Chapter Fifteen

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Rylan's Point Of View

I could not believe what Anna told me. That motherfucker thinks he can just come in after being out of Emmie's life for six years and just take her away. Well I will not let that happen. When we got back to my parents Elizabeth looked so broken. She just went up to her room. I went to go after her.

"Rylan, give her some space to break down and cry."

"I hate seeing her like this. She already has a lot going on and now Emmie's father wants to come in and try and take her away from Elizabeth. I can't let that happen."

"You really care for her don't you?"

"I do. It is scary how much I do. Especially after what happened with you know who and the fact that I haven't know her, but for a month now."

"Love has a way of sneaking up on you."

Love? I don't think that I was quite there yet, but I definitely know that I like her a lot.

"How much time do I give her? I want to go and make sure she is okay."

"Honestly? She is not okay. Her home was broken into and destroyed, her abusive ex was near her, and now the father of her child wants to take Emmie way from her. She is slowly breaking down and the reason she went to her room was more than likely because she didn't want anyone to see her break down. She is trying to be strong for her daughter, but it is getting to her."

"Do you think if I took us on a vacation she might relax a little bit?"

"A vacation? Where would you take her?"

"Not just me and her. I would take Emmie too and I was thinking of an Arctic resort maybe."

"I think it is a wonderful idea." My fathers voice came from behind me.

"Dad, why are you lurking?"

"I wasn't. I was walking in here and I happened to hear the conversation. While you all are away your mother and I will get a lawyer and look into the details of what was signed by her daughters father."

"You would do that?"

"Son, we already consider them family. I would do anything for them."

My parents were some of the sweetest people in the world. I knew he would always like anyone. Well except for her, but she is not a part of my life anymore. I smiled when he said he considers them family. I would honestly love it if they were my family, but I can't just dive right in. I have to still try and get Elizabeth to realize that I really like her and want to try a relationship with her. That is why I think the vacation is a great idea. It will give us time together with Emmie and see how things go.

I went to head upstairs. I stopped when I was right outside her door. I could hear her crying and it was breaking my heart. I knocked on her door.

"J-just a minute." I heard her sniffle.

After a few minutes she told me to come in.

"Elizabeth, are you okay? I know that is a stupid question seeing as you are clearly not okay."

"I will be fine Rylan. I am just having a hard time dealing with everything."  She whispered.

"Elizabeth, I want you to know that you will not go through this alone. You have my entire family and yours supporting you and I will always be here for you too." 

"I know that Rylan and I appreciate it I really do, but I am dragging you into my problems. That is the last thing that I wanted."

"I really do not care about being in your problems. I want to see this through with you which is why I want to know if you and Emmie would like to go on a vacation with me?"

"A-a vacation?"

"Yes, a vacation. I have a place in mind, but if there is somewhere else you want to go then I am completely open to it."

"Rylan, that is way too much and I cannot ask you to take us on a vacation."

"You aren't asking me to do anything. I thought of this all on my own and I want to do this. I think that it would do you some good to get away and relax and I think Emmie would like a vacation in general. Some fun outside of playgroup. Please?"

"Where did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of the Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort."

"An arctic resort?!" She said excitedly.

"Yes." I laughed.

"I have always wanted to go to one!"

"So is that a yes?"

"Oh my god yes. Absolutely yes!"

She jumped on me and hugged me. I was taken aback by first, but then I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. It felt nice having her in my arms. She pulled back and coughed awkwardly.

"I, um, I am sorry. That was not appropriate."

"It is fine. Trust me." I laughed.

"Should we go tell Emmie?"

"How about we tell her at dinner?"

"Sounds good to me."

Elizabeth and I walked downstairs. I could tell that her mood lightened a bit. We walked in and saw my parents, sister, and Emmie making dinner. They looked so happy.

"Elizabeth dear, are you feeling better?" My mom asked and Elizabeth looked at me.

"I am feeling much better. So what are we making?"

We all started helping out in the kitchen. I was really enjoying this. It just felt right. I had a huge smile on my face. Once dinner was done we sat down and ate. We talked about our day minus what happened at the store. It was all good. We cleaned up and Emmie went to play with Anna. I could tell that my sister really enjoyed having Emmie around. Even I enjoyed having Emmie around.  We all sat down to watch a movie. Of course Emmie decided and we ended up watching The Lion King. Emmie cried whem Simba's father died and it took everything in me not to tear up seeing her cry. Elizabeth was next to me and I had my arm around her shoulders. It felt nice. We all looked like one big happy family. Once the movie was over we were getting ready to head upstairs for the night when the doorbell rang. I looked at my watch.

10:15 pm.  Who could be at the door at this time? I walked over and opened the door instantly regretting it.

"Rylan baby! I have missed you so much!"


Chapter fifteen!

So this chapter was a bit shorter than I normally do. I have been really busy and wanted to get it up as soon as possible. Mom life never stops even for a second! Anyways!

They are going on a vacation!

Who was at the door?

Vote. Comment.

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