Chapter Twenty Six

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Rylan got out of the hospital and I am so glad he isn't one of those guys that is a huge baby. His pain level is low and has gotten better every day. He was lucky to not have to go to physical therapy. I would have been with him every step of the way, but I am still glad he didn't need it. Since he has been home everyone has been acting weird. I don't know why. It is like they are keeping a secret that I don't know about.

"Hey Elizabeth?"

"Yes Rylan?"

"Will you go on a date with me this Friday?"

"I would love to." I smiled at him.

He had a huge grin on his face. I know he is happy about being able to go on this date, but seemed overly happy. I shrugged it off. I am sure he is just happy that he is out of the hospital and able to do things.

Theo and Rylan have been on much better terms and I was glad. I didn't want them fighting all of the time. Anna left to go finish her studies. She is still with that guy and they are going strong. I can't wait until she comes back. I haven't been able to see my brother because he is at school being a genius. I might get to see him in the summer. I would never tell him to choose me over his studies. 

"Elizabeth. For the date dress formal-ish."

"Okay." I said and wanted to question why, but decided to leave it alone. 

I got back into the flow of working. Emmie joined her playgroup again. Everything six hours was returning back to normal. We haven't seen Erica in a while, but she calls and texts Rylan every single day. I had him change him number. So far so good. The week passed by fairly quickly and it was now Friday. Rylan gave me the day off of work and I couldn't figure out why. 

When I got back to Rylan's parents house I went upstairs to pick out everything for our date tonight. He said formal-ish so I went with a strapless knee length floral dress. It felt like the right outfit. I still had like six hours to kill so I went out and did some shopping. I got Emmie a few things. I have been spoiling her since she was kidnapped. Her nightmares went away, but I still feel so bad about it. By the time I got home it was almost six thirty so I went and got ready. 

Rylan texted me saying that he would be waiting downstairs. I did my hair and make up. Nothing too fancy, but light curls and light make-up. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my bag and went to go downstairs. When I reached the stairs and started walking down I saw Rylan standing there in a suit. My oh my, did he look so handsome. 

"Hello beautiful lady."

"Hello handsome gentlemen."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Definitely." I said and smiled at him. Before we got into the car he blindfolded me. He told me that he wanted it to be a surprise. I didn't mind. He seems so excited about this date that he could tell me we were going sky diving and I would have been okay with it. The drive didn't take too long. I heard him get out of the car and then come and open my door. He helped me step out and he held my hand as we walked. 

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"We are here."

He took the blindfold off and I knew exactly where we were Hiker's Peak. I looked around and he had a picnic set up.

"Pulling out all the fancy tricks tonight aren't you?" I said and he laughed.

"I wanted this date to be an amazing one." 

We took our seats.

"So how is your shoulder feeling?"

"It is good. No more pain and I can move it without any problems."

"I am glad to hear that. You know I still feel extremely guilty that it happened to you."

"Please don't feel that way. I was the one who jumped and knocked you over. I did it to protect you and I would do it again if I had to."

"You really are too sweet."

"I try to be. I want to be the best boyfriend ever."

"Well you certainly are on that track." I smiled.

After eating we sat on the hood of his car and looked out over the city. It was a beautiful spot. I loved that he shared this with me and I hoped that this could forever be our spot. I would hate it if we didn't work out and he brought someone else here. 

Just then fireworks started going off. I got off the car and walked closer to the railing so I could see them. They were magnificent. They went on for a good fifteen minutes and just when I thought they were done something amazing happened. They started going crazy and at the end of it words appeared that said 

"Elizabeth Cole, will you marry me?"

I gasped ad when I turned around there was Rylan down on one knee.

"Elizabeth, I know we have only known each other for a few months now, but in those few months I have came to love you and Emmie with all my heart. When all that craziness was going on in your life, you held your head high and you were strong. When Emmie was kidnapped, I lost my mind. I realized then that I do not ever want to lose you two. You both came into my life like a hurricane and now I can't imagine it without you two in it.  I know that Emmie has a dad, but I want to be the best step dad to her and be there for her for everything she needs. I want to wake up next to you each day and fall asleep to you each night. I want to play with your hair and go on lots of dates. I want to be your knight in shining armor. So, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

I stood there with tears in my eyes. He put so much thought into this and I loved it.

"Yes! Yes, I will marry you."

He got up and he kissed me. A passionate kiss. A kiss that said he meant every word he said and he would never leave us. He slipped the ring on my finger and I looked at it and it was gorgeous. 

"Happy birthday Elizabeth." He said and that is when it hit me. I smacked my forehead.

"I can't believe I forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"My own birthday!" I said.

He chuckled.

"In all fairness, you did have a lot going on."


We kissed then he said we had to get home to share the good news. I was so happy and I knew everyone else would be too. The entire drive home I stared at my ring. I was engaged. Engaged to a man that I loved with all my heart and soul. We pulled up to the house and we walked inside.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled once the lights came on.

I screamed and they all laughed. It was truly an amazing birthday.


Chapter Twenty Six!

That was the sweetest speech ever and a cute proposal in their spot.

If you are married, how were you proposed to? How about if you're engaged?

If you're single how would you want to be proposed to?

Me? My husband proposed to me at an aquarium in front of the California Sea Otters since they are my favorite. 

Vote. Comment.

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