Chapter 32: Wrap It Up Then

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1 month Until The Wedding
       Arian POV
I walked out to the end of the driveway and checked the mailbox only to see one of our wedding invitations in there. It was the one I had sent to August's mom behind his back. It had been returned to sender with a letter attached. The letter read:
Although I'm happy for you I'm going to have to decline your invitation to come to your wedding. Family doesn't turn their back on one another. EVER. You turned your back on me a long time ago and now you have the nerve to send me an invitation to some shot gun wedding to some chick I've never even met! I'll pass. Oh and your step father is safe and back at home...not that you care!
I was absolutely livid. This woman just continues to amaze me with her antics. "Hey baybeh!" August said with his window down pulling into the driveway. I nearly jumped out of my skin, I turned around and smiled as I stuffed the letter into the back of my pants "hey boo bear" I walked towards the car and leaned in and kissed him.
We made the kiss short and sweet to keep our hormones in check. Ever since we almost gave in a few months back we've tried to keep everything PG, because the two of us in a bath together almost got out of hand. "Did I get any mail?" He said breaking me out of my thoughts. "Just some junk mail" I said back. "Come on hop in I'll ride you back up to the house." I walked around and hopped in.
As we were riding up I sent Nina a quick text telling her we needed to talk. As we walked into the house August picked up the conversation again "so how was ya day?" He said as he wrapped his arms around me. I just closed my eyes and basked in the feel of being his presence again "it was ok just long. I picked up my dress today!" I said excitedly
                "You gonna let me get a sneak peak?" He said "hell no! Your gonna see it on the day of! That's bad luck fool" he started laughing "I'm just gonna sneak and look" I smiled up at him "see I thought you would do some shady shit like that so that's why I hid both dresses at my parent's house." I said walking away from him. He smacked my ass as hard as he could "ouch!" I screamed out "that's what you get for plotting on me!"
               I rolled my eyes at him as I went up the stairs "roll'em again" he said taking a step towards me. I rolled them again and he said "aight" next thing I knew he shot towards me I started running up the stairs laughing.
           I was gonna enjoy this moment with him now and handle the nonsense later.
The next day
"What did you need to talk to me about?" Nina said the next morning in my office. "It's about this." I said showing her the letter. She took a moment to read it . Her face began to scrunch up and turn red "are you kidding me!" She yelled out "is this lady serious?!" "She obviously is I want to go down there." I said to her.
She looked at me like I was crazy. "Arian I don't know, have you talked to August about this?" "No, and I never plan to, but she needs to be told about herself. I don't want to risk him being hurt later on so I'm going to go down there and tell her that until she has his best interests at heart to just not contact him." "That's not your place! That's still his mother!"
"I don't care! You didn't see the way she hurt him the last time. I thought by sending the invitation she'd see how much his life was changing and how much she was missing out on, but she doesn't care Nina. So I'm just gonna go down there and say my piece and be done with it for him. I'm not gonna let her keep hurting him. Are you riding or what?"
           She looked at me or a minute and then rolled her eyes "you know I'm always gonna ride. When we leaving?" I smiled and said "we're leaving tonight and we'll be back day after tomorrow." "Ok sounds good. Guess I better head out early to go home and pack." I nodded my head. "What are you going to tell August?" I shrugged "I'm just gonna tell him it's last minute business thing that I forgot about." "Aren't you learning in that marriage counseling not to be lying to one another!" She said looking at me crazy. "It's just this once and it's for a good cause. I won't do it anymore after this."
I made it home later that afternoon and started packing a bag to leave when I heard the dogs start barking downstairs. "Baybeh you hea?!" August yelled from downstairs "yeah what are you doing home this early!" I screamed back. He came into the room "a nigga had to take a shit and you know I don't fuck with them porta potties" he said rubbing his stomach walking into the bathroom.
I continued to pack until I heard him say "Arian come hea real quick!" "No! You stink in there!" I said back. He smacked his lips and said "man come hea!" I walked into the bathroom with my face scrunched up "what?!" He looked at me crazy "who you talking ta? I ain't the one! I called you in hea cause I wanted to know what you packing a bag fa?" He said looking extra relaxed on the toilet.
"Me and Nina have this last minute seminar in Knoxville, Tennessee. We're gonna be speaking to some vet students at UT." I thought my lie sounded pretty legit. "Oh ok well damn how long you gone be gone?" "I'll be back in a couple days. And when I get back we have another house to look at."
"Aight get on out of hea so I can wipe my ass." "The way you got it smelling in here you need to hop in that shower and wash that ass. You already sitting over there naked." I said laughing walking out. "And you still love my stankin ass so shut that shit up!" He yelled on the other side of the door.
August POV
               "I don't want you to go baybeh." I said watching Arian as she closed her bag. "I already had daddy get the jet fueled, the pilot is on standby. And I already told them I was coming." She said sitting on my lap. "Besides you have your poker night tomorrow night with my dad and brothers, so you won't even miss me." She said kissing on me. "Yes I will. Don't do this, don't goooo. Look a nigga will eat ya ass if you stay." I said looking at her dead in the eye. She fell over laughing "knock it off fool!First of all I don't want you to eat my ass! And lastly you would never!"
            I started laughing "aight you right. My lips too sensitive to be eatin booty, I was just trying to sound desperate." "Well you achieved it." She said getting up "you carry my stuff to the car? It's time for me to head out and I still have to pick up Nina." "Yeah I got you." I said picking up her bag following her downstairs.
We got out to the car and put her bag in the car and I pulled her into my arms. I leaned down and kissed her, and she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened it. We stood there for a while making out before she said "boo bear I have to go." I nodded my head and kissed her one last time "I love you call me as soon as you land and get settled ok." "I love you too and I will." She said before getting in and driving off.

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