Chapter Thirty Two

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Waking up I felt very refreshed. I looked at the clock and saw that I slept for six hours. I must have been really tired. I got up and walked downstairs. I didn't see anyone.

"Is anyone home?" I yelled, but no answer.

Maybe they went out to get some food or to go shopping or something. I walked around the house just to make sure and when I was almost to the study I saw a light on. I went towards the room and heard voices.

"Oh Rylan. I knew you would come back to me." I heard a female voice say.

"Always." He said.

I peeked in the room and saw Erica straddling Rylan. They were making out. I started to cry and accident knocked into something.

"Elizabeth, this isn't what it looks like."

"I don't want to hear it. I am taking Emmie and we are leaving." 

I quickly went to the bedroom and packed my stuff and then Emmies. I couldn't believe he would do this to me and now I am going to have three babies to raise on my own. Seems like history is going to repeat itself.

I grabbed Emmie and we went to walk out the door when I heard Rylan yelling. I didn't stop and then I jolted awake.

I looked around and realized it was just a dream and I was sweating like crazy. I looked up to see Rylan staring at me.

"Are you okay?" He wheezed out.

"Yea. I am fine. Why?"

"I heard you yelling and crying in your sleep about taking Emmie and leaving."


"What did you dream about?"

"I don't want to talk about it. It's stupid."

"Not if it had you crying in your sleep. Come on baby, tell me."

"I had a dream that you were cheating on me with Erica and I caught you two together." I said and looked down.

"Elizabeth." He said softly. "I would never cheat on your with anyone. Especially Erica. I would not hurt you like that. It was just a nightmare that will never come true."

"I believe you. It just scares me. What if you decided that marriage and babies aren't what you want anymore and you leave me."

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop thinking like that. That is never going to happen."

I just nodded and he kissed my head. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and then went to get some food. I could tell Rylan was being sincere with his words, but I still could't help, but worry. 

"Elizabeth! Are you ready for the single mothers event tomorrow?"

"Absolutely. I can't wait to help these mothers out."

"I was actually wondering if you could share your story with them?"

"I would love to Mallory." I smiled

I couldn't wait for this event. My mom gets to be there and she gets to see what I have worked one for the past few months. I felt very proud of how everything was turning out. Since I had been exhausted and doing stuff for the house and all Mallory had sent me pictures of the baskets and decorations and stuff. It looked amazing.

I went back upstairs and decided I would just sleep for the rest of the night.


Waking up the next morning I had a huge smile on my face. Today is the day of the single mothers event. Rylan left me a note this morning saying he and Luke had something to take care of at work and then he would be there.

I loved having his support on the things that I do. I was going to write down what I was going to say to everyone, but decided I would just tell my story straight out. I went upstairs and put on a cute maternity dress. I was already big enough to wear maternity clothes and we are one day closer to finding out the genders.

Emmie keeps telling me she wants at least one sister. If Rylans guess is right then she will have one sister. I didn't really have a feeling as to what gender they are so I didn't really put my input. After getting ready I went downstairs where my mom, Mallory, and Emmie were waiting.

"Well aren't you looking so dressed up today." I said to Emmie.

"Grandma bought it for me to wear today."

I looked at Mallory and she shook her head and then I looked at my mom.

"Thank you mom. It is a beautiful dress."

"Anything for my grand-daughter. Are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I can be."

"You are going to love it."

We left and when we arrived I was in awe. The place looked amazing.

"Mallory, this turned out amazing."

"It sure did and it is all thanks you all your ideas."

"I hardly did anything."

"You did a lot. So this is how it is going to work. I am going make a little speech and welcome everyone and then I will introduce you and you can come up and share your story then at the end of it I will go back up and say some things and then we get to eat and enjoy the fun."

"Sounds good."

I watched as Mallory went up there and made her speech. She was in her element. She was truly inspiring. Before I knew it she was introducing me and I walked up to the stage.

"Good Morning ladies and welcome. My name is Elizabeth Cole and I helped make this event for all of you. You are probably thinking "why would she do this event for us? What does she have in common with us?" The answer to that is I am a single mother. I got pregnant when I was twenty years old. When I found out, the guy who was my boyfriend at the time dumped me. I was on my own as a parent. I had my families help and I will always love them and owe them for their help, but I was still stuck. I was twenty and pregnant. I had dreams of going to college that went down the drain. I would go to the store looking like a mess and utterly exhausted and getting diapers or wet wipes. I was looking at my daughter and decided that I needed to do more for her. I applied to college and I worked my ass off to get done and get a job. It look a lot of time and effort, but I did it. I am now a financial manager and I have been able to take care of my daughter. I am proof that you can still make your dreams come true. I am engaged to a wonderful man now and I am pregnant. By putting in the effort you can do amazing things in life. That is what this event is about. It is to celebrate you for doing this on your own, this is to get you set up for the next steps in your life. We have a lot of people here that you can talk to that can give you help on getting into college if that is what you want to do or to help you get a job. I want to tell you that you are not alone even though you feel like it. Enjoy the event."

I got off the stage as they clapped and when I got to the table I saw Rylan there holding flowers.

"You were amazing."

"Thank you." I smiled.

The event was really something amazing. We played games and there were many people who came to talk to me and meet Emmie. All the ladies filled out a form that would be their entry into see who would get the scholarship for college. I really enjoyed it and it made me so happy to see all these ladies happy and feeling empowered. 

Of course there were some women who flirted with Rylan, but he nicely turned them down by telling them that he is engaged to me. After we got home that night I had Rylan massage my feet because they were hurting so bad. He was so sweet and attentive and I thought that I couldn't possibly be any happier.


Chapter Thirty Two!

I love Elizabeth's speech. Having strong female leaders and role models is something that the world needs more of. 

I feel like someone in real life should make an event like this because truthfully  there are a lot of single mothers out there and I know a few and  I have seen how they struggled and it killed my me. 

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