Chapter Thirty Four

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On the drive home Rylan could not stop smiling. I swear his face would permanently be stuck like that if he didn't do something other than smile. I laughed at that thought.

"What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking about how if you don't do something other than smile your face is going to be stuck like that." I laughed.

"I can't help that I am happy. We are having two boys and one girl. I am so excited! And I can't wait to see everyone's reactions, including Emmies. She wanted  a sister and she got one."

"How about we go and get lollipops in the color of the genders and we have your parents pick one, my parents pick one, and Emmie pick one?"

"I love that idea. We would have to make sure Emmie picks the pink one though."

"I can manage that. You hold the two blue ones and I will hold the pink."

Once it was decided we stopped and got the lollipops. When we were checking out I heard a voice I did not want to hear.


I turned and saw Adrian standing there with a girl attached to his arm.

"Yes Adrian." At this point Rylan stood in front of me and glared at him.

"Well this is awkward."

"Not really. You shouldn't be anywhere near my fiance. Breaking in and damaging her office like that, I should have had you arrested." 

"I understand and thank you for not doing that."

Wow. Ok. This is a new side to Adrian.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted to come over an apologize to you for everything that I did in the past and have done recently. When I saw you with him I was jealous and I had no right to be. I was the one that caused you to leave and for that I am truly sorry. I wanted to introduce you to Lana. She made me see the error of my ways."

"Oh please. I beat this man until he understood that what he did was wrong. I am sorry for what happened to you and your daughter, but I can see you are doing well now."

"Yes I am. Thank you."

"Well I just wanted to come and say sorry and congratulations on the engagement and the baby."

"Thank you." I said and nodded. Rylan was still glaring at him.

I watched as they walked away. I wonder if he really has changed, but then I realized it is no longer my business. It seemed that everything was going good in my life and I couldn't be any happier. The only issue we had was that Erica was still trying to worm her way into Rylan's life any way she can. I couldn't wait for our house to be down being built so that we could move in. I made sure that we would have a security system and a iron fence around our property that was high enough so no-one could climb. Ok we just got the security system, but I would have liked the fence. Now we were heading home and ready to reveal the genders of our babies.

"Mom, dad, Emmie!" I yelled and they came walking into the foyer as did Rylan's parents.

"So what are the genders!" My mom squealed.

"Well we bought lollipops to reveal it. So you, dad, and rylan parents each take one out of Rylans hand and Emmie takes this one out of mine."

They nodded and I saw Rylan hold out his hands. His parents picked first.

"A boy!" Mallory screamed and Harrison's face broke into a big smile.

My parents went next.

"Another boy!" They had the same expressions as Rylan's parents. I saw Emmie and I could tell she was worried they would be all boys.

"Ok Emmie. It is your turn."

I held out my hand and she was hesitant to take it, but she did slowly. When she saw the pink her eyes grew big and she had a huge smile on her face.

"It's a girl! I'm going to have a sister!" She screamed and everyone laughed.

Emmie hugged my leg.

"Momma, I love you."

"I love you too baby girl."

We decided we would order in some food as a celebration. I texted Auden to let him know and I also texted Anna, who was extremely excited. Rylan told Theo and Theo's response was  

"Two nephews to take to the strip joint when they're 18. Sweet." 

I told Theo if he ever brought my sons to a strip joint that I would personally castrate him. He shut up after that.  Rylan just laughed and gave me a look and I shrugged my shoulders. After eating and pleasant conversation my parents left and we headed to bed for  the night.

Rylan tucked Emmie in for me since I couldn't bend down, but she stood on the bed so I could give her a kiss goodnight. When I changed and laid in bed I couldn't help, but think how much my life has changed. I never thought all the bad that happened would happen or that I would meet and marry a billionaire. I didn't even care if he was a billionaire. I saw Rylan as a normal person who works just  like everyone else. The only difference was that he made more money than the average person.

Rylan laid next to me in bed and started to rub my belly. I loved how he showed such my love and care towards our children and they weren't even born yet. He really was going to make such an amazing father. He leaned over and started talking to the babies. I never experienced this with my pregnancy with Emmie and it was the sweetest thing ever. While he was talking I felt a kick and based off of Rylan's facial expression he did too.

"What was that?"

"That was one of the babies kicking."

"Really?" He looked at my stomach in awe and then he saw the movement of the babies.


"That is the coolest thing ever."

He started talking some more. The more he talked the more they kicked. He could not get  enough of it. I loved seeing him like this. He was truly happy and I didn't think anything could go wrong, but boy was I wrong.


Chapter Thirty Four!

Everyone is excited about the genders! Yay! 

What do you think is about to happen?

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A/N This chapter was a little shorter than most I write. Also the next chapter is going to be jumping to 3 months in the future when Elizabeth is 8 month pregnant.

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