Chapter Eleven

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Telling my parents about what happened did not go over too well. My mom was freaking out and my dad went all "I am locking you two in a tower and you are never leaving." I love my dad. I really do, but sometimes he goes way overboard. 

"Dad, Rylan's parents agreed to let Emmie and I stay with them. I know you would prefer us to stay with you, but if it is one of the two of them then I do not want to stay here because they know where you live."

"Do you think it could someone else?"

"I am not sure, but I do not want to take any chances."

"Okay. I guess I am okay with you staying at his parents, but if you see anyone stalking you or anything I want to know immediately."

"Yes dad."

We got Emmie and headed back to Rylan's parents house. I felt so bad asking to stay with them. I am a grown woman and I should be able to deal with this, but I have Emmie to think about. We pulled into their driveway and I got Emmie out of her seat.

"Emmie, I need you to listen to me. This is where we will be staying temporarily. I want you to act as if it is our own home. I do not want you to be disrespectful in any way. Understand?"

"Yes momma."

I grabbed her hand and we walked behind Rylan. 

"Oh good you're back! Is this Emmie?" Mallory asked.

"This is. Emmie say hello to Mallory. She is Rylan's mom."

"Hello." She said quietly.

"Hello dear. I am so happy to meet you. You're mom has told me a little about you. Would you like to go see your room?"

Emmie nodded and we followed Mallory up the stairs. We reached the end of the hallway and Mallory opened the door and when I looked inside I was shocked. Emmie's room was painted a light purple color. There was two dressers, a canopy bed, and a toy box for her. I looked at Emmie and her face lit up.

"I hope it is okay that we made a room for her."

"It's amazing. Thank you so much." I said. I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes as I watched Emmie throw herself at Mallory and squeal a loud "thank you."

I looked away and wiped my eyes and I felt arms wrap around me.

"Are you okay Elizabeth?"

"I-I'm fine. I just can't believe your parents did this for her, for me and they don't even know us." I sniffled.

"I can tell my parents like you and now Emmie. They wanted to help."

"I will have to pay them back some how."

"No you will no such thing, young lady." A deep voice from behind us.

It was Harrison.


"No buts. We wanted to do this and we do not want you to pay us back at all." 

"Okay sir."

I had Mallory show me where my room was at. It was a light blue and grey painted room. It had a huge bed as well. There is no way that I could thank them enough for doing what they have done.

"So who wants to order dinner?"

"ME!" Emmie shouted.

"What would you like for dinner?"

"Can we have sushi?"

Rylan and his parents looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I craved sushi a lot when I was pregnant with her." I said and shrugged.

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