Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Oh my god! Thank you all so much!" I said as people came up to hug me.

"Happy birthday my baby girl!"

"Come on dad. I am not a baby anymore." I whined.

"You are my only girl so you will always be my baby girl." He said and gave me a kiss.

"Who planned all of this?"

"Mallory got all the decorations and all that, but it was my idea for the party. We all contributed to it to make it happen." I heard my mother say.

I went to hug when she screamed.

"OW! Mom why are you screaming like that?"

"What is that on your finger?!" He smiled excitedly.

"Oh that." I blushed.

"Yes that." By this point everyone was around.

"Well, Rylan proposed to me tonight."

There were screams everywhere.

"Congratulations!" I heard a mans voice behind me and when I turned around I wanted to cry.

"Auden!" I yelled and hugged him.

"Hey there."

"I can't believe you are here. I thought you would be still at school studying."

"I took the weekend off to be here. I knew there was some stuff going on and I am so sorry I couldn't be here to help you with it, but you seem to be doing very well. When do I get to meet this fiance of yours."

"Right now." I said and grabbed Rylan's hand.

"Rylan this is my brother Auden, Auden this is Rylan. My fiance."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too. I don't want to ruin the moment, but if you hurt my sister, I am studying to be a doctor. I can make your death look like an accident." Auden said seriously and I could see that Rylan was a little scared.

"No worries. I would never do anything to hurt your sister. I love her."

"Good answer." He laughed.

"So are you here all weekend or just tonight?"

"All weekend. I need to see you and mom and dad and of course my beautiful little niece Emmie. Where is she?"

"I'm right here uncle Aud!" Emmie said.

"My, my how you have grown. Getting bigger every day."

"Well if you came to see me more often then you wouldn't miss me growing." Emmie laughed.

"I know. Once I am officially done with school I will take some time off and we can go on a vacation and spend a bunch of time together!"

"I love that idea!"

We all laughed. It felt really good having my entire family here. After everyone talked for a bit we had some food and then we did gifts. As much as I loved everyone's gift, nothing would top Rylan proposing. After the gifts they all sang happy birthday and we cut into the cake. It was a wonderful birthday. Around eleven at night everyone was getting ready to leave. I said goodbye to everyone and was about to go tuck Emmie in when Rylan stopped me.

"You missy are coming with me." He said and dragged me out of the house.

We got in his car and he drove us to a beautiful bed and breakfast.

"What is this?"

"This is where you and I are staying tonight. I wanted to get some alone time with you before we go back to our busy lives tomorrow."

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