Chapter Six

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Rylan's Point of View.

Ugh! I am such an idiot! Why did I say that to her? Now she thinks I think her mind is that of a whore. And she called me an asshole. I deserve it though.

Yes you do. My inner voice said.

I sighed. I only said that because I was freaking out about what I heard her and Emmie talking about. Emmie asked if I was going to be her new dad. When she said it it make my heart skip a beat. Not in a bad way, but a good way. Elizabeth easily got off the subject, but I wanted to know what her thoughts were. I could not just come out and ask her. So I was really quiet the entire day then I go and open my big mouth. Now she doesn't ever want me talking to her again. Fuck my life.

"What the hell did you do to that girl!" My mother said barging into my office.

"Hello mother. Good to see you. What are you going on about?"

"I ran into the delightful woman Ms. Cole in the elevator. Let me tell you son, she is an amazing woman. I ask her if she has gotten to meet you yet and she did not say much, but her eyes said a lot, though she denied it. So what did you do?"

"I may have said something really stupid to her which pissed her off and now she does not want to talk to me."

"Well what did you say?"

"I may have kind of told her that if she starts to like me or fantasize about me that she would be just like the rest of the girls in this office."

"Wow. You are an asshole."

"Gee thanks mom."

"Son I only talked to her in the elevator and I know there is nothing about that girl that says she is a whore trying to get you for your money. I mean, she has a daughter for crying out loud. She obviously has standards for herself."

"She told you about Emmie?"

"Yes she di-  wait how do you know she has a daughter?"

"Well see it is kind of an interesting story. I was very rude to her yesterday and I called her cheap and told her she is only in this job to find a rich man so she won't have to work and she slapped me. Hard too, I might add. Then she got a call from her mom saying her daughter was in the hospital and she was freaking out so I drove her and we ended up spending the rest of the day together and I found out some stuff about her past and it made me really angry. I ended up staying at her parents house last night and I heard her and her daughter talking and her daughter asked if I was going to be her new dad and it freaked me out and I decided I would be rude today because I did not know how to handle it." I said quickly and took a breath when I was done.

"Wow. You really are an idiot. Elizabeth never said that you would be her daughters father right?"

"Well no."

"Then you shouldn't even be freaking out. She is young and doesn't understand things. She is going by what she sees. You should not have been rude to Elizabeth. She did not deserve that. So eventually you will have to apologize. I don't know what you are feeling and you need to sort it out."

"Yes mom."

"Alright, well I need to go to Ms. Cole's office. She is going to help me plan my event for single mothers."

She is helping my mother with an event? My mother never asks anyone for their help. Elizabeth must have made a good impression on her. It would be easy to see. Elizabeth is a smart, funny, outgoing person. She could make anyone like her. I would not even be surprised if Luke ended up liking her and dating her. My mother walked out and went to Elizabeth's office. Elizabeth smiled. Her smile was gorgeous and contagious. I saw Luke standing there. See what did I tell you?

I heard a knock on my door. It was the office slut again.


"What you doing baby?"

"I am not your baby so please do not call me that."

"I want you to be my baby. Please go out with me."

"What did I tell you? I don't mix business and pleasure and that if you tried again I would fire you. If you value your job you will leave now and stop this."

"Why can't you see that I love you? Is there someone else? I bet it is that new bitch that just started working. She seems a like a whore."

"And you are not? Coming around me and throwing yourself at me? This has nothing to do with the new employee. This is my last warning. Leave now or you will be fired."

She huffed and walked out of the office. I got back to work and before I knew it, it was time to go. I saw Luke and Elizabeth headed to the elevator. They were smiling and laughing. I packed up my stuff and headed towards the elevator as well.

"So Elizabeth, I was thinking that we could just take my car and go pick up Emmie and then head to dinner." Luke Said.

"Sounds good to me." Elizabeth replied.

I knew it. Of course he asked her on a date. I was so angry I tensed up and just stood there awkwardly.

"Luke. Got a date tonight I see." I said.

"Nah man. Like I told your mother earlier, Elizabeth is out of my league and way too good for me."

Damn straight she is too good for him. Hell, she is too good for me, but that doesn't stop me from wanting her. Elizabeth rolled her eyes which Luke noticed.

"So is there something going on between you two I should know about?" He asked.

Before I could say anything, Elizabeth did.

"Nope. I actually don't know Mr. Masters. At all." She said then walked off the elevator once it opened.

My face fell. She was really angry with me. I wanted to apologize, but Luke was there. I didn't want him to know what I had said. He would scold me for it. 

Maybe being scolded by him for a little while is better than the silent treatment from her? My inner voice said and I knew it was right. I could not stand Elizabeth giving me the silent treatment. Maybe I can work at getting her to forgive me. I will have to go and ask her parents what all she likes so I can get started. I drove to her parents house got out and knocked on the door.

"Rylan what a surprise." Mrs. Cole said.

"Hello, I am sorry to intrude, but I made a mistake and now your daughter is upset with me and I wanted to ask for your help on how I can get her to forgive me."

Her mother gave a look between "What did you do to my daughter" and "Elizabeth can hold grudges for a long time." I sighed. Her mothers face smiled brightly at me and she said

"I will help you."

I spent a few hours at her parents house and her mother was very willing to help. Her father on the other hand was very angry at me. He yelled at me and told me his daughter has been through enough and that she didn't need me to be rude to her. He was right and I apologized profusely to him. He made me work for. Now I see where Elizabeth gets her stubbornness from. I had to clean his gutters, sweep, vacuum, and mop the hardwood floors, and I had to help him set up a room downstairs for Emmie. When it was all done he laughed and said he was just messing with me and he wanted that stuff done so he didn't have to do it all himself. I felt like and idiot.

I ended up leaving her parents house around nine at night. It was time to go and get what I needed to hopefully get Elizabeth to forgive me, but if she is really stubborn, it will take a lot of work. More than I already have planned.


Chapter Six!

So what are your thoughts on how he will help Elizabeth?

What do you see Elizabeth doing?

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