Chapter 21: Dreamer

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August POV
           I sat on the side of Arian's bed watching her. She was covered in tubes and wires. Once she made it to the hospital she had been rushed into observation where they discovered she had organ damage from the beating. She was rushed into surgery and during surgery she fell into a coma.
             It's been a week since that night and now her parents and her brothers and I just been hanging around the hospital hoping she'd wake up soon. "August you need to go home and get some rest sweetheart, I'll call you if anything changes." Mama Joyce said as she rubbed my back.
"I don't want to leave and then she wakes up and I'm not here. I can't leave her again mama." I said in reply.
"Well I'm going to go downstairs and get you something to eat, and don't say you're not hungry, from the cafeteria, and I'm gonna sit here and watch you eat every last bite. You've gotta take care of yourself too." She said sternly.
"Yes ma'am."
Arian POV
"HELLO" I screamed "is anybody out there?" I had been sitting in this dark place for what seemed like hours now. All of sudden a burst of light appeared.
"Damn girl you ain't gotta scream" he said in the accent I had grown so fond of. I turned and looked at a darker older version of August.
"Who are you?"
"Don't play shawty you know who I am."
"The one and only" he said doing slow spin with out stretched arms. I smiled at him.
"It's nice to meet you."
"Can't say the same" I frowned "excuse you"
I said.
"You're excused" he said back. "I said what I said. I'm not happy to see you here. My baybeh brother can't take losing nobody else."
"I want to go back to him! I'm not doing it on purpose!"

"Who you yelling at? You better respect your elders girl! Act like you got some sense!"
I smiled to myself, "August sounds just like you. It's weird how much y'all look alike" I said staring at him.

"Yeah well you gonna lose him if you don't wake up soon." He said back "You can't be here for long there's consequences. I'm gonna show you what's gonna happen if you don't start fighting to wake up."

He reached out and grabbed my hand and suddenly we were inside a run down house. There were people everywhere laying around looking a mess. We started walking through and suddenly we came across a man laying with a dog cuddled to his side. He rolled over and pulled a needle out and started prepping himself.

I immediately started backing away from what I was seeing. Mel grabbed my arm and said "no you need to see it til the end." I watched as August shot himself up and something must have went wrong because he began to seize.

I stood there and watched the love of my life take his last breath.
I shoved Mel away from me and ran out but found myself back in the same place where I began before all this started. Just the empty room.

"You see he needs you. After you wouldn't wake up from the coma your condition worsened you went brain dead and they were forced to pull the plug. August couldn't take it so he turned to drugs to numb the pain."

"That can't be real." I said shaking my head. "It's real and it will happen, I don't want that for my brother he's been through a lot. He's seen a lot." He said in reply.

"I know he told me about what happened to you and everything with your mom." "Everyday I wish I could be there for him. I failed him in the worst way, I left him all alone , he's never even gone back to visit my grave." He said looking down.

I looked at him sadly "your brother loves you more than anything. You did the best you could. It's not your fault what happened to you."

He looked down "yes it is, but I'm doing better as a big brother to him now. I'm damn sure not about to let all my hard work go down the drain so you need to fight." He said looking me in the eyes. "Fight how Mel?" I said feeling defeated.

"If you won't fight for your own life atleast fight for my baybeh brothers." He said to me.

"Isn't there a part in this where you're supposed to show me what would happen if  I woke up?"
He smiled "yeah, but I'm not cause I'm an asshole. I want you to wake up and go find out for yourself what's going to happen."

"How!" I screamed in frustration "I want to wake up Mel, I really do, but I can't!"
"Yes you can just lay down and close your eyes and when you open them you'll be right where you need to be."
I laid down and as I went to close my eyes I heard Mel say "hey Arian" I turned and looked at him and said "yeah?"
"Tell my baybeh brother I love him and I'm proud of the man he's become. Oh and on his wedding day Drizzy needs to wear a bow tie and a top hat" I laughed and then stared into his eyes, those same eyes I had looked into countless times. "Your-"
"Shhh" he said cutting me off smiling "I couldn't leave my baybeh brother to fend for himself now could I? He needed a guardian angel." I reached up and hugged him tightly to me, and not even a moment later he winked and walked off and disappeared.

I laid back and closed my eyes and prayed that when I opened them I'd be with August again.

August POV
The more I sat there looking at Arian's face all bruised and swollen the more angry I became. I got up and everyone looked at me. "I'm gonna step out to make a phone call real quick I'a be back" I told them.

I dialed the one number I knew I could call at a time like this. It rung twice before they answered "wassam yung? It's been a minute"
"Wassam. Yea I know I been busy. I need y'all to fly out here to Atlanta I need help with an extermination." I said getting to the point.

"We on the way." And then the line went dead. That's how it had always been. No questions. They was always ready to ride. I sat out in the lobby for a few more minutes with my head down until I heard "you aight bro?" It was Blake. We had a rough start, but now we had become pretty close.

We found out we were a lot alike. "Yeah I'm good, it's just hard seeing her like that. Just laying there immobile." He nodded his head in agreement.

"So extermination huh?" He said, my head shot up to his face. "You wasn't supposed hear that." I said. "Look I don't care about all that whoever  did this messed with my baby sister. She laying in there like sleeping beauty, except this here is real life", he said while pointing down, "and ain't no kiss gone save her. The only thing I want is somebody to be dead for this shit they did." He said finally.

I looked at him and nodded my head before dappin him up. "I got some people on the way to help us out with that. I don't want to do nothing until she wake up though." I said looking at him while I stood up. "Aight bet" was all he said before we walked back into Arian's room.

Author's note: Sooooo it's been a minute. That's my bad! 😩 I've been going through it with some health related issues, but I'm back! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes. Don't forget to vote and comment! 😊

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