Chapter Five

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The next day was not so bad. I woke up and we all had breakfast downstairs. We then headed to drop off Emmie and head to work. Rylan was unusually quiet. I did not want to say anything so I kept my mouth shut. I wonder what is up with him though?

We got into the building and I greeted Marissa. The attendant at the front desk and then walked to the elevator. I got on and before the door closed Rylan got on. I still did not say anything to him. When we got to our floor I got off and went straight to my office. I logged into my computer and saw I had emails from Human Resources saying that I needed to go down and fill out some more information. Just another long day of work and now I have to add this on top of it. I got so into my work that I did not hear a knock on my door.

"Hello Elizabeth." Luke said.

"Hello Luke, how are you today?"

"I am just peachy. How are you?"

"Busy and I still have to go to human resources to fill out some more information that they need apparently."

"Bummer. So I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner tonight?"

"If it is as a date I will have to decline."

"Not as a date. We did not get to have lunch together thanks to my rude best friend so I would like to have dinner and we can talk."

"Sounds like a plan. I just have to move some stuff around."

"If its too much trouble we can do lunch tomorrow."

"Oh no it is fine. I just need my mom to pick up my daughter from- oh shit."


"I did not want you to know about that yet."

"Why not?" He frowned.

"It is just really personal and I don't always make friends and stuff when I tell them I have a kid. I mean we are young and they see having a kid as being lame and not allowed to have fun." I shrugged.

"I would never do that. Can I meet her?"

"Do you really want to?"

"Absolutely. I love kids."

"Alright. Well I can bring her to dinner tonight. If you don't mind?"

"No. By all means bring her." He smiled.


"So do you know what is up with Rylan today?"

"Nope. Can't say that I do. Though I do not talk to him or know him that well so it could be anything."

I did not know if I should tell Luke that I spent most of yesterday with him and that he stayed at my parents last night or that we came to work together. I don't want him to think that we slept together or something. Luke left after talking for a while then I walked to the elevator. I got on and soon after so did Rylan.

"Good afternoon Mr. Masters."

"Afternoon Ms. Cole. Where are you headed?"

"I have to go to human resources and fill out some missing information. After that I would like if I could talk to you about the finances of the company. I do not think it is something that can wait."

"Of course. After you done with Human Resources come to my office and we will talk."

The elevator dinged and I walked off. Filling out paperwork with Human Resources took almost two hours. Why? Because they were super backed up. Fan-fucking-tastic. I got back to my elevator and went to Rylans office. I knocked and heard a come in. I walked inside and I must say I loved his office.

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