Chapter Four

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Rylan is being sweet. Really sweet. I am sure it is because he feels guilty for how he acted earlier. There can't be any other possible reason. I am going to have to keep my eye out on him. I am not used to guys being sweet to Emmie and I other than my dad and brother. Remembering the past was hard. All I really wanted to do was forget it. There are reasons why I am not interested in dating right now, or at all for that matter.

We pulled up to the grocery store and got out. Emmie was really excited. I mean she gets cheesecake tonight. Who wouldn't be excited. Walking into the store I saw Emmie grab Rylans hand and hold it as they walked. She had the biggest smile on her face. I was really hoping she did not get too attached to him. He is my boss. There is a line and it should not be crossed.

"Alright Emmie, we will get everything for the lasagna first."

"Okie Dokie momma."

Emmie walked to the aisle that had the pasta and pasta sauce. She grabbed the lasagna noodles and spaghetti sauce.

"She is very well behaved."

"Thank you. She is a smart little girl."

"That she is. Is she in school?"

"She starts first grade in the fall."

"Are you ready for that?"

"Not at all. I am glad she will be making more friends and getting her education, but it means that she is growing up and I am not ready for that."

"I can't say I know what that feels like, but I am sure that it makes you sad. Will you have any more children?"

"I am not sure. I haven't really thought about it much."


"Nope. When it comes to the future and dating or marriage and more children I don't exactly see me having that." I shrugged.

Why did he want to know so bad?

"Why not?"

"I just have some issues and I would rather no discuss them right now."

"Alright." He nodded.

"Emmie, lets go get the cheese and meat and the stuff for the cheesecake."

She nodded and smiled so big.

"Come on Mr. Rylan!" She squealed and then grabbed his hand and pulled him with her.

It was adorable to watch. I could picture Rylan as a dad. He would be really good with kids. He was really good with Emmie. I could see him and I having kids and - nope! No way am I thinking about this. I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone speaking. A voice I did not like at all and gave me goosebumps. And not the good kind.

"Well if it isn't Elizabeth."

I turned around and my smile faded.

"Hello Adrian."

"Where is that brat child of yours? Surely she isn't too far behind if you are here."

I balled up my fist.

"My child is not a brat."

"Oh yes she is. I mean biting me and yelling at me. What kind of good child does that?"

"The kind of child that doesn't want to see her mother get hit by a loser. Good bye Adrian."

He grabbed my wrist.

"You don't get to go anywhere until I say you do bitch."

Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Let her go." A deep voice said behind me.

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