Chapter One

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"EMMIE, Let's go. We cannot be late today!" I screamed running through the house making sure I got breakfast on the table before getting dressed.

Let me introduce myself. I am Elizabeth Cole. I am twenty six years old and I have a six year old daughter named Emmie. Yes, I had a child at twenty. No, I was not some irresponsible girl. I had been on birth control, but I got the  flu and had to be put on antibiotics and did not know that it cancelled out your birth control. So I made the mistake of having sex with my boyfriend without protection. My parents were shocked, but they were not mad. I explained what had happened and while they were disappointed at first, they did not go to the extremes and kick me out or anything. Which I am so thankful for. Without them I would not have had the time to go to school and get my degree. 

As for the father of Emmie, well he is not in the picture. It's not that I did not want him to be or that my parents didn't, but that he didn't. He said that he is too young to be tied down to a mistake. When he said that it made my blood boil. I punched him in the face and told him that a lawyer would be in touch with him. Why a lawyer? Well, I wanted t make sure that he does not try to just come back into my life and demand that he gets his daughter. Rules were made for the possibility that some day he might do that. He easily sighed the contract and I did not see him after that. We have not talked in six years. I see his mom and dad because they wanted to be a part of Emmie's life. I could not deny them of that. They are her grandparents too. I usually meet them at a park, or my parents house. I never go to their house in case their son is there. 

So now here we are, six years later and I am starting my new job. I went to school to become a financial manager. They make decent money, I enjoy doing it, and I get to work in a place where there is health benefits for me and my daughter. I can also pay my parents and brother back for all the days and nights of babysitting while I attended classes and went to job interviews. When I saw the Rylan Enterprises was looking to hire a new financial manager, I was ecstatic. Rylan Enterprises is a huge company and working for them can open many doors. I applied having the doubt that I would be hired. I mean I am only twenty six and there are people who have far more experience than me, but when I got the car from HR saying that I got the job I screamed so loud my mom came running into my bedroom thinking that I was being attacked or something. She was so happy when I told her the news that she screamed so loud and my brother and dad came running into the room. They thought there was a spider or something.

Currently, I am getting dressed for my first day on the job. I decided that completely professional would be the best way to go and I went with a black pencil skirt, dark red button up, and black heels. I left my hair down and did light make up. I do not want to look like I have hooker make-up when I go in for work. After I was done getting ready I went to Emmie's room to get her ready for school.

 "Emmie honey, You cannot wear a yellow skirt with a pink top baby. It does not match." I laughed.

"But I like it momma." She pouted.

"I will tell you what. When school has a dress crazy day at school, I will let you wear it. Deal?"

"Deal momma." She smiled.

Everything thinks that I was insane for keeping Emmie and not giving her up for adoption, but when I saw her for the first time and held her, I was locked in. I knew there was no way I could give up such a beautiful baby girl that I made. She has been a handful at time, but I made it through and she has grown into a beautiful little girl. I was putting on her shoes after getting her dressed when the door bell rang.

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