Part 28: All Isn't Lost

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"What am I going to do Paul? I mean...I have no job now! Ross has thrown me out, Nico is rubbing it in my face and my chances of my contract being renewed for next year are virtually non-existent!" I wailed heartedly, my face burning with the realisation that I was now jobless, and most certainly going to be homeless as I now didnt have any form of income to even keep a roof over my head. "Calm down Nikki, I am sure everything will work out alright in the end, you'll see" I could see Paul was trying to be optimistic but as ever, his efforts had failed miserbly to lift my mood, which made me hate myself a little more. "But what am I going to do? Without a job, I'll be homeless!" I could see Paul was getting a little frustrated with my out of proportion wails of protest, unnecessary as I should have known he would never havel let me sleep on the street. He leaned closer to me as I laid myself flat on the slightly scratchy sheets of the hospital bed, shuffling around to find a position which was most comfortable for my recoperating body. Once I had found a satisfoctory position, Paul leaned closer towards me and leaned some of his weight on the edge of the make shift bed, prepping a gentle kiss to my slightly sweaty forehead and smiling down at my wilting eyes. Despite his convicing smile, I could still sense the frustraion raging war through his pupils, making me feel a little on edge. Before i was granted with an oppotunity to speak, Paul placed his fingertips to my lips and silenced me at once. "Do you honestly think I would let you sleep rough on the streets, even if it did come to that Nikki? And besides, it would never come to that, because look how popoular and famous you have become! There are bound to be some odd jobs and part time stints you could be getting on with to earn the money you need and stay familiar with your fans" He was most certainly right. I couldn't argue that just because this years chances of becoming world champion had washed down the drain, it didnt mean that this was it. I smiled gently up towards him, placing my hand gently onto the contours of his cheek and smoothing my thumb over his sublte flesh. "I know..I am sorry Paul it's just well you know how it is...I'm just worried that I'll never get an oppotunity like that again. And it was Nico's fault I was even in that collision in the first place. I was just as shocked as the next person that he wasn't suspended from the next race or at the very least given a penalty! Thanks to him and his vengful ways, my title chances are no more" I knew moaning about it wasn't going to solve anything but I couldn't help myself. Reluctantly, I pulled my hand away from Paul's jawline and rested my hands on my upper abdomen, closing my eyes in wake of his perfectly coorindated touch. "It'll be alright Nikki, stop worrying so..Ross called by this morning while you was sound asleep and explained to me that after you have been discharged from hospital, DAMS are looking for a new team leader, and they want you to fill the postion" My face dropped a little out of concern. I wasn't so sure about the idea of leading a bunch of rookies, my idea of a good time was out on the track and most certainly not sitting on the sidelines "Don't look so tragic Nikki, it's only for a year! Ross has granted the renewal of your contract at the end of the season so this placement will only be for this year" I sighed gently and averted my gaze away from Paul's for a split second, gathering my thoughts together before returning to his gaze, but rather stubbornly as this wasn't my idea of a perfect scenario. But I guess beggers couldn't be choosers. After another moment of deliberation, I nodded my head, a smile spreading the all corners of my perfectly chiseled cheeks "Okay, I guess it's better then doing promo work for the rest of the year. I guess I owe Ross a huge amount now!" I was all smiles on the outside, but internally, I was still unsure as to how this new found challenge would pan out. But nethertheless, I was determined to go against the odds, and bring DAMS to victory.

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