go home.” I cried as he leaned forward pulling me in to his surprisingly gentle embrace, allowing me to soak his crisp shirt with my tears.

“It’s alright, I’ll get you out of here soon.” He cooed rubbing my back in circles.

The thing was, was that I couldn’t go home, my mother thought I was staying over for the night at Louis’; going home now would only lead to serious questioning that I wasn’t up for.

“I’m sorry I took you away from Chloe.” I mumbled against his chest as he gently chuckled shaking his head.

“If anything you saved me, don’t be worrying about shit like that okay?” He asked as I nodded, I pulled myself in to his lap, so our embrace was less uncomfortable and more natural, I felt him tense beneath me for a moment, but quickly relaxed again and pulled me further in to him, hugging me more. “I’m sorry about tonight Soph, if I’d have known you’d been here, you shouldn’t have been here.” He said I could picture he eyebrows furrowing together as he mulled it over. “Who brought you here?” he asked the dreaded question I’d been secretly hoping he wouldn’t.

“Harry.” I mumbled quietly as he grew silent.

“That fucking dick, he should have known Zayn’s party was the last place to take you, you could have been fucking raped and killed, which you almost nearly were.” He cursed Harry out, and for the first time, I agreed with him.

The door handle started to rattle causing us both to jump, the sound of giggles came from the other side as two mindless singles tried to get in to the room.

“Taken.” Niall groaned causing a laugh to escape my lip as he turned to me smirking slightly. When the rattling stopped Niall sighed getting up from the double bed and examining Zayn’s room.

“We’ll be in here for a while I guess?” Niall asked looking through a drawer of DVD’s. I shrugged, feeling bad for keeping him captive in this small room with me.

“You can go down stairs if you want, but yeah, I have to stay till morning at least.” I sighed trying my best to make myself comfortable, feeling somewhat guilty for taking Zayn’s room.

Nialls laugh spread throughout the room, as he shook the back of his head.

“Not a chance I’m leaving you alone in a place you don’t know.” He muttered, picking out a DVD. “So, how about we watch this?” he asked dangling an unfamiliar movie in front of my face, I shrugged as he popped the disc in to the small television Zayn had in the corner of his room.

Niall came back over to me, and sat next to me, we sat on top of the covers, under a fleece Zayn had lying on top of his bed as we watched the pointless movie. “Thank you Niall.” I mumbled half way through as he turned to me smiling, he had his arm draped around the pillow behind my head as he sat semi relaxed.

“Don’t mention it, are you alright?” he asked as I nodded. “You know you scared me tonight? When I saw you soaking, and then the guy, touching you” he muttered pulling at the hem of his t-shirt distractedly. I nodded along hoping for him to continue this rare conversation. “It just, it was horrible to see you look so vulnerable, so, like, remember that time when we were younger, playing outside and you slipped and broke your arm? Like then, so lost and scared, I didn’t like it.” He stared at me meaningfully as I stared back at him.

I did remember, We were both at some park, and I was terrified, Niall brought me home, despite the fact we were both about six, he made sure I didn’t move or hurt my arm any more than I already had and made a fake silly sling out of his cardigan.

“Don’t be scaring me like that again Sophie-may.” He whispered, as he brought his hand to my cheek, cupping my face as he stared in to my eyes, I wasn’t sure what was happening, and I wasn’t sure if I was about to put a stop to it. I nodded, breathing in deeply as I examined his eyes, they were such a perfect vibrant blue, the type that babies had, full of life and excitement.

My eyes drop to his lips as his tongue darts out wetting them slightly.

My conscience nagged away in the back of mind, telling me to pull away, telling me to get home, reminding me of Ben, and Niall.

I felt excitement building up inside of me as my conscience began to fade away in the background and before I knew what we were doing Niall had crashed his lips on to mine instantly connecting myself with him in a sudden blaze of heat.

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