Chapter Twenty Three

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This could not be happening. It is like a bad nightmare.

"Someone get me a stretcher!" I screamed and the nurses came running once we go to the hospital.

"Ma'am can you tell us what happened?"

"He got shot. Can you not see! Help him please." I began to cry.

"We will do all we can ma'am."

I sat there in the hospital for five hours waiting to hear something about him. Anything.

"Elizabeth dear. Are you okay? What is on your mind?"

"I am not okay. My life is full of drama and chaos and because of that he got shot. It is all my fault." I sobbed.

"Please don't cry. None of this is your fault."

"Yes it is. If I hadn't been at that restaurant Trent would not have seen us and he wouldn't have wanted Emmie. I could have avoided all this and now because of it your son is in a hospital because he was shot by my exes crazy ex fiance."

"Rylan is a fighter my dear. I am sure he is perfectly fine."

I wanted to believe that. I really did.

"Maybe I should just pack up Emmie and I and leave. It seems to be the best way to get all this drama out of everyone's lives."

"Don't you dare say that ever again. Emmie and you have become a part of the family. What happened has happened and we can't change it, but we can move forward."

"What is Rylan doesn't want anything to do with me after this?"

"Then I will beat him because he is making bad choices." I laughed a little bit.

"Family of Rylan Masters." I heard the doctor say.

"He was shot in the shoulder. It got lodged, but we were able to remove it during surgery. He was not harmed in any other way and is expected to make a full recovery."

"When can we see him?" Mallory asked.

"He should be waking up in the next hour or so. Once he is awake I will come and get you."

"Thank you."

Thank God he was going to be alright. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him. Two hours passed and the doctor told us he woke up. I let everyone else go in and see him first. 

"Elizabeth. He is asking for you."

I nodded and walked to his room. I stopped at the door preparing for him to say he wanted nothing to do with me ever again. I opened the door and walked in. Seeing him on the bed like that made me start to cry.

"Hey." He said.

"H-hi." I choked out.

He just stared at me.

"This is it isn't it?"

"What? The moment you tell me that you like me, but my life causes  too much drama and that we should go our separate ways." I said with my head down.


"I knew it! I fucked up your life and now you want nothing to do with me. I don't blame you. My life is a mess."

I continued to ramble on.

"ELIZABETH!" Rylan screamed and I shut up.

"I still want to be your boyfriend and I still want you to be my girlfriend."

"What? How could you possibly want that? I got you shot!"

"Technically you didn't. Trent was the one who moved when crazy girl told him not to and I was just protecting my girl. Besides. It is just my shoulder. I will heal. Besides after I get out of here we are going on that vacation then when we get back we are going to move into our own place."

"Do you really mean it?"

"Of course I do. I want us to start all over. I want you, Emmie and I to live in our own place and do our own things like a family. I know Emmie will still have her time with Trent and that is fine, but I want us to do family things too."

I stared at him. He wants me and Emmie. He wants us to be a family. I couldn't have heard any better words in this moment.

"I would like that very much." I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"So did she get arrested?"

"She did. I don't think she will be getting out for a long time."

"Good. You know we still have Laken and Taryn to worry about at work. They won't let me go."

"Well then they can prepare to get their ass beat because I am not letting you go either."

"I don't want you to ever let me go."

"Never." I smiled and kissed him again.

I asked the nurse if I could stay overnight with him. She agreed which I was happy with. I would never be able to make it up to him for protecting me. I will need to be the best girlfriend ever. I sat there as the nurse checked his vitals. I couldn't help watch and she openly flirted with him.

"So do you think that I could get your number and we can meet up  once you are out of here?" I heard the nurse ask.

"I would say yes, but I have a girlfriend, who is sitting right over there." Rylan pointed at me and I waved and the nurse blushed and apologized. 

Being truthful, I had gotten used to girls flirting with Rylan. I can see why they think I would be a family member or best friend. I am nothing amazing to look at. He is super handsome and looks like he belongs with models. I sometimes question why he is with me and not with a model, but then I think about how lucky I am that he did choose me.

"Elizabeth, we should start looking at places that we want to live in."

"We can do that tomorrow. You need rest and I will need to grab my computer from the house and bring Emmie. She has been wanting to see you."

"Sounds like a plan. Will you lay next to me tonight?"

"I don't want to hurt your shoulder."

"Just lay on the other side. Please?"

"Fine." I said and rolled my eyes.

We laid there in a peaceful silence. I could hear his heartbeat and it was a soothing sound. 



"I love you."


Chapter Twenty Three!

He lives! and he said he loves her! 

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