Part 18: Nightmare On Dream Street

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*"Shut up Nikki!.......You don't deserve his time you complete and utter slut! Look at you! All you do is drive that stupid car around pointless tracks all around the world and for what? NOTHING! It's all pointless! Why don't you do something useful with your life, rather than sit around a car all day, flirting with the guys and chasing attention, you cow! Your so fake! Paul is too good for you, and I am going to prove that! I'm going to take him away from you and show him what a real women can do! He deserves a real women with real intentions........YOU SLUT! I'M GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU!!! COME HERE!!! DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY FROM ME!!......."*

"No.....No......stop.....stop....GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!!!....." I shot up, feeling the sweat ooze from my forehead. My heart was pumping so hard inside the boundaries of my chest; I was beginning to feel it might jump out of my chest and start running around the room! I sighed heavily, realising that the images I had just seen, had just been a terrible nightmare......though I still couldn't be sure. I turned my head towards the night stand and looked tiredly at the clock. 3.45AM. Great. Fantastic. On race day as well. I threw my head back onto the soft comfortable pillow that had soundly rested my head for the past three hours and turned to face Paul. He was sleeping blissfully beside me, snoring softly all the while. I smiled warmly at him, loving how calm and mellow he looked deep in his sleep. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about, wondering if it was me he was seeing in those beautiful dreams he was no doubly having. If it was anything like what had happened earlier, no wonder he was looking so peaceful!

I felt around the bed for my long forgotten dressing gown to cover up my cold, exposed body, while using the covers as a temporary substitute. It was weird how just hours ago, me and Paul where having the time of our lives, doing things that where out of this world, exciting and satisfying. I finally managed to pulled out my dressing gown from underneath Paul's sweaty body and slipped it on, covering my modesty and hiding away my desired mysteries. As I went to step out of the luxurious bed sted, I felt my feet touch something cold and hard on the floor. I reached downwards and searched around, and picked up and ob longed shaped book type object. I switched on the light and struggled to keep my eyes open from the sudden array of light that was penetrating my eyes. As my pupils stabilised, I noticed the cover of the book. I knew I shouldnt look but I opened it up anyway, making sure I had my back turned, so Paul couldn't see. I flickered through to the first page and read silently, smiling from ear to ear...

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