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Today is the day. The day that I marry the love of my life. I am so excited. The past few months have been pretty hectic. The triplets were getting bigger and they are starting to crawl all over the place. Rylan went back to work. He had been busy working on a new contract with some company over seas. Not quite sure what the other company is about, but I just let him do his business. He fired several secretaries because they all hit on him and tried to seduce him at one point. I remember going to see him for lunch one time and the skanky woman working said I couldn't see him. I told her that I was his fiance and she gave me an ugly look. Bitch. He has always been honest with me.

Trent has been spending a lot of time with Emmie. His fiance is very nice to her and treats her as if she is her own child. I am glad that he has been able to be a part of Emmie's life and that he found someone who makes him happy. 

Erica requested to see Rylan. I went with him. She had the look of pure hate on her face when it came to me. She smiled sweetly at Rylan when she looked at him, but would glare at me or my arm whenever I touched him. She said that she loves him and that one day he will be hers again. Clearly, being in the psych facility has not helped her at all because she was still delusional. 

Theo and Loraine have been doing very well. He has been thinking about proposing to her. He had always talked to Rylan about wanting what he has. A wife who loves him and a family of his own. Anna started dating a business man. His name is Aaron. We have met him a few times and he is very sweet. Of course Rylan and Theo are being protective brothers and interrogating him. I feel bad for the guy.

"Elizabeth, are you ready?" I heard my dad ask.

"Yes." I smiled.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and then walked out of the room. My dad met me at the end of the stairs and took my hand.

"You look beautiful baby girl."

"Thank you dad."

I heard the music start and we started walking. Getting out the doors and seeing Rylan my breath hitched. He looked so handsome. I looked at his face and he had tears in his eyes. So did I and before I knew it I was at the altar. 

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

"Her mother and I do." My dad said.

"Please be seated. We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Rylan Masters and Elizabeth Cole. They have been through trials and tribulations and have managed to keep their love strong." The officiant started.

I stared at Rylan and he had the biggest happiest smile on his face. It made me smile. 

"Any objections?" 


"Alright, Elizabeth, your vows."

I took a deep breath.

"Rylan, the first time we met you were a complete jerk to me. I honestly never thought I could dislike someone so much, but then you helped me. You were kind, you took Emmie and I in. You turned into this amazing man. For the longest time, I kept waiting for the shoe to drop and for my life to come crashing down, but it never came. Everything I had dealt with, you stuck by my side. I could not have picked a better man to fall in love with."

"Rylan." The officiant said.

"Elizabeth, I agree. I was a complete jerk. I thought you would be another female who threw herself at me, but you weren't. When Luke came to me that day and told me that  I had made you cry, I felt really bad. Once getting to know you, I realized I was wrong and that you are an amazing girl. I am not sure exactly where, but at some point between everything that happened I fell in love with you. You are smart, sweet, an amazing mother, and my best friend for life. We share four wonderful children together and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Elizabeth, repeat after me. I, Elizabeth Cole, take Rylan Masters to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do us part."

"I, Elizabeth Cole, take Rylan Masters to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do us part."

"Rylan. Repeat after me. I, Rylan Masters, take Elizabeth Cole, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do us part."

"I, Rylan Masters, Take Elizabeth Cole, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death do us part."

"By the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Rylan stepped towards me and dipped me and kissed me. A slow, passionate kiss. I heard the cheers all around us. He lifted me back up.

"I am honored to introduce you officially to Mr. and Mrs. Masters." Everyone clapped and cheered.

Rylan and I walked back down the aisle and went into the nearest room. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me.

"Mrs. Masters. I love the sound of that. You're officially my wife."

"Officially yours." I smiled.

"So would you like to know where we are going for the honeymoon?" He asked.

"Um yes!"

"We are going to Santorini, Greece!"

"No way!" I squealed. I was so happy.

The reception came and we were dancing the night away. I danced with Rylan, Emmie, my dad, Luke, Theo, Harrison, and even Trent. We did the garter toss and the bouquet toss. Tennyson caught the bouquet, while Theo caught the garter. It was a lot of fun. Once the reception ended, we put the babies and Emmie to bed, told our parents goodnight and left for the hotel we were staying at for tonight.

The night we had a lot of fun and I mean A LOT of fun. I was really sore the next day and when our families saw me they laughed. They already knew what happened. Let's just say that the sex is ten times better when you're married to the person you love. Rylan and I were leaving for our honeymoon in two days. I was so excited.

All I ever wanted in life was a man that would love Emmie and I. Someone who would accept Emmie as their own and not think of her as just baggage attached to me. I thought I would never have that, but I do. With Rylan and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

I truly did get my ever after. (:

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