Chapter Twelve

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Rylan's Point Of View

Elizabeth and I walked inside, ready to head upstairs when the front door opened. I was so angry to see the person that was standing there. Theo. My brother. The only man I really hate besides the two people have hurt Elizabeth. Why do I hate him? That's for another time.

"Hello Ry." He said.

"Theo." I said through gritted teeth.

"What? No hello? It's been what? 5 years, almost 6? I think it is time to bury the hatchet."

I wanted to punch him in the face so bad. I was about to until I felt Elizabeth grab my hand. I turned to her and she looked up at me and I instantly softened up.

"Theo, right now is not a good time."

"Why? Oh because you're about to take your whore of the year upstairs and fuck her."

I balled my fists. How dare he say that, especially right in front of her. I noticed she balled her fists as well.

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth said in a deadly calm voice.

"I said you are his who-" Before he could finish Elizabeth punched him in the face. She scrunched her face then shook her hand. It must have hurt.

"What the fuck lady!"

"DO NOT EVER CALL ME A WHORE." She said then went to walk upstairs. She turned to me and I was dying of laughter. She told me goodnight then walked up the stairs. I was still laughing.

"Why the hell are you laughing?"

"Because that was the funniest shit I have ever seen. You should not have called her a whore."

"Well isn't she your whore for the night?"

"No and you should know better than to just assume things about me."

"Damn this hurts so bad."

"Serves you right. I am so glad I did not get that after what I said to her."

"Did you call her a whore too?'

"Something like that, except she only slapped me. Guess I got lucky. Why are you here?"

I got straight to the point. I was not in the mood to talk to him about anything really.

"I want to talk. I know you are angry with me, but you never gave me a chance to explain what happened."

"I think I got a pretty good idea of what happened."

"No you really don't and I want to talk to you about it. It has been years. Just let me explain then you can continue hating me if you want to."

I was about to reply when I was about to reply Emmie came running in squealing.

"Rylan, grandpa is going to get me." She hid behind my leg and I saw my dad walking in the room.

"Come on Emmie, the tickle monster wants to play." He laughed.

"NO!" She laughed.

It was the cutest thing I have ever seen and she called him grandpa. I laughed deeply.

"Dad, leave the poor girl alone."

"Fine, fine. How about we go get a snack then we can get you ready for bed?" He asked Emmie.

"Yes!" He took her hand and they walked off.

"Do you have a daughter that I don't know about?"

"What? No. Emmie is Elizabeth's daughter. You know, the girl that you called a whore. Elizabeth is an employee of mine whose house got broken into and she needed a place to stay."

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