Chapter Eight

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I woke up the next morning and felt like crap. My entire body was sore and I could not stop coughing. After taking a hot shower I got out and heard my doorbell ring. I looked at the clock and it was to early for Luke to be here so who could it be? I quickly got dressed and went to the door. 

"Oh thank god! You didn't answer your phone or text messages. I was worried."

"Good morning to you too mother."

"You look horrible."

"Well thank you. I feel horrible too."

"Do you need to go to the doctor?"

"I am sure it is just a cold. Are you here to pick Emmie up?"

"Yes. She has play group in an hour."

"Right. I will get her up and get her dressed. You can stop and get her a doughnut for breakfast as I am running a bit behind."

I quickly got Emmie up and got her dressed. My mother said bye and I kissed Emmie and they were out the door. A few minutes later the doorbell rang again. This time it was Luke.

"Just give me five minutes to get dressed." I coughed.

"Are you sure you should be going in to work today Elizabeth?"

"It is only my third day. I can't possibly take a sick day already. I will be fine."

I sure hope I will be fine. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag and keys and left with Luke. The drive there was horrible. My head was spinning from the motion and I felt like I was going to be sick, but I held it in. Once the car stopped I stepped out and went straight to the building. I got in the elevator and put my head against the door. It felt so cold and so nice. The elevator dinged and I got off and went to my office. When I got there I saw flowers, balloons, and chocolates. I went to look at the card.

This is the start of my apology to you.

xoxo your secret admirer.

I put the card down and sat down. Who is doing this? I didn't dwell on it too much as I had work to do. I closed my door and began to work. Hours went by and I didn't even realize I missed lunch. I went to get up and I got very lightheaded. I held on to my desk and waited until it passed. I started to walk again and then my vision went blurry and I passed out.

Rylans Point Of View

I saw Elizabeth come in this morning. She looked really pale. I watched as she went to her office. I saw her read the note that I left and then she closed her door. No smile or anything. Maybe she is really out of it today. I got busy doing work and going to my meetings. Lunch had come and gone and I never once saw Elizabeth leave her office.

"Hey man, can I talk to you for a minute?" Luke asked.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well I had dinner with Elizabeth yesterday and she told me what happened."

"She did?"

"Yes and I want to tell you that you are an idiot. Basically calling her a whore or to be whore. What is wrong with you?"

"I was panicking okay?"

"About what?"

"I stayed at her parents house the other night."

"I know. Her daughter spilled the beans."

"Yea and after my shower I went to tell them goodnight and I heard Emmie and Elizabeth talking. Emmie asked if I was going to be here new dad. So I panicked."

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