Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up the next morning and damn did my hand hurt. I should not have punched him, but he pissed me off. Calling me one of Rylan's whores and I am not mistaken, I haven't even read about Rylan being with anyone. I was glad Emmie wasn't around when that happened. Not just because of the bad words, but because of the hitting. She doesn't like it for obvious reasons, but I will not sit there and let someone disrespect me. 

I went to shower then headed downstairs to get breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I saw Rylan's brother Theo sitting there. I was in no mood to talk to him. I went to the fridge and got the eggs out and the orange juice.

"You know my parents have a chef to make you food."

"I do and I don't want the chef to make me food. I am perfectly capable of making my own food." I said and it came out a little harsher than intended. I heard him sigh.

"Elizabeth, I am sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I am sorry for what I called you last night. I was just trying to piss Rylan off."

"By bringing me into it when you don't even know me?"

"I was in the wrong and all I can say is sorry."

"You were and if you expect me to apologize for punching you, I won't."

"I expect no apology. Anyways, your parents took Emmie to the zoo this morning. They told me to tell you so you didn't freak out when you went to look for her."

"That is nice of them." I frowned.

"Why are you frowning?"

"I feel like I am taking advantage of your family. I am sure someone has told you about the drama in my life currently. I hate bringing that anywhere near your family and I probably look like some desperate poor person who can't do anything on their own."

"I won't lie. When Rylan told me why you were staying here I thought maybe you set the whole thing up to trick him so you could get to his money. I can see now that I was wrong."

"You are very wrong. I have had to work very hard for everything I have and I continue to work hard for everything I have, need, and want. Money is good to have, but money can't buy me happiness. Money can't buy me friendship and it definitely cannot buy me love. I am not the type of person to use someone for money when it literally means so little to me other than to get what I need for me and my daughter."

"I understand. I can see why Rylan likes you."

I shook my head.

"He doesn't like me. He is helping out an employee who has had an unfortunate last few days."

"Trust me, he likes you and what do you mean last few days?"

"My very first day of work Rylan basically called me a cheap whore and to top it off that very same day I had to leave early because some asshole kid decided to punch Emmie in the face. Then there was me getting sick and missing work and not my apartment being broken into. It has just been a lot."

"Do you know who could have done it?"

"Honestly, at this point it could be anyone. It could be my daughters father, my abusive ex boyfriend, or maybe even one the girls from work."

"One of the girls at work?"

"Yes. One of the girls basically warned me to stay away from Rylan. I got the feeling that she is a bit crazy."

"I can have it looked into."

"The police are already looking into it."

"I can get private investigators to do some digging."

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