Chapter Twenty Five

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Rylan's Point of View 

After Elizabeth left the hospital I had to put my plan into action.

"Theo, I need your help."

"With going to the bathroom?"

"What? No. It is something important."

"What is it?"

"I want to ask Elizabeth to marry me."

Just hearing myself say those words had me sweating, but also feeling giddy.

"I am sorry. What?"

"You heard me. I know I have only known her for like two months, but that doesn't mean anything. When you know, you know and I know that I am ready for this."

"Well alright then. So obviously you are going to need a ring, but you can't get out of here for another couple of days."

"I know. So what I want you to do is going to the jewelry store and take pictures of multiple rings and send them to me and I will tell you which one I like for her."

"You got it brother." Theo left after that.

I was nervous because I don't know how Elizabeth will react. I mean, I am going to wait until I am out of the hospital before I actually propose. I have an idea in mind and really hope it all works out. I was being serious when I told Theo that the amount of time we have known each other doesn't matter. I know that I am in love with her and I don't want to wait any longer.

Theo sent me so many rings and I went through them all. There really wasn't one that caught my eye that would amazing enough for Elizabeth. I was frustrated that I couldn't be there to do it myself, but I have to work with what I have. More and more photos came in and then there it was. The ring that I was going to get her. I texted Theo and told him to get that one. 

"Knock, knock."

"Hey mom." I said smiling so big.

"What has you smiling like that?"

"I have a surprise for everyone. Just not yet."

"You can't leave me hanging like that Rylan."

"You will just have to wait. I promise it is good though."

"Alright. I trust you. Anyways, how are you feeling?"

"I feel good. The pain has gone down a tremendous amount and I am ready to get out of here."

"Well good news. I talked to the doctor and you should be able to come home tomorrow instead of at the end of the week."

"Yes! I am so glad. Don't get me wrong, everyone here has been nice, but I miss my bed and being around my family."

"We miss you too. Especially Emmie. She keeps wanting you to come home. I told her I will see what I can do. I love that little girl."

"I do too." I smiled.

"Where is Elizabeth?"

"She went to introduce Emmie to Trent."

"I am glad that she chose to take this on in a mature way.  He deserves to get to know his daughter."

"He does. He seems like a good guy. I feel bad that his ex turned out to be crazy."

"I do too, but now he knows and can move on from it."

"Are you okay with letting him back into Emmie and Elizabeth's life?"

"It doesn't matter if I am okay with it. He is Emmie's father and I respect that. I do feel a little nervous with him being in good with Elizabeth again, but I also know that she doesn't feel that way about him anymore so it relaxes me a bit."

"You are one amazing person."

"Well I do try. I want to do whatever I can to make Elizabeth happy. She loves me and I love her."

"You love her?"

"I do. So much and I told her and she feels the same and we are happy. I just need Erica to quit coming around and everything would be perfect."

"She is still coming around?" 

"She was here earlier and was causing issues. Telling the nurse she is my fiance and it was getting so annoying. We had to call security."

"Well you should think about getting a restraining order. So what is on your list of things to do once you get out of here?"

"Well, Elizabeth and I are going to meet with a realtor next week and look at some land lots to buy. We want to build a house that is something that we both want and is both of our style."

"That is exciting!"

"It is and we are going to let Emmie decorate he room however she pleases."

"That little girl is spoiled beyond belief." My mother laughed.

It is true. She has two sets of grandparents who spoil her, my parents spoil her, my sister spoils her, and now her biological dad is going to spoil her. She is one very loved little girl. I can't wait to give her siblings in the future.

"Well, I have to get going. All the mothers are meeting to have lunch. We also have a party to plan."

"What party?"

"Elizabeth's birthday is next Friday and we want to plan her a surprise party."

"Well then I am going to have to get her one amazing gift."

I smiled. I knew exactly what her gift was going to be. My mom was looking at me like I was some kind of creeper.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"I can't help it. You have a creepy stalker smile."

"I do not mom!"

"You totally do." She laughed and she walked out of the room. Not even five minutes later Theo walked in.

"Did you get it?"

"Yes. It looks even better in person. Elizabeth is going to love it."

"I sure hope so. I am going to propose to her on her birthday next week. I know the perfect spot to take her too."

"Sounds like you have it all figured out." 

"Not really. I have to get some stuff set up first, but it will be worth it."

"Going all out?"

"I only plan to marry once in my life and I am one hundred percent certain that Elizabeth is the one. So hell yes I am going to go all out."

"I hope one day I will be as happy as you are now." 

"You will be Theo. It might take some time, but it will happen."

The doctor came in and told me that I was going to be discharged tomorrow. I was so happy. That meant that I can get everything in order for next week. I wanted this to be as perfect as possible. I wasn't going to tell anyone other than Theo my plans because everyone else would just open their mouth. 

Later that night Elizabeth came back to the hospital and stayed the night with me. I loved having her lay in my arms and I want this forever. I closed my eyes and smiled at the thought of her walking down the aisle to me in a gorgeous white gown. Soon sleep took over and I was out like a light.


Chapter Twenty Five! 

Rylan is going to propose!

Any ideas on where he will do and what he is going to do?

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