Chapter Twenty

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When I woke up with my head pounding. I looked around and I was in a hospital room. I groaned because the beeping on the machine was not helping the throbbing.

"You're awake." I heard Rylan say.

"Not so loud please. What happened?"

"After the beating you took from Erica the other day you passed out. You weren't waking up so we brought you in."

"Ugh. Can I please have her thrown in jail for assault?"

"We are working on it."

"When can I leave?"

"As soon as the doctor comes in and checks you out to make sure you are doing okay."

I nodded and laid back down. I hate that this happened.

"Rylan, how much did Emmie see?"

"She saw quite a bit. She staying in my parents bed last night because she had a nightmare about what happened."

"My poor baby. I am going to beat Erica's ass."

"I would hold off on beating anyone's ass Ms. Cole." The doctor said.

"Sorry. I am just angry."

"I can understand that. So we took some scans while you were passed out and everything looks fine. You have a small concussion so we want someone to watch you for a few hours. Other than that you are good to go. I will get the nurse to get your discharge papers ready."

"Thank you doctor." Rylan said.

"Elizabeth. I can't tell you how sorry I am that this happened and I completely understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore."

"What? You think that I would leave?"

"Elizabeth. My ex beat you. Why wouldn't you want to leave?"

"You have a crazy ex. So do I. We are dating. Your problems are my problems and my problems are your problems. I am not going to let this determine if we stay together or not. I am in this for the long run. You're stuck with me."

I saw him smile widely and it made me smile. I was ready to leave this hospital and get to my baby girl. I needed to let her know that I am okay and that everything is going to be okay from now on. It took two more hours to get me discharged.

"Do you want to go and get some food?"

"I could go for something."

"What would you like?"

"Sushi or pizza."

"How about both?"


We both laughed and pulled into the pizza place. I could smell it and it had my mouth watering.

"So what would you like?"

"A pineapple pizza. A large one." He gave me a look.

"How hungry are you?"

"So hungry I could eat a horse."

He laughed and we ordered our pizza.

"So tell it to me straight. How bad does my face look."

"Honestly? It probably feels worse than it feels. You have a decent size bruise on your cheek, but it really isn't that bad."

"I am gong to trust you when you say that." 

"Good. Bruise or not you still look beautiful."

"You know how to sweet talk a girl."

"I do, but you are the only girl I want to sweet talk." He said and winked at me.

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