Chapter 33: Bacherlorette/Bacherlor Party (bonus chapter)

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The next morning (in New Orleans)
August POV
           I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the hotel door. I nudged Arian and said "baybeh get the doe, my head killin me" she slammed the covers off of her and said loudly "that's what you get for drinking like a fish last night!" I sat up and looked at her like she lost her mind. "Girl I almost just knocked you out." I pointed my finger at her as she walked out "keep playin wit me and I'm gone be on a episode of snapped!" I said laying back down.
I heard her open the door and shortly after a commotion started. I tried to ignore it, but eventually I had to get up and see what was going on. I walked into the other part of the hotel room and seen Nina sobbing into Arian's chest like a baby. "What the hell going on?" I said while slipping a shirt over my head. Arian looked up at me and said "I don't know, she just walked in and wouldn't stop crying. I don't think I've ever seen her cry in my life. I don't know what to do August." She said with watery eyes.
              I walked over and scooped her up bridal style and headed towards the outside balcony. Arian called out to me "what are you doing?" I turned to her and said "just give me a minute to talk to her aight baybeh." She just nodded her head. I walked out onto the balcony and sat Nina down onto a chair. I squatted in front of her and just hugged her and let her cry "just let it all out" I said to her.
              We sat there like that until she had no more tears left. I leaned back and looked at her "you ready to talk? Although I think I can guess what these tears about." I said. She nodded "I'm just tired Aug. I feel like I don't have anyone. I've always had to be strong. I didn't have a choice but to be. I didn't grow up in a neighborhood like yours, but if the walls of my home could talk when I was a kid-" she just stopped and shook her head.
            "We a lot more alike then I thought. I know what that feels like to feel alone, shit hurts, but you don't got to be strong all the time." I said staring at her "I learned that it's ok to cry, it don't make you weak. Crying cleanses the spirit." I hugged her close to me and said "and if you ever need someone outside all these big head ass Greys', I've always wanted a lil sista." I smiled at her.
              She smiled back at me and nodded her head "you mean that?" I nodded "I ain't just talkin. You officially my baybeh sista. So now we both can feel a lil less lonely in this hea thing called life. I'm warnin you now I'm gonna take this role serious as hell! Ain't gone be no niggas sniffing around cause I will happily beat they ass!" I said. She started laughing.
                 "You wouldn't have to beat they ass Aug especially wit your breath smelling like 10 pounds of bounce that ass. Damn boy! Give me 50 feet!" She said pushing me back. I laughed and burped and blew my breath in her face. "Now smell all that shit." She gagged "OMG you're going to make me throw up! It's smells like your ass is coming out of your mouth!" I laughed.
             She got serious all of a sudden and said "thank you August." I looked at her confused "what you thanking me fa?" "Just for being such a great person. Arian really deserves someone like you. And thanks for being the big brother that I never knew I needed." She said hugging me. I hugged her back "you don't got to thank me. That man for you will step up I promise. Don't think I'm only doing this fa you this is completely selfish on my part, cause like I said I always wanted a lil sister, you presented me with the opportunity to have one."
            "And let that Michael shit go if he not respecting you the way he should, cause ain't no sista of mine gone be chasing no nigga." I said pointing at her. She nodded her head "I made the decision last night that I was done with that for good. I deserve someone who will love me. I promised my mom before she died that I wouldn't be like her. I can't break that promise." She said finally.
               After a few more minutes of talking we went back inside the room to see Arian pacing back and forth. She ran up to Nina and hugged her tight. "Are you ok Nae?! Who did it?! I'll beat they ass! You know I will! Just point me to them!" She said with tears in her eyes. I smacked my teeth "you sitting there near tears talking bout fightin somebody shut up! Wit yo wanna be Mayweather ass."
              "Yeah and just like Mayweather I'm undefeated you better ask about me! Don't forget about that black eye you got negro." She yelled at me. I turned around real quick cause I was still hot off that shit "that shit don't count! You snuck my ass!" I said walking towards her. She shrugged "a win is a win." Nina laughed "she did beat yo ass big bro."
A week before the wedding
Bachelorette party night/ Bachelor party night
Arian POV
We had all just landed in Las Vegas and I was so excited, all my bridesmaids would be here, and I planned to get wasted and not remember anything that happens. "You gone behave this weekend?" August said wrapping his arm around my waist. I smiled "well in the spirit of being honest with one" I said walking ahead of him getting into the limo with my brothers and an almost drunk Nina.
She had started throwing them back on the plane. "GIRL WE ABOUT TO BE SO LIT!" she said loudly standing up to stick her head out the roof. "Woooooooh Las Vegaaaas It's About to go down!" She yelled. August laughed and yanked her back into the limo. "Sit down, Arian pass me some water baybeh." He said.
I passed him a open bottle of water and watched as he tried to force her to drink it. I laughed and said "baby you're doing it wrong." I took the bottle from him and said "Nina if you drink this water we can go get food!" She snatched the water out of my hand and drank the whole bottle. August shook his head "that don't make no sense how hungry y'all females be."
                Michael tried to scoot over to get closer to Nina and August stretched his legs across the seat to block. Nina looked over at Michael and laughed loud with her mouth all open and yelled "nigga you thought!"

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